Keep in mind, I started writing this book when I was around 12 years old, so the first few chapters are a bit shitty, but I promise, if you read on, it gets much much better. Also, just a little side note, you might not get the concept or backstory of this book unless you've watched the YouTube series, LPS popular by Sophiegtv. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy <3
Our story starts out on a hot and sunny day, as it usually is in California, I remember I was sitting at home, waiting patiently for my boyfriend, Sage to arrive for our date, planning in my head how it was gonna go.
He would knock on the door, with that warm smile on his face that makes my heart melt. I would happily greet him, and take his hand, leading him to my room. We would put the movie in, as if we were actually gonna watch it and not get busy doing... other things... (as if!) Everything would be absolutely perfect. And it was.
Until I got a phone call....
"Ugh! That evil, conniving, little.... TRAMP!!!!!" My friend Jenny yelled on the other end of the phone as soon as I picked up.
"Wow Jenny, calm down. What's wrong?" I said back.
"It's Rachel. She's trying to take Nathan from me."
I sighed. This was probably one of my arch enemy, Brooke' s, elaborate plans to ruin mine and my friend's life.
Brooke, with her super cute designer clothes and accessories, bleach blond hair, with her face covered in piles and piles of makeup, has hated me ever since I moved to Orange County Day.
Ever since she became popular, it seemed as though she forgot all the memories we had as best friends in middle school.
She has two minions, Alicia and Rachel, who are both just as evil as Brooke. All three of them seem to make it a hobby to ruin everyone's lives.
Especially mine.
Brooke acts as if she doesn't have everything she could ever ask for. She acts as though she doesn't live in a mansion and come to school covered in diamonds with everyone treating her like royalty. She has all of that and more, yet she still takes the time out of her day to make me completely miserable.
Why does she waste her time on me you might ask? That's because she doesn't like when people steal her spotlight. And you guessed it, I'm one of those people. And not only did I suddenly take her spot as the most popular girl in school, but I stole her boyfriend, Sage.
But in my opinion, "stole" is a powerful word.
Sage isn't some stolen toy. He's a human being, and someone as sweet as him doesn't deserve to be with some monster like Brooke.
But this obviously isn't the first time Brooke has tried to ruin my life. The endless amounts of torture are almost too awful to bare.
Like that time she spread rumors about me around school about how I supposedly have this ugly and contagious skin rash. Or how she made me believe my ex boyfriend, Tom, was cheating on me with her at a party. Or how about the time she publicly humiliated me in front of the hole school by insulting me.
You'd think after all of that, I'd be used to it by now.

The Lps Popular Diaries (COMPLETE)
FanfictionFind out about the dirty lies, shocking secrets, and juicy gossip of the cast of Lps Popular Btw, sophiGTV, you are more than welcome to use these in your episodes of Lps popular. But you only!!!!!! Plz take some of these ideas into consideratio...