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Ten months earlier: August 5th, 2015-

"Any particular flowers you wanted, Mr. Montgomery?" The woman behind the desk of the floral shop asked Drew the sweet and innocent question, her name tag reading Michelle as she placed the cap back on the pen in her hand and threw it in the cup on the counter as she awaited for his receipt to print out from the machine in front of them.

"Uh, she always liked lilies. Can I have those? The color doesn't matter." Drew's head lifted so he could make eye contact with her, his eyes departing from the cell phone in his hand as he watched the woman give him a slight smile.

"Sure thing, hon." She responded, passing him the freshly printed receipt and scurrying off to the back where she quickly returned with the flowers he had just ordered from the store.

He tucked the small piece of paper into his pocket of his shorts as well as his phone, taking hold of the bouquet of flowers, and putting them to his nose to take a strong inhale. "They're perfect. Thank you so much."

"No problem. She's going to love them."

"I sure hope so. See you around, Michelle." Drew smiled a final time, waving goodbye to the woman as he walked out the floral shop and stepped outside.

Usually, on any other day, he would have never been caught dead in a flower shop but he had to make a special appearance as he was on his way to go see someone important in his life and wanted to make an good impression with some beautiful fresh flowers.

He whistled a small tune as he pulled open the door to his 2016 Ford Truck, delicately putting the bouquet of lilies on the passenger seat as he hopped in himself on the driver's side and let the engine roar to life.

If there was one thing he could say that he loved- it was his truck and the freedom he had within it. He could make whatever type of moves he wanted and though, he suffered from issues with his father, he could honestly say this was the best thing he had ever gotten for his son.

He hit the radio, turning up some music as he got ready to complete his second task for the day.

Visiting his mother's grave.

Something that he made sure to put into his schedule routinely, on her birthday, holidays, and other special occasions as to show her that she was still forever in his heart. And also, just because sometimes he wanted to talk to her.

And today, he was missing her extra.

In his plans for the day, he wasn't due to report to the high school until 6pm sharp to help out with the freshman orientation, so he decided he was going to past the time by seeing his late mother.

It was in his nature to sign up for things such as helping to assist the new 9th graders get to know the school before they started back up on Friday for the new year. And plus, the extra volunteer work would look great on college applications too.

"I know, you know, we know... We can make the good thing keep happening..." The music on the radio played softly in the background, as he put on his turn signal, and began parallel parking alongside the sidewalk as he was now at the cemetery.

He parked perfectly, pulling his keys out the ignition as he opened his car door and got prepared to climb out. He grabbed his flowers beside him, taking a deep breath as he began walking over to the grave that belonged to his mother. He knew exactly where it was located, something he could never forget, and something that was always going to be embroidered in his mind for the rest of his life.

He wiped his eyes before kneeling down and removing all the weeds from in front of her tombstone as he got comfortable, placing the flowers on the ground beside him. "Hey mommy." 

He took a deep breath after saying the two words, looking around and seeing that he was the only one there. Just the way he liked it. He liked to have private time with his mother when he came to visit, so that he could properly express himself. His mom was always someone he could confide in, and now that she was gone- that wasn't going to stop the way he felt.

"So, uh, I just wanted to come see you. I haven't been here in a while and I miss you," He awkwardly laughed, before a tear fell from his face unexpectedly. "I miss you so much, mom, you have no clue." He sobbed, the only time he would ever actually let his guard down and become a little vulnerable.

He had been without his mom since the summer of his sophomore year due to a car accident, and even 2 years later, it still hurt to be without her. His mom was his best friend, his heart & soul wrapped into one and that would never change for him, no matter what happened later in life.

"Uh, so, I gotta get to the school in a little. It's freshmen orientation night and you know seniors help out with the new kids," He stopped, thinking to himself for a second before he let out a slight chuckle. "God, mom. Can you believe I'm a senior already? I remember when I was a little eighth grader with this wild curly afro."

He grinned, thinking of the way the last few years flew by in a breeze, and how he was only focused on school and baseball in that time like he always was. Baseball being his favorite sport. And he knew his mom would be proud of the way he was working hard and how much dedication he was putting into his schoolwork at the same time.

He also knew it meant nothing more to her and his father for their little boy to go off to college as well and he was going to complete that very task. It was the least he could do for the ones who gave him life.

"You know, it's crazy. Just the other day it was my 8th birthday and you were baking me a cake at the house and now I just turned 18. Absolutely insane." He shook his head side to side in disbelief before he looked over and picked up the flowers beside him, putting them down on the tombstone, while his other hand came around the special necklace he had around his neck.

The small little heart pendant that his mother gave him when he was only a infant. She had the same exact one and it meant everything to him, as it was his good luck charm in more ways than one.

"I love you so much, mom. Be safe up there. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you," He said, rubbing the tombstone a final time before he let a few more tears fall from his face. "And I swear I'm gonna make you so proud of me."

After that, he sat there in silence for what felt like hours, pouring his heart out to his mother before he felt a slight vibration coming from the pocket of his jeans. Pulling his cell phone out, he checked the text message and wiped at his eyes as a small cheeky smile grew on his face from just what the notification was.

Mariah😻: hey birthday boy! Don't try to ditch me tonight, I have a special birthday surprise for you when you get here, xoxo. 😘

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