Epilogue. «

594 26 16

May 28th, 2016-

Sullivan exhaled deeply. "Look, this is your opportunity, son. You have one chance to confess everything to me or you're gonna have to face some severe consequences. And with you being the star student and player of Los Angeles high school, I would expect you would want to get out of this situation as quick and easy as possible."

Drew scoffed loudly at the words that came out of his mouth, knowing all too well that the crooked cop was trying to manipulate him as he shook his head side to side in disbelief.

"Alright, kid. Suit yourself. But I'm trying to make you a deal. You confess to me right now and I won't have any of this placed on your record."

Those words seemed to have gained Drew's attention, as he now turned to Sullivan with a look of curiosity.

If he just confessed everything, then his future could still potentially be what he had always dreamed of. Something that his mother would be proud of. And that's what he wanted more than anything. "You serious?"

"As a heart attack."

Drew rubbed his chin deep in thought, thinking a bit more before he finally sighed. Giving his final answer. "Fine."

"Fine, what?" Sullivan reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, his focus on that while Drew's focus was on him as he licked his lips and shook his head for the second time. Hopefully he didn't regret this choice.

"I'll tell you everything."

After those four words came out of his mouth, it seemed that everything was moving in super slow motion.

Sullivan's eyes glanced up at him and he could see the man was trying his best to fight and hold back a smile. Probably all too happy that he was finally going to get Drew to talk.

As known, the police had taken him into custody the night before, after he had won the big championship game and began interrogating him almost immediately.

But Drew wasn't saying anything. For the simple fact of how he didn't want Dawn to get into any trouble and for the simple fact that this was all ultimately his fault.

He had approached Dawn that night at the bar, he had needed the help from her, he had sex with her countless times, he had wife'd up Mariah, and he had gotten caught all in the end.

He deserved every bit of this. Like someone had once said... Everything done in the dark always comes to light.

And his truth was well past due coming out.

"Talk when you're ready." Sullivan's words were kind as he out of nowhere had a recorder in his hand and had this not have been such a crucial moment, Drew might have responded differently.

But since it was the situation he was in, he decided to wipe his sweaty palms on his pants as his heart was on it's way to beating out of his chest.

He sighed, parting his lips and figuring it was time to get started. "Well, I don't really know where to start. It was..."

There was suddenly a knock at the door, interrupting him and it opened, revealing one of the officers that Drew had recognized from last night.

"Mendez," Sullivan gestured towards Drew. "What is it? I'm with someone."

"Drew Montgomery?"

"Yes." Sullivan replied, his eyebrow raising.

Mendez glanced down at the stack of papers he had in his hands. "He's free to go."

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