chapter 26- Sage

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As soon as I got home, I told my mom I was meeting a friend somewhere, but instead, I got in my car and hurriedly left for Savvy's house. I wasn't quite sure whether or not anyone was home or if savvy even wanted to talk to me. None the less, I confidently walked up to the front door and rang the door bell.

"Oh. Hello Sage." Mrs. Reed said with a wide smile on her face. "Savannah is up in her room. Come on in." She then stepped out of the way and let me inside. I thanked her and without another word, I walked up the stairs and knocked on Savannah's door.

No answer.

I tried again...

Still no answer.

I then decided to try the door knob, and sure enough, the door slowly opened....

It took me a while for my eyes to adjust to what exactly I was seeing....

Cliff hanger. I know I missed a day of writing so to make it up to you guys, I'll publish another chapter today. Stay in tune....

What do you think sage saw??

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