chapter 9.

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Evelin's pov:
Days have past and Justin won't contact me or anything . All I see is depression getting worst and worst by the second .
Of course I feel bad and feel like I need to do something . I can't stand seeing Justin like this .
People and my friends keep sending me links or videos of Justin . Him talking about me. I've even heard that he's going to release a new album or single. Which I'm hype for .
I love his last album Believe. Especially when he went on tour. That tour was everything .
But that's just the good news about Justin .. I've seen pictures and videos of him caught smoking or drinking or hanging out with models or getting in trouble with the police, etc.
which is what I don't want to see of Justin.
He looks pretty depress or different to me.
The Justin I met isn't like that.
He's different.
Very different.
    Cameron left to film a videos with his friends for vine and YouTube. Which leaves the house myself.
I really bad want to go over to Justin's house to see if he's okay. I still care about him.
But I don't know if it's a good idea.
Cameron is cool of me talking and caring for Justin . But he doesn't want Justin to ruin our relationship.
I agree with Cameron. I love Cameron and don't want anything to separate us .
So I quickly got ready and hop in my car. I drove off to Justin's place.
I park on his driveway and quickly got out of my car. I walk up to the door and rang the doorbell. I waited for an answer .
5 seconds later the door opened .
A shirtless Justin was in front of me. I could smell weed from inside.
Justin's eyes were red.
I couldn't tell if he's high or he has been crying.
"hello" Justin spoke in a raspy voice.
"Hey Justin ,Can I come in?" I asked. He nodded and lead me to the living room.
He grab his shirt and put it on and close a door of a room which is what I'm assuming where he was smoking his weed at.
I took a seat on the sofa, waiting for Justin.
He sat across on a different sofa.
"What brings you here" Justin asked simply.
"um..well.. I just wanted to know if you're ok" I said.
"YEAH everything is GREAT EVELIN" he said in a  sarcastic way.
His eyes started to water again.
I see a heartbroken Justin through his eyes.
"Justin I'm sorry for ask-" I started "no no it's fine " he interrupted me.
He wiped his tears away.
I felt so bad. I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to say. I've broken a human .

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