Josh- Chapter 62

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It all happened so quickly. Nathan ran at Rachel and I, so I ran in front of Rachel to block her from his punch. He tried pushing me to the ground after putting his fist to my nose, but I grabbed a hold of his shirt and shoved him against the lockers. He turned to Rachel. 

"You filthy slut." He said. "If I ever see you again, I'll pull your head right off your disproportionate body. You, and this little bastard here." He looked at me with a smirk, as if he was tough shit. Before he could say anything else, I punched him in the eye, and he immediately went limp in my hands. I threw him to the ground and walked over to Rachel, who was sitting next to a locker, covering her crying face.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her. "Is he always like that?" I asked, worried. She nodded her head and I hugged her tighter. "You deserve better." She put her head on my shoulder and we sat there for awhile until the bell rang and people quickly started filling in.


At lunch, Rachel and I sat at a table in the back by ourselves to talk. 

"I'm really sorry about what I said back there." I said. "You're not a whore, you're not a moron, and if you really wanna keep this baby, I'll be more than happy to be there for you."

"I'm not ready to be a parent, so I'm not keeping it." She said. "But, if it's not too much to ask, will you still be with me?" 

I smiled and looked up at her. "You free Friday night?"

------------------------------------------------Savannah's P.O.V-------------------------------------------------

After school, Sage and I drove back to his house. We sat down in the living room and discussed the "A" person who keeps texting me. 

"Someone's harassing you?" Sage yelled angrily, a little too loudly. "Let me see your phone. I'm putting a stop to this."

He took my phone and I leaned over his shoulder to see what he was typing:

Listen here you little mother fucker, whoever you are, you need to quit harassing my girlfriend before we have an even bigger problem. Fuck off and don't text this number again.

As soon as he sent the message, we heard a "ding" coming from Bridgette's phone, which was laying face down on the table in front of us. Sage picked it up, flipped it over, and gasped once he found the notification on the lock screen of the exact text message he sent to the "A" person. So that means....

Bridgette is A...

Sage sat down her phone, and Bridgette came down the stairs. "Sorry to interrupt. I left my phone down here." 

"You." I said in an angered tone. "This hole time YOU'VE been this A person? Have you been stalking me or something?"

I could hear Bridgette gulp and I walked closer to her. 

"All those threatening messages, secrets I haven't even told anyone, all that drama was because of you?"

"Brooke was in on it too." Bridgette said with fear. "She payed me to spy on you and your friends to get gossip so that she could expose you all. It's not my fault okay?" 

"Not your fault?" I said, raising my voice. Sage stood behind me, getting ready to hold me back so I don't start throwing punches. "I knew you hated me, but I didn't think you hated me THAT much..."

"Of coarse I hate you. You get everything. Everyone thinks you're a perfect little princess but you're NOT. You're a dirty whore and I wished my car had killed you when I cause that car crash." After saying that, Bridgette quickly covered her mouth wishing she didn't say that. 

"You were trying to kill me?" Savvy yelled. Sage then grabbed a hold of my arm, knowing I had now snapped. "You crazy bitch!" 

Just as I was about to slap that ho, Bridgette grabbed a hold of my neck, pushed me down to the floor, and started to repeatedly kicked me in the stomach. Sage pulled her off of me, and I got a chance to look down to see blood dripping down my leg. I froze, and realized... Something was wrong. 

"Holy shit Savvy, you're bleeding." Sage said, getting on his knees to prop my head up. "Someone call an ambulance!" 

To Be Continued....

Uh oh! What will happen to the babies? 

Stay tuned -Mother Dragon <3

Shout outs: 

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