APG | 23.

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April 8th, 2016-

Drew slept in his car that night. He had tried to go back to Travis' but the boy was knocked out. And not answering his phone or his door.

So, Drew parked his car back in his driveway and went to sleep in the backseat.

When he woke back up, it was 3pm and time to try Travis again. He still wasn't awake, but then Drew remembered his back door was unlocked. So, he helped himself inside and started helping his friend clean his messed up house.

Travis got up an hour later, and Drew told him all that happened when he got home and he promised his best friend that he could stay there as long as he needed too.

So, that's what Drew did. And it had been a week since then.

Travis' parents loved Drew and didn't mind him staying there either. Drew was a golden boy and they believed that if he was around their son more- Travis would become more like him.

But as much as Travis and his family loved having him around, Drew hated it.

Living in his house basically by himself for the last 2 years, was what he was used too. He had a routine and didn't have to worry about stepping on anyone's toes or vice versa.

But at Travis' house, that all changed. He was staying with 3 different people and Travis was an even bigger pain in the ass at his house then he was at Drew's house.

But he wasn't going to be upset about it. Because it was Friday. And his first baseball game of the season.

He got dressed at Travis' house, tying up his Nike cleats as he glanced at his best friend, whom stood over him gnawing on a red apple.

"What's up?" Drew questioned, standing up and grabbing his bag filled with his hat, a few balls and finally his lucky baseball bat. The same one his mother had brought him at age 3.

"Nothing, you excited?"

"Yeah. It's my last first baseball game of my entire high school career. Got me feeling funny," Drew laughed, reaching and grabbing the baseball cap inside and putting it on his head. "You coming to support?"

"Of course, bro. The whole school coming out. You're going to kill it." Travis responded, watching as Drew extended his hand and gave him one of those daps turned hug actions.

"Thanks man. But, I better get going. See you later."

"Adios!" Travis replied, Drew dashing down the steps and heading out the door to his truck parked on the street. Since Travis' parents had come home, he no longer parked in the driveway but it was just fine as he couldn't thank them enough for allowing him to stay there.

He climbed in, the engine coming to life as he tapped his fingers against the wheel, sighing deeply.

"Mom, as you know, this is my last first game of the season. And I'm a bit nervous," He sighed. "But I'm going to make you proud just like I promised. Love you to the moon and back."

He dug inside his shirt and pulled out his locket, kissing the heart pendant one time before tucking it back in and started the car. "Let's get it."


"Drew! Drew! Drew! Drew!" Everyone in the crowd was cheering his name as his teammates hoisted him in the air and carried him off the baseball field.

He had just scored the winning home run and won them the game, starting the team off on a great note.

Grinning from ear to ear, he threw a happy punch to the air, allowing them to put him back down on the ground as he ran over to Mariah who gave him a big hug.

"Good job, my baseball star! You killed it." She smiled, as he shyly nodded.

"It was nothing. I'm glad you came, though."

She kept her hand on his arm sweetly, curling her hair on one finger. "I'll always make time out to support you. So, are you celebrating with the team or can I take you out for-"

"No, he's celebrating with me." Another voice made their presence clear, causing them to turn around with narrowed eyes and deep frowns.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Drew questioned, his body tensing up as he held Mariah close to him by the waist, watching as she eyed Greg up and down in confusion.

"This is your dad? I thought you said he never comes to your games."

"He usually doesn't," He replied. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be working or something?"

"Took off early to see you. That was a great game. I used to play like that." A small and proud expression was spread across his face as he looked at his son, whom's body was still stiff.

"Thanks." Was all Drew said, Mariah taking the hint and deciding to kiss him on the cheek.

"We can celebrate another time. Looks like you guys have some things to talk about," She hugged him a final time, before making her way out of the stadium. "I'll see you later."

Now, leaving the father and son together, they stayed silent, until Greg cleared his throat loudly.

"So, is that your girlfriend?" He finally asked, tucking his hands into the pockets of his khaki pants.

Drew laughed at the question. "I wish."

"Why not make it real? Seems like she likes you a lot, son."

"I just have a lot going on. Don't want to drag her into it until I get it all sorted out." He sighed, thinking about how he wouldn't want to drag her into the Miss Parks situation until he was sure it was all over.

He didn't want to hurt her. He wanted to treat her like the princess she was.

"Understandable. So, how have you been?" Greg asked, taking a seat on the bench and patting the spot next to him.

"Fine. Travis' parents been letting me stay with them. So, I guess that's cool and stuff." Drew answered, sitting down as well.

Greg nodded, another silence coming over them before Drew decided to say something else.

"Look, dad. I've been thinking and I'm sorry for what I said. I've just been a little upset recently. Missing mom extra and stuff. But I don't mean to take it out on you. You guys never raised me that way and I'm sorry."

"Aw, don't worry about it. I was thinking too and I'm sorry as well, son. For not being there for you, especially after your mother passed. I love and miss her just as much as you do. I just have a weird way of showing it. It's like if I don't visit her grave, she's not really gone. But I've gotta come to realize that she isn't here anymore. And you need a father." Greg responded, resting his arm on Drew's shoulder. But this time, the young man didn't move.

"So, if it's not too late, I'm gonna take a break from coaching for a while. And I'm gonna forget all about that new business plan. I just want to rebuild with my son."

A large smile overcame Drew's face as he glanced up at Greg, not knowing what to say. "You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you, son. I love you. And I'm so proud of the man that you've become." Greg stood up and outstretched his arms, awaiting Drew's next move. "I know your mom would be too."

Drew stood, giving Greg a tight hug. "I love you too, dad."

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