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Hey guys! It's me! Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been sick with the flu but I'm much better now and I'm working on a new chapter and it will be published shortly. While I was gone, I actually got a lot of questions for my Q&A. So, without further adu, here is some questions you have asked...

1) How old are you? 

I am 13 years old ^0^

2) Tacos or Burritos?


3) Who's your favorite actor?

<3<3 Jim Carry because he slays life <3<3

4) Are you single?

Yes, For now... I know a lot of people who like me that I like back, but for right now I kind of just want to be a cuddle whore...

5) What is your religion?

Um... I don't really have one. I believe in a higher power but not necessarily a god. Plus i'm into a lot of satanic shit but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a satanist or that I'm against Christians. I believe that everyone has a right to believe what they want. Please no hate!!!!

6) Do you have an instagram?

Great question! I do actually! If you'd like, you can follow me at bisexual_unicorn16. I follow back!!!!!

7) What inspires you most to write? 

I basically get inspired by youtubers such as SophieGTV. But I really don't know what inspires me. I've always been creative. Fun fact: I hate reading but I love to write. If it's my own stories or a fanfiction or something about suicide or something relatable, I'll read it. Other than that, I despise reading. 

8) What is your favorite book genre to write?

I feel the easiest genre to write about is fan fiction,horror, or fantasy.

9) What would you do for a klondike bar?

I've never tried a klondike bar before. lol

10) Would you ever have a one night stand?

Probably not. I treat my body like a princess and I don't just use it and abuse it for one night. If I'm gonna take things to the next level like that it has to be with someone I love and trust. Lol I know that sounds really cliche.... 

11) Toe socks, crocs, and camo. What's your view on these horrendous creations?

They shall be burned in the firey pits of hell along with all the other dreadful mistakes of the world. If anyone you know is with you in public while wearing them, ditch them and pretend you don't know them. Trust me, it's for your own good. Wearing stuff like that is social suicide.

12) Do you fight with words or hands?

I have a bad habit of fighting back with words.... I'm really a nice person... Just with a bit of a bad temper. 

13) Do you have/like dragon mania legends

I'm guessing that is a game. I have never played it but I love dragons. They're one of my favorite animals <3

14) What is your favorite Youtuber?

Probably Shane dawson<3<3<3<3<3

15) How are babies made?

Uh.... It's when a boy takes a banana and puts it in a girl's donut... wow... this is awkward.....

Um... I'm gonna end it there. So sorry if I didn't get to your questions but thank you guys so much for asking them. Luv u all byeeeeeeee

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