"I'm sorry Tom." I heard Violet, the one that I loved, the one who's been by my side since I first moved here to Paris. "I should have told you this, but I couldn't bear to tell you. I've been hooking up with Philippe for a while now... And, now I'm pregnant with his baby!" I looked at her in shock. She's been having an a fair? I felt my eyes water but I didn't want her to see me cry. "We can't be together." she said, and with that, she left me. Forever. I didn't know what I was feeling. Anger? Sadness? Loneliness? Whatever it was, I hated it. I didn't know what was wrong with me. It seemed like no girl took me seriously. Like I was something to mess around with then dump the next day. First Savannah, now violet? That's it! I'm done with girls! I went to my room and started packing my things... Goodbye Paris!What does he mean when he says he's done with girls? Will Tom turn to guys? And what did he mean when he said goodbye paris? Will he go back to OCD? Tom hasn't gotten a diary entry and I feel like he should have so, here it is!
Love you all byeee

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
FanficFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...