APG | 5.

857 47 10

August 14th, 2015-

"Dawn, what are you doing?" The sound of her name being called from her best friend's voice caused Dawn to turn her head, seeing Trish located right next to her at the bar.

"What? I'm not doing anything." Dawn muttered a response, playing with the straw that was inside of the passion fruit mojito she was sipping on.

"That's the point. You're not doing anything. Why are you just sitting here with a stick up your ass?"

"I'm not." Dawn pouted, sighing deeply as she wished she just stayed home.

Trish had somehow convinced her to come out to the bar on this particular Saturday night, better yet, Fourth of July but now that she was here- she had the biggest feeling of regret in the pit of her stomach.

Trish must have read her mind, because she soon moved closer to her best friend, wrapping an arm around her. "Hey, I thought you were ready for this? The getting back on the dating scene life?"

"I am! It's just... I don't know now," Dawn sighed again, looking around at the crowded bar. "I mean, no one in here is paying me any mind at all. It's like I lost my spunk."

"That is surely not the case," Trish smirked, before whispering low enough just for the two to hear. "Because for the past 5 minutes that I've been sitting here with you, that man over there has not taken his eyes off you and you need to go ahead and make a move because he looks sexy from my view."

Dawn raised a eyebrow at her words, slowly turning in her seat as to not cause attention as she tried to observe just who Trish was talking about.

And indeed, there was a man watching her from not too far away, leaned up against the wall with his friend next to him, laughing and joking around. And though, it was dark in the bar, Dawn couldn't lie to herself and say that he didn't look fine as hell from her view either.

"God, he is fine," Dawn ran a hand through her hair as to fix it up a bit. "But he looks kind of young."

Trish shrugged her shoulders. "Well, he can't be too young to be up in here. Besides, it's already too late to back out, he's making a move over here."

"What? No, no, no. What do I say? What do I do? Trish!" Dawn started to freak out at the thought of interacting with the attractive man, Trish putting a relaxing hand on her shoulder.

"Honey, calm down, you got this. Now, I have to go." Trish gave a thumbs up, picking up her own margarita and heading in the opposite direction.

Right on time too, because just as she left, Dawn felt the presence of another on her left side.

"Another Heineken, please," His deep voice poured into her ears sweetly, as she shyly turned to him with a small smile. "Hello beautiful."

"Hello." She replied sweetly, her eyes capturing his facial features and soon discovering just exactly how attractive he really was.

His ivory colored skin was slightly tan, giving it a medium type of tone as it looked as if he took good care of it well. He had a small amount of brown freckles scattered all over the left side of his face, but they were cute and complimented him well as his dreamy deep chocolate brown eyes poured into her own, and his pink lips was moist from him just licking them a second ago.

He had a bit of stubble on his face too but unlike many others, it worked for him, as he sipped on the beer bottle that was placed on the bar for him and gave Dawn a slight grin in return.

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