APG | 9.

595 31 9

September 10th, 2015-

"I guess someone just proved to me that they really are the perfect student now."

"I guess someone just proved to me that they really are the perfect student now."

"I guess someone just proved to me that they really are the perfect student now."

Even a good three weeks later, that one sentence was all that Drew could play in his mind over and over, almost as if it was some broken record. Or a song he just couldn't get out of his head.

An annoying song whose song lyrics expressed how in just a matter of 20 minutes, he had turned into a student that he would have never imagined himself to be in a million years.

Something he didn't want to think about. But he couldn't stop. And to make a long story short, it was extremely too obviously that it would be enough to make him avoid Dawn for the rest of the week.

He knew it wasn't just her fault that they had sex again, and that he was just as wrong as her- but it still didn't change the fact that it happened not once, but twice and he just didn't know what to do.

He wasn't sure what effect Dawn had on him besides the way she made his cock twitch inside his pants every time he looked at her, but he knew better than to make any trips to her classroom until he got a hold of it.

And as luck would have it, he really didn't ever see her in the school at any time besides that, so he was fine. Though, somehow, that didn't stop him from being on edge any time anyone tried to speak to him and he only knew that... because he was avoiding everyone.

That was until 3rd period, when he shut his locker door closed and Travis was standing behind it, a dramatic hand placed over his heart as his lip quivered slightly. "Drew Montgomery, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were avoiding me."

"Not avoiding you," Drew responded, turning around and fixing his bag on his shoulder as he began walking towards his next period class. Lunch. "Just been busy is all."

"I know, bro. And I just thought that I should come see you and let you know you that I know what you've been up too," Travis sung the last bit off key, lightly nudging Drew whom seemed to have stopped dead in his tracks. "And I gotta say, I didn't know you had in ya."

"What?" His voice came out as a squeak, and he quickly cleared his throat, his eyes focusing on Travis intently. "What do you know I did, Trav?"

Travis raised an perplexed eyebrow at him, a loud and obnoxious laugh soon escaping his lips. "Holy fuck, dude. Why do you look like you're about to shit yourself?"

Drew sighed, wiping the beads of sweat off from his forehead as he continued to walk down the corridor with knots forming in his stomach.

Travis caught up to him, his hand lightly resting on Drew's shoulder. "Hey, chill out, bro. I'm just talking about receiving your award. At the banquet last night."

And just like that, Drew suddenly remembered that there was other things that was going on in his life that didn't just involve him sleeping with his teacher.

"You're talking about the NHS thing, right?" He questioned after a minute or two, watching as Travis nodded his head.

"Yeah, bro, what else would I be talking about?"

Drew awkwardly laughed at that, scratching his neck slightly as he was pleased with the fact that Travis had no clue about him and Dawn.

"Yeah, but anyway, congrats, man. Your mom would definitely be proud of you. National Honors Society is a big deal." Travis complimented, and for the first time in a total of 3 days, Drew truly smiled.

"Thanks man. That means a lot."

"Of course." Travis pushed opened the doors to the cafeteria, Drew following behind him and then dropping his things on the lunch table as he went to go get in line, the thought of his mom on his mind.

Though, he knew that she would be proud of her little baby getting into one of the most pristine group of high school kids, he couldn't help but wonder how she would feel knowing what he was doing after school 3 weeks ago with the drama teacher. The guilt forming within him was enough to make his stomach drop alone.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom." Drew placed his tray down on the table, watching as Travis was bumping his head to his music and then gave him a thumbs up.

He nodded his head, walking out the cafeteria, with his hands deep in his pockets and his head hanging low. He heard the sound of clicking in front of him, but didn't bother to look up. That is, until he was bumped by another body.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, excuse me," He sucked in a deep breath at the sight of Dawn in front of him, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. "Aw, shit."

"Drew," She whispered his name strangely, as he finally took the time to notice the stack of papers she had dropped, picking it up and passing them to her. "Thank you."

He gave her a look that said it was alright, an awkward silence filling between them before she decided to say something again.

"We need to talk."

He exhaled. "Now?"

"No, later. In my classroom, when everyone's gone and it's not crowded." She answered, tucking a hair behind her ear. It was then that Drew noticed that it wasn't straightened like it had been a couple of days ago.

And it made him think of how he always liked when a woman wore her natural curls and how Dawn was no exception. Especially when he had it in his grasp and was pulling on it when he was hitting it from the back- Wait, no, don't think that.

"I'll be there after school."

"Okay," She tucked her bottom lip in between her two rows of teeth. "I'll see you later then."

She swerved around him and her heels began clicking the hard floor again, Drew turning to face her and his eyes instinctively going straight to her ass.

He shook his head and pushed opened the door to the bathroom, handling his business and then washing his hands afterwards. He splashed some cold water on his face to cool down, grabbing a paper towel and wiping his hands before walking back to the lunchroom and taking a seat next to Travis.

He bit into his slice of pizza, his eyes wondering to Travis, whom of which was taking a earphone out his ear and getting prepared to talk to him. "Hey, were you just talking to fine ass Miss Parks out there?"

"Yeah?" Drew nodded, swallowing hard as he awaited his best friend's next sentence.

"She is so fine, bro. I never thought of fucking a teacher, but if I did, she'd be the one. What you think?"

"I guess she's okay." Drew avoided eye contact, taking another bite of his pizza. Sure, Travis was just speaking and didn't know anything but still it freaked him out.

"I guess she's okay," Travis mocked, not picking up on anything. "Of course you'd say that. You'd never be up to sleep with a teacher. You're the perfect student."

Drew cringed at the sound of that, tired of hearing that sentence for the 5th time in the last 72 hours. "Nah, I'm not. But, I will be soon."

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