Jenny~Chapter 52

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My car swerved wrecklessly on the road due to the fact I could hardly see with my watery eyes. My plan was to go to Nathan's house and confront him.

I couldn't believe he would cheat on me. I mean, yes, he was a woman abuser, but I at least thought I could trust him.

I always had a feeling that the reason he worried so much about me cheating on him was because he was scared to loose me, and that he did care about me after all. But I guess it was just because he was trying to hide the fact that he was the cheater...

Once I parked my car in his driveway, I was beginning to regret my decision. I was always so afraid of standing up to Nathan, but now I think it's time I finally tell him off. I'm so sick of allowing him to throw me around like some useless puppet. If he wants to be with me, he's going to have to prove that he loves me.

And that's exactly what I plan on telling him...

I knocked on the door, and it wasn't Nathan who answered it.

It was Rachel...

I growled and made a tight fist. "What are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"More importantly, what are YOU doing here?" Rachel asked with a sarcastic grin on her face.

"Where's Nathan?" I asked, avoiding Rachel's question and pushing her out of the way. I found Nathan sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, watching TV. Once he saw me, I could see anger in his face.

He got up and quickly walked over to me. "Where the Hell have you been?" He asked, angrily.

"I think the most important question is, what gives you the right to cheat on me with this cum guzzling whore?" I yelled, pointing to Rachel. This was exhilarating. It felt so good to finally stand up to him instead of cower down.

"Excuse me?" He said, shocked that I had the nerve to confront him like that. "First of all, I have every right to do what I want. Second of all, how did you know that?"

"It doesn't matter how I know." I said, raising my voice even louder. "What matters is, you had sex with Rachel, and now she's in you're house! I thought you loved me!"

"Obviously he doesn't love you if he's beating the shit out of you." Rachel said. "Maybe if you weren't such a dumb bitch, he wouldn't feel the need to beat you."

"Well then," I said. "If you don't love me, then maybe we should break up." I was just about to head out the door when Nathan grabbed me by my hair and pulled my back.

"I don't think so." He said. "You're not going anywhere."

He pushed me over to the couch. "You think I'm stupid? I'm not gonna let you leave me, and then tell everyone that I've been abusing you. So now, you're stuck with me."

Tears swelled up into my eyes, but I wasn't going to give up this easy. "Jesus Christ Nathan, I won't tell anybody. You've got Rachel now for crying out loud. You obviously have feelings for her, why don't you just leave me the Hell alone?"

"Actually bitch, we're not exactly together." Rachel said. "We're roommates..."

"ROOMATES?" I yelled. "You let her move in with you?"

"Yup." They said at the same time. Then, Nathan wrapped his arms around her waste and started to kiss... Right in front of me.

"You guys are disgusting..." I said, shielding my eyes. "You can't hold me hostage here. My parents will know I'm gone."

"Come on Jen, we both know your parents are hardly ever home" Nathan said. "I mean, I don't blame them."

It took me a lot of strength not to punch him right then. I knew I just wanted to confront him, but now I just wanna go home.

"Just let me go!" I said, getting up from the couch and trying to get to the door, but they blocked my way. "I don't wanna stay here and watch you guys masturbate to each other."

They chuckled. "It's too late for that now." Nathan said, locking the door. "Now go upstairs, Rachel and I have some... Things... To do." They winked at each other and Rachel bit her lip.

I did as told because 1. I didn't want to stay there and witness them do the nasty, and 2. I had a plan.

Once upstairs into Nathan's guest bedroom, I locked the door and pulled out my phone. They were so stupid. First, I call Lina to tell her my situation. Then, I called the police and told them I was being held hostage by my abusive ex boyfriend and Rachel.

And in no time at all, Nathan was hand cuffed And dragged off to prison while Rachel snuck away.

I met Lina and her girlfriend outside. They both had worried expressions on their faces and Lina looked as if she were about to cry.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Jen, I'm so sorry." Lina said. "I knew something was going on between you and Nate, I just didn't think it would come to this. This is all my fault..."

Meghan put her arm over her shoulder. "It's not your fault." She said. "You're safe now Jen, he can't hurt you anymore.

I smiled and linked arms with both of them. "Come on guys, sleepover at my place!" I said.

I was so glad I was finally free. Free to go anywhere, do anything I want, say anything I want, and not have to worry about waking up with scars and bruises and fear for my life.

I was finally happy...

Until I got a text message from a private number:

You may think it's all over now that Nathan is behind bars, but it's only just begun. ~A


Shout Outs:








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