APG | 20.

338 23 7

April 2nd, 2016-


Drew scrunched his eyebrows as he hit the pause button on the Xbox game he was playing, pulling the vibrating phone out of his pocket, and allowing the phone notification that just alerted him to come to his attention.

He read the message across the screen, Travis's typing in large capitalized chapters being the only thing he saw before he noticed the actual words on the screen. He shook his head, unlocking the phone and clicking on Travis's name, putting the phone to his ear as he awaited for him to answer his phone call.

"You've reached Trav the God. Talk to me." The voice of his best friend rung through his ears.

"You're having a party?" Drew questioned, rubbing his eyes as he stood up to stretch from his bed.

"You got that text? I ain't mean to send that to you. You a fake friend." Travis replied to him and Drew rolled his eyes, not believing that Travis was still going on about how the night ended at the fair 2 months ago.

"You are not seriously still going on about that," Drew shook his head. "It's been two months."

"I don't care. You left me for a cute girl, like I'm not cute enough for you or something," Travis stated, and Drew could imagine Travis flicking his lighter on back and forth. "I'm cute as fuck. Give me some good contouring and I'll be just as pretty as Mariah. If not, prettier than both of you combined."

Drew exhaled so loudly that he knew Travis could hear him and know just how clearly amused he was not. "Can we please move on? What time's the party?"

"Why? You gonna come help me set up?" The question was expected, and Drew blew out a deep breath, nodding his head.

"Yeah, I'll help. But what time does it start?" Drew picked up a baseball from his dresser and started tossing it around in his hand. Being one of those people that always needed to be moving when on the phone.


Drew stopped tossing the ball, glancing down at the watch he had on his wrist. "Travis, what the fuck, it's 8:15."

"Then you better shower and get your pretty ass over here, princess." And before Drew could respond, Travis had already hung up the phone call.


By the time Drew was done helping Travis rearrange his living room, get all the dips and chips out and then the liquor that he had his neighbor buy in multiple coolers and things, it was about time for the party to start.

Drew grabbed a beer, getting comfortable on the couch as Travis plugged his laptop up to his brand new water speakers and let the music blast. He started dancing, his hands playing with his hair as he made it to the front door and pulled it open, ushering the people in.

Drew stayed seated, basking in his own presence and before he knew it, the place was packed. He was on his second beer by now, his feet kicked up on the coffee table as he was still chilling on the couch. He was truly enjoying himself, up until the point where someone plopped down next to him and made him spill his beer all over himself.

"Hey! Watch you're doing," He shouted, standing up and grabbing the corner of his plaid shirt where the liquid was on split upon. "Shit."

"I'm sorry," The beautiful melody of her voice invaded his ears and his eyes traveled up to her face, her bottom lip in between her teeth and her hair pulled back with one stray curl escaped. "Don't be mad at me."

"Could never be," He stripped out of his plaid shirt, revealing the black T-shirt he had and tossing it to the side. "What are you doing here? I thought you were visiting your dad for spring break?" 

Mariah sat down next to him gently this time, Drew's hand wrapping around her shoulder sweetly. "I was, but my mom called me and said she missed me. But I guess I came home too early because she's out on a date."

"Aw, well, I'm glad that you decided to come show your face. Though, I would much rather have just you alone and not among so many at one of Travis's ragers." Drew fake pouted his lip, as Mariah giggled at him and leaned forward to put a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey, I had to show my face. Can't let senior year end and me never going to a party."

"Hmm, that's a good point, dork. In that case, I'm glad to spend your first high school party with you." He grinned down at her and swung back his beer as she eyed the brown bottle.

"You drink?"

"Just at these parties, I swear," He responded, bringing his lips to her ear. "After all, I'm still the perfect student."

"I think I'm the perfect student. There's some flaws in your resume." She raised an eyebrow.

Drew began shaking his head, a smirk pulling on his lips. "No. Well, okay, only just a few. But if I let you know the bad ones, you won't look at me the same."

"Now, how do you know that? I'll probably look at you all the same as I am right now-"

"Drew!" Travis screaming his name interrupted them, and he twisted his head. His eyes on his best friend whom was behind his laptop, probably looking for a song to play next.

"What?" Drew said back, bass in his tone.

"Get over here and show everyone how the perfect student gets down on the dance floor!" Travis responded and Drew chuckled, throwing his head back as he unwrapped his arm from her and stood to his feet. Winking at Mariah during the process.

"Shh, just let me show you the good traits. Let's go."

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