Warning: This Chapter could be triggering...
Got it!" I said as I pressed the stop button on my camera. I just got perfect footage of Savannah telling Sage that she's pregnant. Once I expose her, everyone will know Savannah for what she truly is, a slut. Was I stalking them? No. They just happened to come to the park the exact same time I did. Quietly, I made my way back to my car were a special someone who shall not be named, awaited me. "Did you get the footage you needed?" He/She asked. "Oh yes, I did." I said as a devilish grin appeared on my face, then, we drove off to continue with our little evil plan.
Tom's P.O.V
2:30 AM
Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard a loud rustling outside. I thought nothing of it, assuming it was only an animal, and went back to sleep. But then, it continued, louder this time, as if it was right outside my window. I jumped out of bed and headed for the door, grabbing an umbrella on the way as a weapon. Yes,an umbrella -.-
Once I was outside, I looked carefully and quietly around my yard, with only a few street laps to light my way. Suddenly, the rustling noise began again, but this time, I saw movement behind a bush in the distance. "Who's there?" I called out. I slowly made my way towards the bush with a tight grip on my umbrella, ready to attack. Then, I jumped out behind the bush. "Ha!...." I screamed, but soon stopped in my tracks after what I saw.
Malcolm and another boy from OCD, were kissing.
"What is going on here?" I said, still confused as to what exactly I was seeing. "Tom?" Malcolm asked nervously and out of breath. "What are you doing here?" "I live here!" I said, behind gritted teeth. Was this real? I must be dreaming. It's been months since Malcolm and I first got together and I thought I could trust him. Now I guess I understand, Trust is like paper, once it's crumpled, it can't be perfect.
"I thought you loved me!" I screamed, trying to hold back the tears swelling up in my eyes. Saying nothing more, I wiped my eyes and ran back to my house, ignoring Malcolm calling my name.
Once in my room again, I sat at the foot of the bed and made my fist into a such tight ball, that my finger nails made little moon shaped indents in my palm. I sat quietly and let my thoughts wonder.
I should have known better not to let my thoughts wonder...
I thought about the noose I made a while back out of some rope I found in my Dad's shed. I promised myself I would never use it, but I guess some promises are meant to be broken.
I looked under my bed and grabbed the tangled rope and started tying it into perfect knots until it made a loop at the end just wide enough for my head. I looped the other end of the rope around a medal hook hanging from my ceiling and pushed a chair underneath it. Was I really gonna go through with this? I sat on the chair and started tying the rope around my neck which fit perfectly. Like it was made for me somehow.
Thanks to all the people who have cheated on me, I've now learned my lesson: A relationship is made for only two people, but some bitches just don't know how to count.
With a slight kick of the chair, it fell to the ground, leaving myself to hang there on the rope, starting the beginning of my painless eternal sleep...
Sorry if this chapter was too sad you guys...
But ending this on a happy note, here are the amazing people who voted on my last chapter:
From now on, I'll be giving shout outs to all the people who vote. So vote for this chapter in order to get a shout out in the next chapter. :)
Also, who do you think was Brook's secret partner in crime?
Stay tune for next time! Byeeeee

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
FanfictionFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...