Brooke -Chapter 65

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"Prom. This is the day I've been waiting for since middle school. Me walking to the stage, all eyes on me, as the principal places that beautiful crown on my head, finally declaring me prom queen.

And considering I was after all the most popular girl in school, I have no doubt in my mind that people would vote for me. I have the looks, the brains, and everyone adores me... Ow!"

I stopped giving myself a pep talk in the mirror of a fitting room in the stall of the mall, where I was trying on prom dresses. "Alicia, do you want me to explode? That's too tight!" I snapped.

"Sorry Brooke." Alicia said, trying to zip me up in my dress. "I don't think this dress is gonna fit you."

I quickly whipped around to face her, my hair swinging and slapping her in the face. "Are you saying I'm fat, Alicia?"

"No! Of coarse not! You're actually the complete opposite. You look deathly skinny, don't you eat anything?"

I looked at my stomach in the mirror, but kept my mouth shut. I haven't told anyone about my eating disorder, not even my own mother. Over these past couple of years, I've realized that becoming the new feminine ideal requires the right combination of insecurity, self-hatred, bulimia, and surgery.

No matter how hard I try, I don't think I'll ever make society's standards. I don't think I'll ever be as pretty or perfect as I try to be. And the worst part is, all I can really do is sit there and smile. A smile that hides all the pain and insecurities, and leaves everyone to think I'm just as fine as I say I am.

"So, Brooke." Rachel said as she sat on the bench in the fitting room with shopping bags piling all around her. "Got a date to Prom yet?"

"No, but that's okay." I said, getting rid of my dark thoughts. "I'll just have some fun with any guy who wants it."

"Well, we still got a couple of hours left until Prom starts." Rachel said. "Wanna get something at the food court?"

"No thanks." I said, once again trying to zip up the dress. "I need to loose a few pounds."

------------------------------------------------Jenny's P.O.V---------------------------------------------------------------

"You're moving!?" I exclaimed a little too loudly. "But what about our future together? What about all those things we were gonna do ever since Middle school?"

"Jen, calm down." Lina said, as she hung a few dresses in the fitting room. "I have until graduation. We still have plenty of time together."

I leaned my head against her shoulder and pouted my bottom lip. "I'll miss you best friend."

"I'll miss you too Best friend." Lina then started to hug me so tight that I thought I would explode. But even after gasping for air because of her tight grasp, those kind of hugs, are something I would dearly miss.

"Sorry to interrupt the sitcom." Savvy said from outside of the dressing room. "But I need to know what you guys think of this dress." She opened the curtains, and out came Savannah, dressed in a turquoise dress with blue diamonds littering the top. As soon as we saw her, our eyes widened.

"Savvy, you look-"

"Amazing!" Lina interrupted, practically drooling at the sight.

"Are you sure I should wear this? I want to look perfect tonight."

"Hon, you look better than perfect." I said. "We have about an hour before prom starts, you guys wanna come over to my house? I can do your makeup and give you a ride."

"Sorry, can't." Savvy said. "Sage is picking me up."

"I guess it's just you and me then Lina." I said. "We better get going."

Once we were out of the dressing room, we ran into a certain group of girls we didn't expect to run into. Especially when the leader of that certain group of girls was wearing the exact same dress as Savannah.

"You have got to be kidding me." Brooke said with a disgusted look on her face. "There is no way you're wearing that right now."

"Really?" I said, crossing my arms and standing beside Savvy to defend her. "Because it seems to me like she is."

"You're not actually planning to wear that to the prom are you?" Brooke said with a scowl. "I would rather die than to wear the same thing as you out in public. I mean, we all know I look better in it than you do, but I find it pretty pathetic how much you want to be like me."

"Don't flatter yourself Brooke." Savvy said. "I'm wearing this dress whether you like it or not. Now you can either get a new dress, or deal with it."

Brooke then got closer in Savvy's face. "I don't think you want to test me loser." She said through gritted teeth. "I promise, if you wear that dress tonight, you will have Hell to pay. Take. It. OFF!"


"Wow, someone has major self-esteem issues." Lina said while we helped Savvy take the dress off.

"Sav, you don't have to give into Brooke." I assured her. "You looked stunning in that dress."

"I don't want to make things between Brooke and I worse." Savvy said, slipping into her regular clothes. "Especially on prom night. I want to have fun, not worry about Brooke ruining it."

"I know we have to get you home, but we can hurry and search for another dress real quick if you want." Lina suggested.

"No, it's fine. I don't want Sage to have to wait for me." Savvy said as we came out of the dressing room. "I'm sure I'll just find something in my closet."


The rumors are true, the book is coming to an end. Unfortunately, there will be only a few more chapters after this one. But no worries, I will be making a book two. I love you all and thank you guys so much for the love and support <3. Mother Dragon]

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