chapter 17.

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Evelin's pov;

Months later

Am back to my house and working on my career. Me and Justin are dating again... for the 8849292th time.
He promised he won't screw up. Well that's what he says.
Justin is finishing up his Believe tour.
I can't join him on your because I got to focus on my career.
Today am going to a interview with Vogue because I did a photo shoot with them. Am going to be on the cover, which is exciting.

The interviewer introduced herself to me and I did the same to her. We went to the questions.
Interviewer: how is your life now since?
Me: it's pretty great I've had my ups and downs but right now I am in a great place
Interviewer: there's a rumor you'll be on the Victoria Secret show, is that true?
Me: It is true. Am so happy that they called me for the job. It's so fun.
Interviewer: isn't Justin going to perform Beauty and a Beat during the show?
Me: yes, am happy that he's going to be there with me
Interviewer: how are you and the Biebs?
Me: he's honestly the best. I am very bless to have him in my life. He's so romantic, funny, and cute. He's my world.

Justin's pov;

"Justin we need to get ready for the show" scooter yelled at me.
"Can I just play one more round?" I asked scooter, he quickly said no.
I sigh and put my basket ball back in the rack.
He lead me to the dressing room.
"Now change into your white outfit" scooter said as he left and close the door from behind.
I grab my outfit and quickly change into it.
Vanessa did my hair. I grab my microphone and made my way backstage. The crew buckled me to the wings for my intro. I put on my sunglasses and ready to perform.

    Once I was done with my show they drove me back to my hotel room

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    Once I was done with my show they drove me back to my hotel room. I laid on the couch, exhausted. I spent 15 minutes thinking about Evelin.
I decided to call her. She didn't answer. I guess she's busy or probably sleeping.
So I sent her a text message so she can see it when she got time on her phone.
Me: hey baby I just wanted to check on you to see if you're doing well. I miss you like crazy. I want to see that beautiful smile of yours again. I hope you're doing great. Hope to see you soon. I love you.

I put my phone back in my pocket and started to think of what I should do.
I really miss Evelin so much. I want to see her again. Hold her.
We both got busy schedules.
This is tough for me.
I don't want to dump her because of this. I don't want to loose her again. Or see her with another guy she moved on.
    It still hurts how she moved on from me to Cameron a while ago. I would see her so happy with him. She was smiling just like she was with me.
I don't want that to happen to me. I don't want any guy to take her from me.
She's the love of my life.
    I stood up and walked to Scooter's room. I knocked on the door and walked in.
"Hey can we talk it's kinda important" I spoke. He looked at me and nodded.
I took a seat across from him.
"I really miss Evelin. I want her to join me on tour" I confessed, Scooter grin.
"You know she isn't just free all the time. She got a busy schedule, I've talked to her manager" Scooter said.
I sigh.
"Man , I just really really really miss her like crazy. It has been a month. Please. Can we like- just cancel some shows and have me visit Evelin back in Cali" I begged.
Scooter sigh "Justin, we've cancelled many shows since Evelin was in that accident. We have 5 more shows. Can you handle that? It will talk 2 more months. I promise you'll see Evelin soon".
I looked down.
I know he's lying. He basically said that to shut me.
I groan and storm out of his room.
I made my way back to my room and jump on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
Maybe I should just run away, I thought.
I sat up and looked over at my suitcase.

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