APG | 29.

269 21 16

May 27th, 2016-

"Holy fuck! We graduate tonight, broski." Travis smiled, climbing into Drew's truck as the young man was giving him a ride to school.

Drew dapped him up, a grin on his face as well, waiting for Travis to close the door so they could be about their way.

"I know. And it feels so fucking good. I got my big game tonight too." Drew smiled, going to push his hair back and forgetting that he had gotten it cut for prom a few weeks ago.

"Oh yeah. And damn, isn't it Mariah's birthday today?" Travis changed subject, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a cigarette along with the lighter.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Drew questioned, one hand on the wheel as they cruised down the streets.

"Facebook notification. I have no clue why I still go on there," Travis rolled his eyes, inhaling the smoke and blowing it out. "So what did you get her?"

"I got some balloons, a big ass teddy bear in the back and I decorated her locker yesterday while she was absent. Brought her some jewelry and all that good stuff and I'm gonna take her out tomorrow too." Drew responded, Travis' eyes going wide.

Drew noticed his expression and frowned. "What?"

"You just went all the way out, didn't you?"

"Just trying to treat her right. She deserves nothing less," He responded shrugging his shoulders. "You know?"

"Yeah, I know. Why not take her out tonight, though?" Travis took another drag.

"She's having a small dinner at her house with her parents, her aunt, and Darnell. She invited me, so I'm gonna be there, of course." Drew answered, his turn signal coming on as he hit a smooth right.

Travis blew the smoke out once again. "Meeting the parents, eh? That must be exciting."

"I already met her dad prom night. He's cool but I haven't met her moms yet. But I'm not sweating it. Parents love me." Drew showed no sign of being nervous as he continued cruising.

"That should be cool. I'm probably going to get dead drunk so you can come slide through whenever you want. Maybe we'll go to the bar or something." The cigarette was now being flicked out the window.

"I am not going to any bar where I may or may not be tempted to cheat on the love of my life." Drew replied, and Travis gagged, unamused completely.

He was not one for the lovey dovey, gushing annoying shit.

So, he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, alright. I'll have your trusted fake ID waiting for you when you ready."

Drew laughed at how dramatic Travis was, parking in the school's parking lot and shutting off the engine to his truck.

He swung open the door, reaching into the backseat to grab all the items he had for Mariah, shutting the door behind him as he went to go stroll into the school.

Travis was kind enough to hold the door open for him and they both waltzed in, Drew walking down the hallway and putting the items down once he spotted Mariah.

He rolled up the sleeves to his flannel, walking up to her from behind and placing his hands over her eyes. "Guess who?"

"Hmm," She pretended to be thinking, softly removing his hands and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Could it be my lovely boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend. I'll never get tired of that," He leaned down and pecked her lips softly. "That either."

She laughed at him as always and he quickly escaped out of her grasp, going to pick up the items and showing them to her.

"Happy birthday, beautiful."

"Aw, thank you, love. You didn't have to do all that. Decorating my locker was enough but I greatly appreciate it." She leaned up and kissed him again, taking the items from his hold.

"Mmm, I'm not even done. You're getting so many things over the weekend that it's ridiculous." He whispered in her ear as she shook her head.

He just looked at her in adoration though, reaching and grabbing the books from her hand, and angling his right elbow out, Mariah soon catching the hint and putting her arm in the space as he began walking her to class.

"So, how does it feel to finally be 18?"

She smirked. "Normal, but you just made the day better by showing me your handsome face."

They both erupted in laughter at their recreation of the conversation they had on his birthday 10 months ago, grinning all the way.

This was what they always imagined. People were rushing them to get together all these years but the timing never felt right to them. But now, in this moment- it was all correct.

"Are you nervous about having dinner at my place tonight?" She asked suddenly, Drew furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Of course not. But is your mom feeling better? Your aunt said she had that nasty flu prom night."

"Yeah, she's fine. It was just that nasty virus that was going around. My aunt thought she was pregnant for a sec but we were just like 'she's not sleeping with anyone' so how," She sighed, as they approached her first period class. "But any way, we're all good to go tonight."

"And I'm looking forward to every minute of it," Drew smiled, kissing her lips sweetly for the third time. "I mean, just what can go wrong?"

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