chapter 25.

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[Justin's pov]

We stayed at the hospital for 3 days, you know to do all of that because the baby was jus born.
I wanted to go home and carry my child and take care of her.
Anyway, today is the last day at the hospital. I'm really excited to introduce my baby to our home.
Evelin is very tired, exhausted.
By the way the baby girl's name child is officially Julie.
Evelin actually liked that name, I am still proud till this day.
The nurses help put Julie in the baby carrier.
They covered her with blankets so she won't feel cold.
I've watched the doctors change the Julie's diaper, clothes, etc. so I can do it myself once we get back to our house.
I really want to be there for Evelin and help her with Julie. I don't ever want to be one of those lazy fat dads who just sit around and do nothing or help the mom with the child.
I want to help my child and help Evelin.
Because what I or we all know it's a lot of work to raise a baby or child.
Evelin walked out of the restroom in her normal clothes. Not with the hospital clothing and stuff.
She seems happy in her clothes.
She would complain about how ugly the hospital clothing is. That it isn't her style.
I mean, I don't blame her.

We arrived back home. "Home Fucking sweet home!" Evelin screamed out loud as she shuts the door from behind.
"Hush don't say that in front of our child !" I said as I put the baby carrier on the sofa.
Evelin giggled as she walked over to us.
I peaked inside the baby carrier and notice Julie is awake.
"See you woke her up and she heard the naughty word you screamed" I said.
"Are you going to be a overprotective daddy?" Evelin put her hands on her hips.
I took Julie out of the baby carrier and carried her in my arms as I simply answered "of course".
Evelin pecked my lips, I looked into her eyes "you're going to be a great father" Evelin said.
I smiled at her and thanked her.
"Now where should I begin about the house- OR MY CARS!" I said with excitement.
"What are you going to do with her?" Evelin asked.
"I'm show her around, duh." I said as I begin showing Julie the living room.

As days and weeks past I've learned a lot about taking care of my own child.
It's a lot of work. But at the end of the day it will be worth it.
Julie would cry in the middle of the night. Either she is hungry or need to be changed.
I would help Evelin. But the only thing I can do is change the baby's diaper. Obviously I can't breastfeed Julie.
I would also comfort Evelin because she's so tired and stressed.
I wish I can do more to help her.
By how she has been acting , I think she's a little depress.
She begin drinking.
I would stop her because it would effect the baby and her stress.
"Evelin that doesn't help. Stop that" I tried to take the bottle from her.
"No!" Evelin yelled.
We kept pulling the bottle back and forth until it fell down on the ground that it broke into million tiny pieces.
The baby broke into tears by the loud crash.
"Ugh" I groan as i bent down begin picking up the big glasses first.
"I'm sorry Justin" Evelin said.
"It's fine" I simply said.
Evelin went to carry the baby to calm Julie down.
Once I finished I rush over to see if Evelin is doing anything suspicious.
Evelin would light up a cigarette behind  my back, but I would stop her before she could do the harm.
I saw Evelin put Julie back into the crib, Julie went back to sleep.
"Evelin we need to talk about you" I spoke, Evelin looked up at me.
She nodded as she looked down.

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