Jenny~ 46

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I walked through the halls of OCD for what felt like the first time in ages. I could hardly remember the last time I was here, due to the fact my abusive boyfriend, Nathan, would never allow me to leave his sight. Perhaps Nathan just missed his friends and wanted to go back. I never felt more relieved.

I know what Nathan has been doing to me is wrong. The bruises and scratches all over my body says it all. But I also know that he's all I've got. Or at least, that's what he says.

As the bell for first period rang, I was just about to head to class when Nathan stopped me and grabbed my arm.

"Don't think that just because I'm letting you go back to school that it's an opportunity for you to open your mouth and rat about how you got those bruises or why you've been gone." He said, tightening his grip on my wrist. "You better tell them you just took a family vacation or some shit and that your just a clumsy retard."

I looked down at my feet. "They won't believe me. This black eye is obvious that I got hit in the face." He then took a pair of dark sun glasses from his pocket and shoved them at me. "That's why you wear these." He said. "And one more thing." He violently grabbed a hold of the neck of my shirt. "If I catch you even looking at another man, you may find the both of you in a hospital." I gulped and nervously nodded my head.

I was used to his threats after being with him for quite a while, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't do any of it... Right?

After class ended, I waited by my locker in hopes I would get a chance to talk to Savvy, or even Lina. We haven't talked since she became friends with Brook, and even though she acted like a total bitch at the time, I still missed her.

As if on cue, I felt someone tap on my shoulder, and sure enough, it was Lina. "Jenny?" She said with a smile on her face. "Wow I haven't seen you in so long! How'v you been?" I smiled back. "Oh uh, just took a little vacation for a while." I said, trying to sound as honest as possible. "What have I missed?"

"A lot actually, but I'll tell you later." She said, then she grabbed my arm. "There's someone I'd like you to meet." She led me over to the other side of the hallway to a girl. "This is my girlfriend, Meghan." Meghan smiled and held out her hand for me to shake. "Girlfriend? Wow. Congrats." "Wanna sit with us at lunch? Perhaps then we can talk about what's been going on around here." I nodded my head and we went on with the rest of our day.

By the time lunch had started, Lina and I walked to the cafeteria together and she told me all the drama I missed. "I can't believe Savvy got suspended AGAIN. She doesn't seem like the type of person to do drugs." I said, as we got in line to get our lunches. "That's why I think someone framed her." She said. "It was probably Brook, you know how evil she is." I suggested.

"Nope, She was in Jail the hole time."

"Jail?" I asked, a little too loud, with my eyes widened. Lina shushed me and pointed to Brook, who was standing behind her with her arms crossed, glaring at us. "Well, if it isn't Nathan's side whore and the queer." She said, with a smirk. "How are you and Nathan doing? He's still beating the crap out of you I see." She flicked the glasses off my face, revealing my black eye. "Ooh.. That's gonna leave a scar... I would say I feel bad for you, but I'd be lying, if anything, you deserve it. It's better you than Rachel." She then did a menacing laugh and walked away.

I quickly covered my eye, and bent over to pick up my glasses. "Jenny, what is she talking about?" Lina said in a concerned tone. "Is what she said true? Is Nathan hurting you?"

"N-No... She's lying... I- I have to go..." And with that, I ran out into the hallway before any more questions were asked.

After looking around the hall to make sure no one was around, I collapsed to the floor and had a mental break down.

I knew all I had to do to end this was to just break up with Nathan, but it's not that easy. I know what he's capable of, and for all I know, he could kill me. I know I could just tell the police but what would that do? Nathan's family was extremely wealthy so there's no doubt they had a good lawyer. And he could probably make up some awful story like how I caused all these marks myself just to get him thrown in Jail.

I guess my only option was to go through with this until I could find some way to stop it. But for now, I was screwed.

"You!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me, interrupting my thoughts. I turned around and groaned.


He rushed towards me and before I could get up, he grabbed my hair and pulled me to were we were Face to Face. "You told Brook and Angelina about me hitting you didn't you??!!" He screamed at me. "N-No, I didn't... Somehow Brook just knew, and Lina heard when she mentioned it."

"Bullshit!" He yelled, still pulling onto my hair, he banged the back of my head against the locker. "I can't even trust you on your own for one God Damn day." He slapped me across the face and put his hands around my neck. "What's it gonna take for you to obey me, cause slapping you around obviously doesn't do shit."

I opened my mouth to apologize, but his hands wrapped so tightly around my neck that I could hardly breath. Suddenly, he pulled something out of his pocket. My eyes widened, and I tried to escape from his grasp as I saw what it was...

A knife...

"Maybe, I have to take some other precautions for you to finally understand." I felt my eyes suddenly water. His grip then loosened up enough for me to talk. "P-please... I-I'll listen. I-I'm so sorry..."

"I don't believe you." He said through gritted teeth, and brought the knife closer to my throat.

"I-I'm sorry... I- I love you."

"Now there's the magic words." He said with an evil grin. He then put the knife away, still pinning me to the wall, and kissed me on the lips. His breath smelt of liquor and weed.

Without another word, he finally let me go, and walked away...

Once he was out of sight, I collapse once again to the floor.

I'm not sure how much longer I can take this...


Shout outs:






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