APG | 14.

527 29 10

October 19th, 2015-

"Travis!" Drew shouted in fear, his mouse hovering over the giant X in the top right corner of the computer screen and double clicking as the whole google chrome application disappeared where the same google document he was talking to Dawn again was located. "What are you doing in study hall?"

Travis eyed his best friend up and down skeptically. "Skipping detention."

His response followed with the action of him shrugging and nonchalantly fitting his body into the lounge chair a few feet from the the computer Drew was still occupied at and kicking his feet up.

"Detention? School's over?" Drew's left eyebrow raised as he asked this, his body removing itself from the computer table and bending down to pick up his bag on the ground.

He hoped Travis hadn't caught whiff of what he had on the screen because if his buddy had saw all the nasty shit that Drew was telling Dawn that he planned to do to her in just a few moments, he probably wouldn't look at him the same.

"Yeah, the bell just rung." Travis confirmed and Drew adjusted the strap on his back, before nodding his head slightly, relieved Travis hadn't mentioned what he just saw Drew doing on the computer.

"So, uh, what were you just doing on the computer?"

Spoke too soon.

"Nothing you need to worry yourself about," Drew turned to leave, his head barely touching his shoulder as he called out to his comrade. "I'll see you later, bro."

He didn't wait to hear the young man reply before he walked through the doors of the library and pushed open the door, the cool air of the hallways hitting his skin as he began trudging down the staircase and over to where Dawn's classroom was located.

Once arriving to the door, he soon noticed the small handwritten note that was neatly taped to the window, informing he and other students that Dawn was down at the auditorium.

He turned around and proceeded to head in that direction, his hands tucked deeply into the pocket of his blue jeans as he approached the door, which was slightly ajar due to the small garbage can bin they had in the frame to keep it from locking people out.

He pulled it open, his eyes scanning around the large facility before he walked forward and spotted her standing at the pit, a pair of plum colored jeans on her body and a warm white sweater on her top half.

She was busy speaking to some students that were still on stage, one of them being Darnell but as Drew turned to glance at the empty seats, he noticed that Mariah was not there to egg her best friend's acting skills on.

Darnell spotted Drew in the corner then and flagged him over to him with a small smile, causing Dawn and everyone else to know that Drew was now there.

"What are you doing here?" Darnell questioned him, and Drew walked down the small path towards them, his tongue darting out to lick at his dry lips.

"I'm here to-" He began an explanation, one that was cut off quickly as Dawn's hand suddenly came out to touch at his arm softly.

"He's a stagehand. Come down to the pit for a second, Drew. I'll show you where I need your help." She barely made eye contact with him as she turned away, and started down the stairs on the side, Drew following behind her as they somehow were actually inside the pit below the stage.

Drew watched as Dawn reached up and felt for the string that clicked the light on, her face soon coming into clear view as they were not in the complete darkness anymore.

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