APG | 2.

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August 5th, 2015-

Mariah Valentine was the exact epitome of what a perfect girl was.

Beautiful, smart, classy and just overall the type of girl that you could bring home to mom and dad & then later on, settle down and evidently start your own perfect family with.

Everyone knew this about her, but no one really knew it like Drew did.

He had the title for having the biggest crush on her since she had moved to LA eighth grade year, and though, sometimes he would stray and try to be with someone else for a second, it was always clear as to where his heart was. No matter what.

So clear to the point of right after she had sent him that text message, he bid his mother a farewell and hopped right onto the highway towards the school to go see his future wife.

He pulled straight into the parking lot of Los Angeles HS at 6:05 on the dot- with his right hand on the steering wheel, and his left hand holding the burger he had stopped to get to his mouth as his eyes scanned the crowded parking lot for a spot.

He knew it might have been impossible to find one considering he was late, but he was Drew Montgomery- and if that wasn't saying enough, of course he had somehow spotted a spot right in the front by the main doors and wasted no time in throwing his blinker on and pulling right into it.

He pulled the key out of the ignition, wiping his hands on a napkin and throwing his garbage back in the takeout bag before he tossed his keys into the pocket of his jeans, grabbed his shake and climbed out the truck.

He soon began walking to the front doors of the school, tossing the garbage on the way inside.

"Good evening, Mr. Montgomery. Pleasure to see you again." A security guard was the first to greet him, and he quickly extended his right hand and gave him a solid handshake.

"Nice seeing you too, Rick." Drew responded coolly, continuing his journey inside the building as he pulled open the double doors.

And as soon as he made it in, it was WWII. Not only did a series of voices (most likely freshmen) soon started calling his name, but almost every girl he decided to make eye contact with practically melted like butter on the spot and all the guys watched him in envy and jealousy. Insane... But typical in a day of Drew's life.

He was Drew Montgomery, the hot shot (as Mariah would call him), star player & overall the man of the high school. And when it came down to it, and he honestly couldn't ask for anything better.


Especially that.

He turned to face Mariah, a large smile growing on his face as she almost glided over to him with a equally as large grin, sticking a name tag to his sweater right before she extended her arms and gave him a warm welcoming hug.

"Well hello, birthday boy." She whispered in his ear sweetly, as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into him tightly. The hug only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough for him.

"Hey beautiful, someone excited to see me?" He asked her once she pulled back, the smile never erasing on her end.

"Yes," She buried her face into his shoulder, slowly interlocking their fingers. "Of course. I wanted to at least see you on your special day. How does it feel to finally be 18?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "It feels normal, but you made the entire day better just by showing me your gorgeous face."

"So smooth, Drew." Mariah blushed then, her face heating up as she let out a small giggle at Drew's words. He knew he was making her get those butterflies in her stomach, and he was glad that he could make her feel what she always did to him.

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