chapter 23.

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Justin's pov;

      I welcomed Scooter and Alison inside my home. Then I heard someone walking down the steps from upstairs. I quickly helped Evelin walking down the stairs. Since she told me her legs have been in pain if she moves them.
"Oh my god your belly is getting huge!" Excited Alice said, I giggle a little as me and Justin walked towards them.
I sat down next to Justin. From across is Scooter than to the left is Alice.
"Next few weeks we need to get to the studio and work on your next album. We're going to brainstorm of like what songs and what this album means to you" Scooter spoke.
I looked at Justin and he was listening carefully.
"Um Evelin are you going to be busy?" Alice asked.
"No because I'm close to my birth date" I said, she nodded and whispered to Scooter.
"Evelin can come along if she feels like it. So you won't run away ...again" Scooter smiled.
Justin chuckled a little.
"Next month we'll be attending to the American Music Awards. You're also going to perform" Scooter said.
They spent about 2 hours confessing their schedule for the next 2 months.
I ended up going upstairs taking a nap since it got boring for me and Justin and summarize it later.

[1 month later]

It's finally that week, I'm close to giving birth to Julie. Justin is excited. I am excited. Scooter is excited. Basically everyone is.
Earlier today Justin made me go shopping with Matthew. I don't know why but I obeyed. Well he convinced me. While he stayed at home.
"Why did Justin made me go shopping with you and him at home, not to sound rude." I asked Matt.
"I can't ruin spoilers but you'll see" Matt smirked.
I sigh.
This is the 747288372781th time I've asked Matt and he still won't give me a simple answer.
I was hoping he will.
Guess my plan didn't work.
We went to 7 different stores and got lots of clothes.
Not just for me but also Matt, I helped him pick some clothes or shoes out.
While we are shopping I notice people keep staring at us. Which got me very annoyed and uncomfortable.
Fans were trying to take pictures with us, we did a few. But not a lot because we had to keep going. Anyway, we have 2 security guards with us.
"Oooo look at that store!" Matt pointed at a store full of beautiful dresses.
I look at the models wearing some dresses.
I looked at how skinny they are and wish I was that skinny again.
"Let's go in there" Matthew grabbed my arm.
I pulled back.
He looked at me confused.
"What's wrong?" Matt asked, I sigh.
"I can't- I'm not that skinny anymore" I confessed.
Matthew looked at the models and noticed how skinny they are.
"I'm fat." I spoke.
"Evelin you're not fat, you're just holding another human in there, your child" Matthew said.
I made a disgusting face.
He chuckled "I didn't mean to make it sound gross".
I laugh a little.
"But you're not fat! I promise you, you'll be like that again" Matthew smiled.
I nodded and walked into the store with him.
We looked for dresses for me, we ended up buying just 2.
"Do you want to stop somewhere to eat?" Matthew asked, I simply said no.
"I just want to see what Justin is doing" I said, Matt nodded.
We drove back to my place.
Matt helped me get my shopping bags out of his car into my house.
I threw the shopping bags in the doorway.
"Damn Evelin!" Matt screamed in a sarcastic way. I giggle.
I made my way upstairs looking for Justin.
"Oh hey baby!" Justin greeted me in front of a bedroom.
Behind him he closed a door and blocking it so I won't get in.
"What's in there" I asked suspicious.
"Nothing" Justin couldn't help but smiled.
"Mhm" I push him away and open the door.
I gasped "omg Justin" I screamed.
The room was painted purple, the crib in the middle of the room. Tables and decorations set up in their places.
Justin did the babies room while I was gone.
I turned behind me, Matt and Justin standing in the doorway.
"This is beautiful" I smiled.
"I knew you would like it" Justin smiled big. I thanked Justin, also Matt of course.
"You should have told me!" I playfully hit Matthew's shoulder.
Matt chuckled.
"We did it !" Justin said in a Dora tone to Matt.
They started dancing around "we did it! We did it!" I couldn't help but laugh.

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