Brooke ~ Chapter 51

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"Aren't you worried at all about what Nathan might be doing to Rachel?" Alicia asked as we sipped on our Soy Lattes from Starbucks.

"Don't worry, Rachel's fine." I said, after taking a sip of my Coffee. I really shouldn't be drinking this. I wonder how many carbs are in coffee....


"Let's just say they're doing... Other things..." I said.

"How do you know that?" Alicia asked. "Don't ask. I just know." I said.

For the past couple of months, I've been knowing a lot of things about a lot of people.

A lot of very personal things... Like how I knew Nathan beats Jenny to a pulp, or that Savvy got framed for being a drug addict who cuts herself, might I add, While she's about four months pregnant. Or about how Angelina is a lesbian, and recently got kicked out of her own home.

I know lots of things I shouldn't, and of coarse, I tell everybody about it all. The only thing I don't tell, is how I get my information.

That's classified.

"Sorry to have to leave you here, but I'm gonna have to leave you here." I told Alicia after checking the time on my phone and realizing I had a very important errand to run. "TTYL!" I got up and left as quickly as I could before Alicia started asking where I was going.

A few miles later, I found myself in the driveway of my arch enemy. It's not rocket science to figure out who that is...


After knocking on the door and waiting for what seemed like forever until she answered it, her mouth dropped.

"B-Brooke?" She stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

I looked down at her fat baby belly, chuckled, and let myself into her home as if it were my own.

"Looks like you've gained a bit of weight, haven't you?" I said. "Planning on going back to starving yourself like you used to do?"

"H-How did you-" She started saying, but I cut her off. "Because I know things." I said.

"What do you want?" She said, worriedly. "My mom is upstairs, don't make me get her."

"Aww, that's cute." I said, sarcastically. "But this little visit won't take long..."

I looked around the house to see two baby beds, one for a boy and one for a girl, along with a few stuffed animals and baby bottles.

"Oh, so you're having twins?" I said. "That's sweet... It would be a shame if they were to be taken from you..."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, I know about your little drug addiction you have going on. It would be a shame for Child Protective Services to take your kids away from you, especially considering you're only seventeen."

"I was framed for those drugs and you know it!" Savannah said, crossing her arms.

"But CPS doesn't know that. All I really need is some evidence, but that shouldn't be very hard to find."

"What all do you want from me Brooke? It's too late to manipulate Sage into being with you, we have children now."

"You wanna know what I want?" I asked, slowly stepping closer to Savannah to scare her. "I wanna make sure you're as miserable as possible."

"You've already seen me at my lowest point Brooke, can't you leave it alone?" She said, with her eyes starting to water. "You can torture me all you'd like, but you leave my family out of this!"

"Fine, you got lucky this time." I said. "But I know every little detail about everyone now. I'll know the next time you slip up, and when you do, I'll use everything I can to use it against you."

Savannah then started crying and I laughed. "Consider this your last warning Savvy."

And with that, I left, feeling completely satisfied.


Savannah's P.O.V

After a few minutes of balling my eyes out and cowering in a corner, I did what I knew would make me feel one hundred times better.

Call Sage.

"Hello?" Sage said from the other end. He picked up on the first ring, as if he was waiting for me to call.

"Sage, Brooke came to my house again, but this time not only is she trying to ruin my life, but she's trying to ruin our kid's lives as well..." Suddenly, Sage hung up, and I was worried he was mad at me or something, but a few minutes later, he walked through my door without even knocking and as soon as he saw me, he embraced me in a tight hug.

After a few minutes of hugging, he looked down at me with worry in his eyes. "As soon as those babies are born, We're moving far far away from here. Away from Brooke, away from everything." He assured me. "If it's okay with your parents of coarse... Since I'll be turning eighteen soon, my mom said she's fine with it as long as we go to a good collage."

I couldn't help but smile. "Sage, that sounds amazing." Then, out of the blue, I just started to break down, crying. "No one has ever gone through that much for me before..." I said through tears. "I love you so much Sage, and I'm sorry if I've been putting too much pressure on you lately. It's just, my emotions are so crazy right now because of this pregnancy, and I don't even know why I'm crying and I-"

My rambling was cut off with Sage kissing me, sort of as a nice way to tell me to shut up.

"Sav, everything will be okay." He said, as I rested my head on his shoulder. "This family will be strong and I won't let anything come between us... Not even Brooke."

He was absolutely right. Together, we will persevere through anything.

That night, I fell asleep with my head still on his shoulder, dreaming about us.

Together Forever...

A bit cheesy m8, but a little special chapter for you guys ~Mother Dragon

Shout outs:






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