APG | 11.

421 28 3

October 16th, 2015-

"Come on, Montgomery! You can lift more than that!" The sound of Coach White's bellowing voice in Drew's ear was enough to motivate the young man as he watched the coach circle around him on the bench press, Drew lifting the bar and placing it back in it's original position.

He wiped at the bead of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, letting out a breath. "I'm trying, coach. I'm trying."

"What's wrong with you, son? You're usually in more of a zone than this." Coach White passed him a water bottle, which he gracefully accepted and sipped from.

"I know, I just got a few things on my mind. Nothing too serious." He lied through clenched teeth, knowing all too well that the thought of the new drama teacher was running back and forth in his thoughts like a marathon.

"Well, are you going to the game tonight? Maybe a night out showing some school spirit will fix that."

"Yeah maybe... we'll see." Drew crunched the water bottle in his hand, throwing it to the side for the time being as he laid back down on the press and began benching again.

Working out seemed to have been the only thing that distracted him just the right way, as it shut off every other thing going on in his life. And with Dawn around, he needed to get away from that simple fact.

"Coach," A freshman suddenly appeared in the weight room, a post it note folded in between his fingers. "Guidance wants to see Drew Montgomery."

"Alright. Drew, you're wanted." He signaled for the boy to stop bench pressing, watching as Drew placed the bar back in it's place for the second time and stood to his feet.

He grabbed the end of his shirt, dapping at his sweaty face as he walked towards the door and followed the freshman back to the main office. The travel there was intensely awkward, as he knew the kid was too shy to talk to the "star" of the school.

He wasn't shocked at this, though, as most was always afraid to even part their lips for him, especially lower class men. Why? He had no clue. He would describe himself as a nice guy but to each it's own.

Soon enough, he approached the door of the office, and turned to the dorky teen with a small smile.

"Thanks." He only uttered one word but he watched as the kid nodded his head eagerly, in shock that Drew even thanked him.

He would probably go and tell all his friends how Drew even said that, and that was something that made Drew laugh. As he ducked into the office, and went straight to the guidance door and softly knocked.

There was a slight grunt on the other side. "Who is it?"

"Drew Montgomery."

"Ah, come in."

Drew pushed the door open then, giving a small hand gesture at the man as he dropped his bag on the floor and took a seat before the man's desk. He was busy rummaging through the bottom cabinets in the back, but took notice of the young man waiting for him and gestured for him to hold on a second.

He took a few more seconds but surely popped up, giving Drew a warm smile that he quickly returned.

"How are you, Mr. Montgomery?"

Drew shrugged. "I'm good, how are you? What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just called you down here because I thought that you were going to see Miss Parks for your credits to graduate?"

"I did see her."

"Well, she took you off her extra help schedule," The man pushed his glasses up, typing away on the screen as he checked to make sure what he was saying was right. "Yeah. You're not on here."

"And what does that mean?" He sat up forward, listening close. He was growing old of this conversation.

The guidance counselor frowned. "Like I said before. If you're not on the schedule, you're not going to graduate."

Drew hopped up, rolling his eyes in a unamused matter. "Fine. I'll be sure to be on there then."

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