It was happening yet again. Savannah just broke up with me right at the time when I needed her most. It's funny how people say they'll never leave you and they'll always be there for you, and the next thing you know, they leave when things start getting bad. Savannah was the last person I could ever suspect would do that to me. Especially after everything we've been through...
I was upset about it of coarse. Savannah was my pride and joy. The only light I had left here in OCD. But let's be real, this is High School, and love is a battle field. Here, you have to win the fight in order to win at love, and I guess I just wasn't strong enough....
The bell rang and I walked to class, acting like nothing was wrong. I was tired of acting like a little pussy in front of my friends.
While walking to class, I stopped by the place in the hallway were Savvy and I first met...
----Flash Back (From SophiGTV's LPS Popular Original Series episode 5 "Calories And Competition."---
"Uh, Hi!" Savannah hesitantly said as Her and I stopped in the hallway on the way to walk her to the bathroom to wash up after Rachel exploding the ink from her pen all over her face. I chuckled, seeing Savvy's cute red cheeks covered in ink was amusing to me. "Hi. Rachel did that on purpose you know, if she came with you, she probably would have made it worse." "Really?" Savannah replied back with shock in her voice. "She seemed so sincere, I thought it was an accident." I chucked again at how little Savvy knew about the Barbie Dolls. "Hardly, Rachel's not exactly the nicest person." Savannah looked down. "Oh, yeah, I guess I should have known..."
"I doubt that inks' going to come easy, you should probably phone home." I said.
"Yeah, your right, Ok I'll go to the office." Savannah said as if she was embarrassed to say she didn't have a phone.
"No cell phone?" I asked. She chuckled shyly, "No, I'm not aloud. Lame, right?"
"Nah, here you can use mine." I reached in my pockets and kindly handed her the phone. She thanked me, dialed her mom's number, and explained to her about what happened, when she was finished, she handed me the phone, and I leaned in at the same time to take it also, as that happened, I felt like magical electricity between our fingers as they touched. It meant something to me...
I simply apologized and remembered to introduce myself. "I'm Sage."
"I know..." She replied, but then awkwardly paused and said something else. "I'm Savannah." I chucked at how cute her awkwardness was. "I know, your name pretty much made the entire round of the school before first period, pretty impressive, I must say." Savannah laughed at my comment and I asked if she was new, already knowing the answer of coarse, but wanting to find an excuse to talk to her longer.
We talked a little longer and by the time it was about five minutes until the bell, I decided I should head back to class. "Well hey," I began, "I'll tell Mr. Burk you left." I then started walking to his class after looking back and one final goodbye....
----End Flash Back------
Who knew that this would be the end of everything? What could have been the start of a great life together, was now the end...
While walking back to class, one last thought crossed my mind....
What about our baby???
Hey my victims, sorry it took so long for me to update. I've had writer's block and I've been dealing with some things in my personal life, but don't worry, everything is totally fine now. I still have some great ideas for future chapters in this book and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 3 Love you all, byeeeeeee byeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
FanfictionFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...