Chapter 24: Lina (Angel)

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I sat at Brooke's table while munching on a taco. I looked up at them to find all three girls just staring at me. "Um, what are you doing?" Brooke said with a disgusted look on her face. "Eating lunch." I replied back. "Are you kidding?" Rachel said. "Honey, if I were you, I'd stick with the salad." I looked at her like she was an alien. Did she really just imply that I was fat?

Suddenly, Sage walked up to the table and Sat next to Brooke. My eyes widened so big, I was afraid they'd pop out of my head. I knew sage was a hottie, But I never really talked to him in person before, better yet, I never came this close to him before. He was even sexier in person. He had those twinkling blue eyes, muscular body, and beach tanned skin. I could go on and on.

"Oh, I forgot something from my locker." He said in his sexy deep voice. "I'll be right back." He then got up and left and I took this as an opportunity. "I...uh... I have to... Go to the bathroom." I said, trying to come up with a good excuse. Instead, I followed him to the hallway.

I didn't exactly know what I was doing, or why. All I did know was, it was gonna get ugly real fast.

I found Sage searching for something in his locker. "Hey." I said. He jumped, not knowing I was there, making him hit his head on the top of his locker. "Oh my god I am so sorry." I put one hand on his shoulder and one on his forehead with a caring gesture. "I didn't mean to scare you like that." "Oh, it's cool, I just..." In that very moment, time stood still and the earth stopped moving. It felt like everything happened in slow motion. I grabbed Sage by the cheeks and quickly leaned in, pressing my lips firmly against his. The kiss was for a split second, after he jerked back. But I still felt it was absolutely perfect. I starred into his confused eyes then I suddenly realized what I had done. I just kissed Brooke's boyfriend. Just as I said that, I felt a sharp pain in my back, pushing me to the ground. I looked up, and standing over me, was Brooke. Her claws were out, and she looked pissed and ready to fight....

Thank you all so much for 1.04k reads. It really means a lot to me. Come back tomorrow for a brand new chapter. byeeeee

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