Sage- Chapter 57

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"Who the Hell is Jason?" I yelled after seeing the text.

"I- I can explain." Savvy stuttered.

"Savannah, tell me the truth." I said. "Are you cheating on me?"

"Of coarse not Sage, I love you." 

"Then tell me why the Hell this 'A' Person just sent me a picture of you kissing a guy that's not me." I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes. 

"Can we not talk about this right now?" Savvy said. "I'm driving." 

"Savannah how could you do this to me?" I said, now with tears streaming down my cheeks. "What about the kids? What were you thinking." 

"Sage I-" Savvy's sentence was cut off by me yelling, "Look out!" 

All of a sudden, everything seemed to be going in slow motion... 

I could remember a black semi-truck crashing into our car and swerving us off the road. Suddenly, everything went black for a while, and when I woke up, I felt an agonizing pain shooting down my back and neck. All I could see was Savvy, passed out in the seat next to me, covered in blood. 

"Sav-Savannah!" I struggled to yell. "Savannah!"


I couldn't remember much of anything after that, but when I woke up, I could see nothing but blaring lights so bright I could hardly keep my eyes opened. I could see a woman leaning over me.

"Oh, you're awake." She said after I finally gained back my vision. I looked around the room I was in to discover I was in the hospital. "Here, take this." The nurse said, handing me a pill and a small cup of water. 

"Wha-what's going on?" I asked. I knew what happened, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining things. 

"You were in a car accident." The nurse said. "But no worries, all you have is a broken arm and a few bruises, so you should be just fine." 

"And what about the girl I came here with, Savannah?" I asked worriedly.

"She's just fine. She's in the room right next to yours." 

"Well I have to go see her." I said, sitting up from my bed and just about to leave when the nurse stopped me. 

"That's not a good idea Sage, you need to stay here and rest. I'll go get the doctor." And with that, she left. 

I smirked, and continued to get out of bed to look for Savvy.

After peeking my head out of the hallway to make sure no one was around, I snuck passed the lady at the desk who was busy reading a magazine into Savvy's room.

Mrs. Reed was sitting in a chair next to her bed, with tears running down her face. 

"Mrs. Reed?" I said. She jumped. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"What are you doing out of bed Sage?" She asked, wiping the tears off her face.

"I needed to see Savvy. Is she alright?"

"The doctors say she'll be just fine. She's just sleeping right now."

"Then why were you crying?" Then I gulped. "What about the babies? Are they okay?"

"Yes they're fine as well." Mrs. Reed said. "I just have a feeling all this is my fault. I wanted her to rush back home and look what happened."

"No. Mrs. Reed, don't blame yourself." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
"I was responsible for driving her home and keeping her safe, and I failed. We got in an argument, and that caused us to not pay attention to where we were going. I'm sorry."

"Well," Mrs. Reed sighed, getting up out of her chair. "I'll leave you two alone to talk when she wakes up."

And with that she left, and I took her spot in the chair and held Savvy's hand.

Her head slowly turned to face me, and her eyes slowly started to open.

"Sage?" She said quietly in a raspy voice. "Are you okay? Are the babies okay? What happened?"

"Everything's fine, The babies are still healthy, you have nothing to worry about." I said.

Then Savannah's eyes started to water. "I'm so sorry Sage." She said, squeezing my hand. "This is all my fault. I-"

"Its okay." I interrupted. "Look, please be honest with me Sav. If you say you're not cheating on me, I'll believe you, I just wanna make sure. Are you?"

"Of coarse not." She said. "I don't know who that "A" person is or what they want from me, but Jason is my ex boyfriend from like, middle school. I'm not even sure how they got that picture but I promise you, I would never hurt you like that."

I smiled, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. Just as I was about to kiss her lips, her mom walked in.

"Oh, your awake." She said. "I brought you guys some food from the cafeteria... If you can even call it 'food'"

She handed me a sandwich rapped in plastic and sat on the foot of Savvy's bed.

"So, I have some great news Savvy." She said. "Ms. Bonde has given your father and I the idea to let you stay with them until the babies are born."

I looked at Savvy with a wide smile on my face.

"I figured since he is, after all the father, he should be there for you as much as he can since the babies will be born in, like, a month. What do you think?" 

"I think that's a great idea." Savvy said with a wide smile. She put her hand on my thigh and her head on my shoulder.

"Okay great." Mrs. Reed said. "The doctors said you both are good to go after they give you some medicine. We'll stop at our house for Savvy to pack, and then you guys can go back to your place."


I know the ending sucks, but I'm proud of myself for finally publishing on time. :))

Shout outs:







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