chapter 8- Brooke

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"Oh shi..." I whispered as I quickly ran away. I heard sage yell. But I kept running. I was working on my next plan. I was going to record sage and savvy kissing and then send it to everyone at school. Then savvy would go back to being the laughing stock of the whole school.

When I got home, I looked at the footage on my camera. It was savvy, telling sage that him being with her is all she needs. Ugh! A bunch of sappy stuff. And then finally, them kissing. "Perfect!" I said. Once again I smiled my evil grin. I heard Gigi whine. "That's right Gigi!" I said picking her up. She yelped but I didn't care. "That little rabid mutt is finally gonna get what's coming to her!"
I edited the video a little and added the title:

Savvy gets whoever she wants rapped around her paw and does whatever she can to do it. First it was that kid from the hall way, then Tom, and know sage! Who's next savannah????

Then, with another devilish grin, along with an evil laugh, I pressed send.

"Oh I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face at school tomorrow!" I said, petting Gigi. "You better watch your back savannah! Because my sweet, sweet, revenge is coming right your way...."

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