"You sick bastard! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed, struggling to get free, but failing. "Now why would I do that when I could have some fun first?" He chuckled, and slowly came closer to me...
Wait wait wait... Let's rewind a bit so you can know how I ended up in this situation...
My eyes jolted open as yelling and glass breaking from downstairs interrupted my slumber.
"Josh Lawrence, where the f*ck are you?" An unfamiliar voice yelled from downstairs.
I jumped out of bed and cracked open the door just enough for me to see what was going on.
I could see my brother, Josh, and some guy I've never seen before yelling at each other.
"Yo man, what the Hell are you doing in my house? Especially this late at night?" Josh said.
"I wanna know where the f*ck my money is." Suddenly, the guy I'd never seen before, pulled out a gun and aimed it towards Josh. This is when I knew I had to barge in and help him.
"Hey!" I yelled from over the railing. The guy then pointed his gun up at me and I held my hands up in the air. "Who are you and what the f*ck do you want?"
"I want my God Damn money." He said, not breaking eye contact with me. "This guy owes me for all that heroine I gave him."
"Josh! You told me those drugs were free." I said as a scowl appeared on my face. Completely ignoring me, Josh crossed his arms. "Look man, I don't have the money right now, but I promise you, you'll get it when I have it."
"Alright, you wanna play those games huh?" The guy said. "Fine then... You just wait..." And with that, he put his gun away and left the house.
"Josh! What was that all about?" I said, walking down the stairs.
"Calm down." He said. "I'm sure he'll back off sooner or later. He'll have to."
"You have no idea how much trouble your in right now. That guy could of killed us and who knows what he could do next... He could call the cops on us and tell them we have a shit ton of drugs in our f*cking basement!"
"Once again, you're over reacting." Josh said. "I'll handle it, trust me." And with that, he went back to his room.
Frustrated, I clenched my jaw and went back to bed.
And then, this happened...
My door swung wide open, and at first I thought it was Josh. "What do you want?" I said in a groggy voice. "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here?"
No answer.
"Josh, this is no time for games, I'm still pissed at you..."
No answer.
"Josh, you woke me up, and now you're wasting my time. WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
Then suddenly, I felt a hand cover my mouth and someone pin me to my bed with their body. That's how I knew it wasn't at all Josh.
I struggled to scream but my screams were muffled due to the hand covering my mouth. That's all I really remember, because after that...I blacked out.
I woke up all dazed and confused, and it took me a while to finally realize were I was.
All I can really tell you is that I know I was definitely not at home in my warm cozy bed. Instead, I was tied up to a chair with cloth in my mouth to refrain me from speaking. My head was throbbing probably due to the fact there was a huge bloody gash there.
"Well well well, Look who's finally awake." I heard a voice say, I turned my head as much as I could to find the guy that was at my house earlier. I struggled to speak, but of coarse, I couldn't because of the cloth. "Oh, right, Let me help you there." The guy said, and he took the cloth out of my mouth.
"W-were am I? W-who are you? What do you want with me?" I frantically asked. "You ask too many questions." He said. "You're here because your idiotic brother doesn't realize how badly I need that money. Obviously he's not going to be giving it to me anytime soon so I thought I would give him a little motivation. My money, for his poor sister. So in the mean time, I'm afraid you're stuck with me."
"You sick bastard! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed, struggling to get free, but failing. "Now why would I do that when I could have some fun first?" He chuckled, and slowly came closer to me...
Josh's P.O.V
I yawned and stretched out of bed and made my way to my sister's room. I knew I would have to make up for what happened last night sooner or later. But then, I found out she wasn't in her bed, and instead, I note took her place:
'Meet me at the abandoned shed at the end of James Street with my money. Only then will I return your precious sister.'
My face started turning red with anger and I made a ball of my fists and crumpled the paper. Without even thinking clearly, I grabbed my gun and stormed out the door.
Breaking into my house with a gun and threatening to pull the trigger was one thing, but kidnapping my sister for money was a hole different story.
And now it's time to take away his happy ending...
Shit just got real up in this bitch~Mother Dragon
Shout Outs:

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
Hayran KurguFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...