Chapter 36~ Everyone

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Everyone's P.O.V

We all sat in the school cafeteria, staring at our phones, reading the school news with wide eyes. It all happened so quickly. Tom was dead, and without any explanation or even a simple goodbye. 

"This is all my fault." Malcolm said, his eyes watering. "I shouldn't have cheated on him. I loved him. I guess sometimes you don't realize how much you truly miss someone until you loose them." 

"He was my best friend you little twat!" Sage screamed, tears pouring from his eyes. "How could you!!??? I can't believe you made him feel so worthless that he felt the need to do this to himself." 

We all felt bad for Tom, we knew he had other things going on in his life, but what we didn't know was that he was feeling this way. We should have been real friends and had his back. I guess we were all just blinded by how dark his mind really was.

"This is awful." Brooke said, starring at the ground intensely. "I mean, I couldn't stand him, but he was a good guy. He didn't deserve any of this."

We didn't know what else to say, we all just sat there in silence, thinking of all the memories we had with Tom...

-----Savvy's Flash Back--------  

(scene from LPS popular episode 8: Angel Or Devil?)

Savannah runs through the empty halls of the school, seemingly headed to nowhere in particular, when she runs into Tom, a cart of biscuits in his hand that are knocked to the floor. 

"Oh my gosh." Savannah said, embarrassed and rubbing her head from the crash.  "I am so sorry." 

Savannah then looks down at the knocked over cart and offers to help. "Here, let me help you..." She says, rushing to pick the biscuits off the ground. 

"Hey, Hey, No." Tom says in a calm voice. "Don't worry about it." He then helps to pick the biscuits up. "Where were you headed off to in such a hurry?" 

Savannah chuckles as she remembers the real reason she was running, to avoid her friends from finding out she wasn't eating. "Um, no where important." 

"Well, okay Savannah." Tom says with a cute little smirk and watches as Savvy's facial expression turns to shock. "How did you-" 

"Everyone knows your name Savannah," Tom says, interrupting her as if reading her mind. "It's the fact of life when your one of the hottest girls in school." Tom walks closer to Savannah, putting his hand out. "I'm Tom, nice to meet you." 

"Um, thanks I guess." Savannah says, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Tom." 

-------End Of Flash Back-------

A tear falls down Savvy's cheek as she remembers the day she first met Tom. Sage then embraced her in a comforting hug. 

Everyone continued to sit in silence and waited for the bell to ring. They didn't know what to say or how to say it.

They all left the room, speechless, wishing they could have saved Tom.

But in reality, no one really ever notices until something dramatic happens.... 





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