APG | 31.

242 22 12

May 27th, 2016-

"That speech was wonderful baby," Drew unlocked the door to his truck, walking over to Mariah's side and pulling the door open for her. "I could tell you worked really hard on it."

"I did. Weeks and weeks." She replied, allowing Drew to assist her into getting in the passenger seat, her gifts from him in her hand as she got settled. He closed the door once sure she was inside, going to his own side and climbing in.

"But forget about my speech. I still can't believe Travis did that." She laughed, shaking her head as she reached behind her and grabbed the seatbelt, clicking it into it's safety.

"I can. Dude's been talking about doing it since fifth grade." Drew commented, starting the car up and letting Mariah's angelic giggles continue going on in his ear.

He turned to her, admiring her beauty as she finally calmed down, looking up at him as his hand rested on her thigh in her short summer dress. He started backing out of the spot that he was parked in, and driving out the lot and down the street.

They were headed on their way to Mariah's house for her party and as the music softly played in the background and the light wind blew through her hair crazily, he couldn't help to be amazed that such a beauty was all his.

Before he knew it, they had pulled up to her house and he parked on the street. Getting out and opening her door to help her out just as he helped her in.

He grabbed some of the items from her and closed the door behind him again, glancing to look in the driveway and not seeing one car.

"Where is everyone?"

"Well, the party doesn't start for a while. I wanted to give Darnell time to celebrate with his family. And my mom had to go pick some stuff up." She explained, her house key suddenly in her hand as she jiggled it in the lock and then pushed the door open.

"So, looks like we're all by ourselves for a bit." She placed her items down on the couch and gestured for him to do the same, facing him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He smirked down at her, before giving his own response. "And how do you plan to entertain me?"

"Hmm, maybe some of this." She stood on the tips of her toes and placed her lips against his his, allowing him to grab her chin and tilt her head slightly as he deepened the kiss.

Their tongues met and he sucked on hers, pulling back before he bit her lip playfully and rested his forehead on top of hers.

"And some of that too," She was beaming. "Come sit with me."

She escaped his grasp, her hands taking hold of his and leading him to the couch. She watched as he took a seat and she plopped down next to him, snuggling close, and lifting her head to kiss his lips again as this time, it began to get as intense as before.

Drew smirked against her lips, kissing her back as he pulled her over on top of him, starting to strip out of his jacket as he did so. Mariah grabbed the jacket from his hands and threw it behind them, feeling his hands move upwards on her thighs as Drew's lips suddenly came to her neck and started sucking- trying to mark his territory.

The sudden sound of a door opening startled them. And just as quick as Mariah was on his lap in the first place, she was off.

"Mariah, honey. Are you home?" She heard her mother's voice and whispered a curse word, adjusting her dress as she stood to her feet.

"Mom! You're here. I thought you were going to be a while." She entertained the conversation, picking up Drew's jacket and passing it to him. Which he quickly threw his arms through and straightened up his appearance.

"I thought so too, but," She paused, her heels clicking on the ground coming to an end. "Here I am. Are you alone?"

"No. Remember that boyfriend I was telling you about?" She silently mouthed for Drew to stand up, which he did, wrapping his arms around her waist as she hugged him.

Her mother began speaking again. "Oh, yeah. Andrew or something?"

Mariah kissed Drew's nose, her hands interlocking with his as she started dragging him into the kitchen a few feet away.

"It's just Drew," She motioned for him to come inside, in which he did, a smile on his face. "And this is him."

Drew's jaw dropped at the sight of Mariah's mom, the woman wiping her hands before she went to go meet Drew's extended arm. A small gasp coming from her face once she looked at Drew.

"Mom, I want you to meet Drew, my boyfriend," Mariah wrapped her arms around her beau, not noticing the way that both their bodies tensed up. "And Drew, this is my mother, Dawn."

Drew swallowed the lump in his throat. "Uh, it's nice to meet you, m'aam."

"Likewise." Dawn crossed her arms over her chest, unsure of what to do next.

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