I'm bringing back old characters because it's been a while since we've heard from them. So, here we go...
Jenny's P.O.V
"So you mean to tell me you guys broke up and your back with Brooke?" I asked sage in AP English, trying to understand what was going on. I knew He wasn't happy with Brooke. Something terrible was going on. And I wanted to find out. I turned around to find Rachel just staring and growling at me. I gave her the evil eye and she growled louder."Ms. Rivera, Ms. Ryan," Mr. Berk, the AP English teacher snapped, "Settle your own issues else were and get back to work!"
Suddenly, we heared the door open and Savvy walked in. Mine And Sage's mouths both dropped. We hadn't seen her in weeks.
"Oh, Ms. Reed." Mr. Berk said in his usual snobby voice. "Your back.... And you just interupted my class." "Sorry." Savannah simply said. She looked around the room and noticed that the class room was different than when she was last here. Instead of the usual straight rows of desks, they were rearranged into groups of three.
"Um... Were am I supposed to sit?" Savvy said with a little sass in her voice.
"You can sit next to Jenny and Sage." Mr. Berk replied. "But don't take all day I have a class to teach. Now, sit."I could hear her loudly gulp. I looked over at Sage, who's nose was in a text book, pretending to read.
Savvy hesitantly walked over to our table and Sat in front of me.
She looked at me, then at sage, but when sage took a quick glance back at her, she quickly looked back down at her feet. I didn't like this. I cleared my throat, breaking the silence, and said, "So, about this assignment..."
After class, Savvy and I walked through the halls together, talking about the situation with Sage and Brooke.
"So, what have I been missing for the last couple weeks?" Savvy asked me.
"Just the usual. Brooke and sage are back to how they used to be, and since you've been gone, I've had no one to hang out with." I Said as we walked to our lockers. "What about Lina?" Savvy asked. "Oh, you mean Angel? Yeah, about her, she's joined the bad side." just as I said that, Lina and her new BFFs Brooke, Rachel, and Alichia walked down the hallway in there usual skimpy designer clothes. "Oh, look who it is." Brooke said, walking up to us. "Looks like Savvy the skank is back." "Hello Jenniveve, And.... Savannah." Lina, or should I say, Angel, said to us with a glare in her eyes and hate in her voice.A couple days ago, "Angel" and I got into a fight and stopped talking to each other. Next thing I know, Brooke and the rest of her terrible trio were getting her to trade on me and apparently, there plan had worked....
Plot twist guys. I hope you guys liked this chapter, remember, I'm always looking for more ideas. Luv u guys.... Byeeee ❤

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
FanfictionFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...