chapter 3.

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    I knew something is up. I knew it. Even on the selfie. The way he looked at her and she was all over him.
"Why are you at Justin's house?" I asked in a sassy tone.
"Woah. Do I know you or some shit?" Chantel snapped.
"I don't know you, but I know Justin. Answer my question" I said.
"I'm here at his house because I stayed over his place. Since we were at a party-" before she could finish I could hear somebody in the background.
"Give me my phone! Who are you talking to?" I heard a familiar voice in the other line. It's Justin.
"It's some bitch. She's all up in our business" I heard.
What does she mean by 'all up in our business?
"Okay first my name is Evelin" I yelled.
Julie and Lucy were staring at me. They knew there was something wrong.
"Oh shit" I heard Justin " give me the phone".
"No. I want to teach her a lesson to not talk shi-" before she could finish Justin interrupted her.
"Evelin I'm sor-" before he could finish I hanged up on him.
I throw my phone to the wall. My phone broke in million of pieces. That's how piss I am.
"Evelin" Lucy looked at me. I quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom.
I'm literally so over this drama.
First the Boy from StarBucks, now Justin is basically cheating on me.
I sat on my bed and crawl up in a ball. I started crying.

Justin's POV;

   I felt very bad. Evelin hanged up on me, she now knows I'm cheating on her.
Last night I was at a party. I was drunk, very drunk. Me and Chantel hooked up. I wasn't thinking straight. But we went over my house. We had sex, she wasn't even drunk. But I was.
Now I woke up with her next to me and talking to Evelin on the phone.
I was naked, she had but on one of my big shirts.
"Justin, who was that girl on the phone?" Chantel interrupted my thoughts.
I don't know if I should tell her or not. She'll probably get angry at me. Or she'll be cool with it. I might just tell her the truth.
"Um she's Evelin" I spoke, I swallowed so hard.
"Oh isn't it that cool and famous super model?" She asked, I nodded.
"She definitely isn't even that cool. She's a bitch" Chantel said.
Did she really just called my girlfriend a 'bitch'.
I know Evelin isn't even a 'bitch'. She's a sweet and nice person, that's one of the reasons why I love her.
"She isn't a bitch. You just don't know her." I said, defending Evelin.
She furrowed her huge ass eyebrows at me.
"Why are you defending her? We literally just made love last night, I thought we had something? Who is she? Is she your girlfriend or a person you really like?" Chantel crossed her arms.
I guess I have to tell her the truth.
"Okay she is Evelin, my girlfriend. We didn't made love last night or that I love you. I was just drunk, there is a difference. And I made a mistake. You're just a hoe trying to have sex with celebrities" I confessed.
She still giving me that look.
"So you have a girlfriend. And she's the bitch I talked to on the phone" Chantel asked me
"She isn't a bitch. You are bitch here. Now leave" I pointed to the door.
"Wow. I can't believe I slept with a hoe & bitch" Chantel snapped and went upstairs.
She got dressed back to her black tight dress and black high heels. Then she left.
Thank god she left, she was getting on my nerves. Now I have to talk to Evelin.  I might just tell her the truth I slept with a slut. Shit...

Hey guys. I need to start being more active on Wattpad,, sorry🌚

[sorry if there is any mistakes💘]

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