Brooke~ Chapter 54

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This is Ms. Hayes, I can't get to the phone right now, leave a message.

My heart sank. This was the fifth time I tried calling my mother today, and there was no answer. I sighed and once the phone beeped, I sent a voice mail for what felt like the millionth time...

"Mom, I know you're busy at work and all, but I really need you to pick up." My eyes started to water. "Call me when you're available... Bye..."

Everyone seems to think I live a life everyone is jealous of. I live in a milion dollar mansion, I have the richest clothes from the most expensive stores, and I'm even drop dead gorgeous.

But behind closed doors, I'm just a useless little girl with a dead father, a mother who is never home, and an eating disorder that's slowly killing me.

I sat down the bowl of ice cream I was eating and headed to the bathroom for my daily purge. I used to love doing this, the thrill was amazing. Eating a shit ton of food and puking it all up, then going to the scale and feeling a weight taken off your shoulders once you finally hit that perfect weight.

But now, all this is is agony.

And I can't stop.

I leaned over the toilet and shoved a finger down my throat. I couldn't help but cry. Now this is just painful, and probably not at all pretty...

Once I was done, I took a glance in the mirror and cried even more.

"You're ugly." I said to my reflection. "No wonder people at school think you're discusting."

After washing my face and cleaning off the mountain of makeup I had piled on to hide what was underneath, I looked through the cabinet that was inside the mirror and grabbed the pills. I popped some in my mouth, and by some I mean half the bottle, and gulped it all down.

I then crawled in bed with my blanket over my head and cried myself to sleep...


Sorry this chapter was so short, and no, Brooke isn't dead.

And sorry I was late on publishing, once again, some shit has been going on, and I've been quite busy with school starting back up and all...

Anyways, I'll try to make the next chapter longer.


XoXo ~Mother Dragon

Do you feel sorry for Brooke, or do you feel like she deserves this for all that she's done to people?

Shout outs:











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