chapter 12- Bridgette

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I watch savannah and sage hug. Although I am happy for sage to have such a beautiful girl as savannah, one part of me wants to have sage all to myself. I know it would be wrong. But I want to be with him. I want him to love me just like he does savannah.
"I better get going before my mom finds out I'm gone." I hear savannah say. I quickly run back down stairs.
"Ok babe! Love you!" Sage says from his room.
"Bye Bridgette!" Savannah says. I don't answer. "Um...ok?" She walks out.
Savannah really is a nice girl. But I don't know what to do. I desire to call my friend, violette, from France and ask her what I should do...

*hold up! It's violette's POV for a minute*
I giggle at tom's silly impression of celebrities. Suddenly, I get a call. "Oh! Tom! Excusi mwah'" (it's supposed to be excuse me in French but I think I spelled it wrong. Sorry!) "I have to take this!" I quickly ran to the girl's rest room and answered the phone. "Bridgette? Is that you?" I say...
*ok back to Bridgette's POV*
Violette answers almost immediately. "Violette! Bonjour It is me!" I say back. "Oh my old friend!" She says. " it is so nice to finally hear your voice! How is America?" "Oh it is wonderful but I have a problem!" I say back. I then tell her about sage and savannah. "Oh well, Bridgette." She starts. "If I were in your shoes, I would move on, American boys are very funny!" I think about it. Maybe violette was right. I need to find another boy. "Thank you!" I say. And with that, I hang up...

Sorry this chapter kinda sucked. I had no idea what to do or how to end it so... Ya... Um... Anyone have anymore ideas????? Best idea will get a follow and a shout out in this book!!!!!!

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