"Here babe, I got you more food." I said to a hungry and exhausted Savannah. She was layed out on the couch moaning in pain and holding her pregnant belly. I sat down on the couch with her, and she layed her legs across my lap.
"I've been having these awful pains lately. It hurts." She complained, slowly sitting up.
"I know princess." I said rubbing her thigh. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Just stay here with me and keep me company?"
"Sorry, that's one thing I can't do." I said, getting up from the couch. "My parents and Bridgette are leaving to run an errand and I told them I'd go with them. But I'm sure it won't take long."
"You're leaving me here by myself?" She said with worry in her eyes. I could see the disappointment in her facial expression. She sighed with her bottom lip pouted out.
I leaned over her and kissed her forehead. "I promise, I'll be back before you know it." I then kneeled down to kiss her stomach. "Daddy will be back soon little ones." I said, and I walked out the door.
------------------------------------------------Savannah's P.O.V---------------------------------------------------------
I sighed and crossed my arms. I looked down at the coffee table that had a plate of chocolate cake on it. "Well," I said to myself. "At least I know food will never leave me."
I took a bite of the cake and snuggled up in my blanket, and slowly started drifting off to sleep.
Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a loud bang coming from upstairs. At first, I thought it was just the TV, so I went back to sleep. But then, it happened again, louder this time, and that's when I realized that my TV was off...
I jumped off the couch and looked up the stairs, slowly walking backwards to the kitchen to grab a knife. Once I was armed, I slowly tip-toed upstairs like any dumb ass girl in a horror movie would do.
The banging sound continued, and it sounded like it was coming from Sage's bedroom. "Hello?" I asked like an idiot, "I hope you know, I called the cops, they-they'll be here any sec-second..." I lied, with a stutter.
Suddenly, a black figure came rushing towards me, and pushed me down to the floor. They rushed out the door and I never got a look at their face....
"I don't know, I was sitting right here on the couch when I heard a noise." I said to Sage and his parents. "I didn't even get a good look at their face. Luckily, I don't think anything was stolen." I had called Sage and his parents after the incident took place, and they rushed home right away.
"I'm so sorry Savvy." Sage said, putting his hand on my knee. "I shouldn't have left you alone like that. I should have been there to protect you."
"All I know is, we're definitely not leaving you alone here anymore." Mr. Bond said. "From now on, if we ever need to go somewhere, you're coming with us."
And with that, I went upstairs into Bridgette's room to get ready for bed.
"You're pretty pathetic, you know that?" Bridgette said as I walked through the door.
"Um, what?" I said.
"Making up a story like that just to get attention. You don't always have to be the center of attention you know."
"I didn't make it up!"
"You disgust me."
Bridgette then shut off the lights and covered her head up with her blanket.
I looked out the window at the dark sky and thought to myself, This is gonna be a long couple of weeks...
My phone beeped, saying I got a text message. It read:
Missing something? -A
Attached to the message was a picture of the blade I used to cut with...
Who do you think was the mysterious shadow sneaking around Sage's house? -Mother Dragon
I'm really sorry that I didn't publish on time. I'm grounded right now so I had to do it today. I feel really bad because a lot of you were super excited so I'm gonna attempt to publish two chapters by the end of this week instead of one, but if I don't get that done on time either, just remember that it'll be extra hard for me considering I'm grounded. -Love, Mother Dragon <3
Shout outs:

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
FanfictionFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...