Chapter 29~ Brooke

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"Brooke, what we did was awful." Angel said with worry in her eyes. I invited the girls at my house for a little girl's night and this whiny kitten had to ruin our fun. "We need to go up to the hospital and apologize. She could have taken her own life because of us."

"Well, she didn't. I'm sure she'll be fine." I argued back. But deep down in the pits of my stomach, I felt bad for Savvy. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I would have felt horrible if she died because of us. Maybe we did take our little prank a little too far this time, but in all fairness, I think Savannah deserved the embarrassment.

"Besides, she wan't your true friend anyways so why should we pity her?" I said as I shoved a handful of popcorn in my mouth. I would be puking this food up soon. Savannah had it so lucky. She could probably eat an entire kitchen full of fattening foods and not gain a single pound. Why should we feel sorry for her? She had everything.

"She's not wrong Brooke." Rachel said from across the room. She was sitting at my vanity applying about fifty layers of sparkly red lip gloss to her lips. "I mean, yes, she did practically take everything away from us, but the least we can do is say sorry for almost killing her." I hated it when they were right. "Alisha, back me up here..." I looked over at Alisha, sleeping soundly on my bean bag chair, snoring loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Well, I was beat. Time to face the consequences. "Ugh, fine, let's go." I groaned.

When we got to the hospital, the receptionist happily escorted us to Savvy's room. I was hoping to quickly get it over with and go back to tormenting her later, but what I saw almost made me faint. Savannah was laying in the hospital bed with Sage leaned over and kissing her. I felt the rage boil inside me. I made a ball of my fists and squeezed them so hard that my finger nails left little half moon shaped indents in the palm of my hand. I screamed as loud as I could, not caring who heard me. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but I remember running up to Savannah and Sage so fast I almost tripped over my nine inch heels. I slapped Sage in the face and nearly dragged Savannah out of the hospital bed by her hair.

"YOU WHORE!" I yelled to the top of my lungs. "I came over here trying to call a truce and I find you making out with my boyfriend?" If this was a cartoon, there would probably be steam coming out of my ears. It took awhile for the nurses to get me away from Savannah, but I was asked to leave the hospital and go home. "That's it Savannah... The fight may be over, but now it's time for the war..."


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