chapter 10- Jenny

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"So how long are you suspended?" I asked savvy. I had called her and Lina after school to talk about things. We had talked about what brooke did. So we're friends again! "For 3 weeks!" Said savvy. "My mom said that this is my last phone call that I get until graduation!" Lina gasped from the other line. "Don't you think she's being a little over dramatic?" She said. "I mean, sure, you attacked brooke like a wild dog but, in all fairness, I think it was Brooke's fault!" "I know!" Savvy said. "She started this war! Now I'm gonna end it!" There was a long pause. Then I heard a beep on my phone. "Oh hold on guys." I said. "There is someone on the other line." "Hey!" Nathan said." I heard savvy and Lina gasp. "Hey Nate." I said. I couldn't help but smile. It felt so nice to hear his voice. "Can I come over?" He asks. I heard a thud from the other end. "Um... Lina?" I heard savvy say. I then heard Lina hyperventilating. "W..what? Oh...I'm fine!!!" She said. "Jen! Say yes!" Nathan chuckled at Lina's comment. "Um...sure Nate!" I said finally. "Great! See ya then!" He then hung up! "Oh. My. Dog!!" I heard savvy and Lina both say at the same time. "Tell us everything!" And with that they hung up.

I felt Nathan kiss my lips as I opened the door for him. "I brought you these!" He said. And handed me some roses. "Oh thanks Nathan." I kissed him again and we walked upstairs.
I locked my bedroom door...

Don't worry guys! There just making out!!!!!!

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