Her Butler, Capricious Part Two

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  "Ciel will be my niece visiting from the country, and Sebastian will be Ciel's tutor."
"Alette will be my lord's sister, and Selima will be playing the role of my wife." Smirks Sebastian
"And just why do I have to act like your niece?!"

"Because, dear, I've always wanted a girl."

"You're kidding me!" cries Ciel. "Why couldn't you just have Alette?"
"My my dear, must you always be so picky?" Sebastian pulls Selima aside, and then pulls her close. Bodies pressed together, she can see her reflection in his newly acquired spectacles.
"Yes, husband?" she teases. He takes her hand, and peels off the piece of clothing covering her delicate hand. Her dress is lace, as was typical for her, and red mixed with a dash of black. Her seal is of course, covered by long sleeves. He slips a silver ring on to her ring finger. The gem is cobalt and shiny, surrounded by several small black gems. It matches the large blue jewel on Sebastian's gloved hand. It had taken a lot of convincing on his part to let Ciel trust him enough to borrow the ring, but he had managed, after all if he could not play his part this well, what kind of butler/ fake husband would he be?
"We must look our part." He leans in, inhaling the scent radiating from her black curls, as he whispered in her ear.
"You don't want them to know you're a Phantomhive now, do you? Besides, I've heard that Lord Druitt has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt, and we do want to catch his eye, right? With both of you we have twice the chance!"
""By any means necessary," you do remember saying that, do you not, sir? First things first, we need to locate this murderous viscount." Reminds Sebastian
"At least Elizabeth isn't here. I would never want her seeing me like this..." relieves Ciel

"Oh, that dress is so adorable! I adore all the dresses here! They're lovely!" shrieks Lizzie

"Se-S-S-S-S..." he stutters
"You had to open your mouth!" hisses Alette
"She'll certainly recognize you, Alette. Or Sebastian! I'm done for!" squeals Ciel
"Sir... er, I mean, mistress, please calm down. Let's move quickly..."

"Oh! You in the pink, your dress is just beautiful!"

"Moving this way now." Hustles Sebastian, and Selima.

"Where is she?"

"This isn't good. I didn't expect her here..."

"If someone was to see the head of my family dressed this way..."

"The Phantomhive name would be ruined for generations."

"Let's go join Madam Red."
"You are such a dear."

"Looks like she's having a grand old time..."


"Come this way, my young mistress."
"Why do these things always happen to me?" asks Ciel. Sebastian grips Selimas hand tightly, so not to lose her in the crowd; they did have to look like a couple, after all.

"Lord Druitt looks as gorgeous as ever tonight. His hair shines like the sun!" wailed one of Lord Druitt's many fan girls.
"That's the Viscount Druitt; let's go."
"Damn... I'll never get close to him." Realizes Ciel

"We have no choice. We'll have to dance our way over to the viscount. Sir, take Alette and follow my lead." He extends his hand to Selima. "My lady, a dance?" he offers.
"Of Course, sweetheart." She flirts. The pet name causes Sebastian to almost blush; instead he smirks, remaining in control as always. He takes her soft hands and intertwines their fingers, rings clinking together. He swirls her around to the tempo of the music. They make eye contact, and Selima almost loses herself in the dark crimson of his eyes. He spins her around, evoking a small giggle from Selima. In between spins both would instruct their masters over their shoulders, which were rather rusty from the lack of experience. Suddenly, Sebastian spots Elizabeth eyeing Ciel. She begins to make her way over to the dancing pairs.
"Your dancing is exquisite like a lovely little robin, my sweet lady."

"Uh... Uh, good evening, my Lord Druitt."

"I do hope you're enjoying the party... dear robin." He kisses his covered hand and Ciel cringes internally.

"Oh, yes, certainly. It's a wonderful party, but...My lord, I've been waiting to speak with you all evening."


"I'm bored to death of dancing and eating."

"What a spoiled princess you are, little robin. Looking for something more entertaining? You and your sister could come back with me and—"Alette cuts out of the conversation there, preoccupied with the task before her. She abandons her dance partner before she gets wrapped up in something worse than she already was. She begins her search for Selima, who had disappeared with her dance partner into the congregation of people.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if everyone would all please gather round, this evening's magic show will now begin. Pardon me, sir, would you kindly assist me?"

"Assist you? Certainly."

"I don't recall ordering any parlor tricks this evening..." wonders Druitt aloud as Selima drags out a cabinet, setting the scene for Sebastian to amaze the multitude.
"A normal cabinet. Once I've climbed inside, shut it tightly and bind it with these chains. Then, simply run it through with the swords. I shall emerge perfectly unharmed. This is no mere trick or illusion. Prepare for a performance of true magic." Announces Sebastian.
"Well, here goes nothing." Lau begins viciously stabbing the swords through, piercing the cabinet. Everyone is sure the man will emerge bloodied and faint, or at least with a scratch, all except Selima. She knows he will be just fine as always.
"Amazing! True magic"


"Sebastian, how incredible!"

"Indeed! For a moment there, I worried that I killed you." Everyone cheers for the masked man. Sebastian realizes that his young master has gone missing; In fact, most of his party has vanished. Selima and Alette were nowhere to be found as well. He couldn't even spot Madame Red, who you could usually spot a mile away in such bright colors.
"How curious." He grinned.
* * *
"Selima, are you certain this is the correct address?" asks Alette.
"Yes, my lady, very certain." The place is deserted, a loft that looks as if it is decaying.
"You're certain Sebastian won't miss you?"
"Oh he will. I'll just say the Lord Druitt was showing us around."
"A plausible alibi. Shall we go?"
"Yes, my lady." They climb the concrete stairs, heels clicking so. They were much overdressed for such a meeting, but it was no matter.
"I wonder who this man could be." She thinks aloud. They had been together five years since Alette was nine and had made little progress toward her goal. Recently she had stumbled upon a man, the Aristocrat of Evil he was called. It was said he gave out information for the right price. So here they were, ready to risk whatever the price was just for the correct information, and a lead was what they needed. Selima opens the door, and checks that the entrance is safe before Alette steps inside. It is vacant, except for wooden stairs that led upward. Selima, of course, goes first, at the ready for anything that could happen. They slowly push open the door to find a familiar Asian man, accompanied by a woman.
"Lau?" importunes Alette.
"Ah, my little butterfly has finally found her way back home." He teases.
"The Aristocrat of Evil? Yes that is my name in the Underworld. What service could you require of me, little butterfly?
"I need information."
"About what?"
"I need names. Addresses. Businesses. Anything of the sort. Give me the drug lords!" she shouted.
"Shhh, you don't want to get caught before you can have your revenge now do you? I can give you names and addresses. But for a price."
"What price?" She spat
"What's your rush, little butterfly?"
"You know very well we both have to return to the ball soon, before we're missed." She snapped. She never was good at holding her tongue or having patience.
"There's a certain collection I am after. Gems to be specific." Selima snaps out of her trance. She had been admiring the ring on her finger; she had a certain obsession with jewels. "I can give you aliases of the people who possess them, but I am not aware of their real identities. Each jewel you give me, I'll give you a name of a major drug lord."
"Deal!" she quickly replies.
"My lady, are you sure? Perhaps you shouldn't be so hasty."
"I Know what I am doing, Selima now Lau, tell me what you know of the first gem!"
"She goes by the name Madame Odysseia Rubis. I want the jewel she has. Be a good little butterfly and retrieve it for me, and I'll give you the name of the first person you're after." She nods, resolve etched into her jaw line.
"Let's go, Selima."
"Yes, my lady." They exit the building, relieved now that no danger had befallen them. The moon is high in the sky, starts sprinkled out into the black abyss called the sky. A small wind blew, ruffling both the girls' hair.
"Selima. Go find Sebastian."
"Of course, ma'am." She disappears, running at a near impossible speed toward the ball. Alette smiles at her obedience, and then stops in her track. A wary feeling comes over her, as if she was being followed. She regrets her decision to send Selima away. She was about to turn around when she was grasped by a pair of strong hands, a rag shoved over her mouth as she tried to scream.

"Shhh my little hummingbird." Was the last whisper she heard before losing consciousness.
"And now, what you've all been waiting for: tonight's crown jewels. I'm sure she'd make a lovely decoration, or sweet little pet. You can keep her whole and healthy. Or sell her for parts, if you'd like to.
Her eyes are two different colors, but for the discerning collector, that will add to her a unique attraction." Coos Druitt. She woke up in a dark cage, surrounded by bright flashes and a swarm of people oohing and ahhing at the cage she and Ciel were stuck in.

"A black market auction?" asks Ciel, who has clearly also just woken up
"Where are we?" inquires Alette.
"That git drugged us!" exclaims Ciel, going pink in the cheeks

"The bidding shall begin momentarily."

"So that's what he was doing. He removes the prostitutes' organs and sells them at his parties?"

"We'll start at a thousand guineas."

"5000!" they all call, trying to claim the two.

"Sebastian, come get me now." Demands Ciel, as if this was nothing more than a nuisance.
"Selima this is an order! Come retrieve us immediately"
"I bet Sebastian will get here first. Care to make a wager out of it?"
"Oh, you're on."
"What's this?!" They snuff out the candle, then begin recklessly disabling all the bidders. Ciel and Alette do not so much as flinch; they were trying to buy them just moments ago, after all. The candle reawakens, and there stands Sebastian and Selima.

"Really, sir...Are you good for nothing but getting yourself captured? How sad."
"I left you alone for five minutes, my lady. How is it you've managed to get kidnapped?"
"It seems you both have a talent for getting into predicaments."

"As long as the contract remains in place, you'll follow me everywhere, whether I ask you to or not, won't you?"

"This type of contract is sealed by a mark a demon places on his prey."
"Speaking of which, where is your mark, Alette? I've never seen it." Questions Ciel. In response, Alette brushes back her long wavy hair and reveals a small pentagram branded on her neck.
"The more noticeably placed the mark is, the tighter the demon and prey are bound to one another.
The demon serves..." They both approach the cages, then with ease bend the bars like rubber.

"...and in exchange, the prey can never escape."

"Yes, I will be with you anywhere, until the end. I shall be at your side, no matter what. Even should I perish in this world, I'll still be there -- in the very depths of Hell, my lord. This is how we differ from humans; we do not lie."

"Good. You will never lie to me, no matter what. Understood?"

"Yes, my young lord."
"Which one of you got here first?" interrupts Alette, eager to know.
"We came at the same time." Sebastian chuckles and gives her a smirk at the pun.
"I suppose this solves the Jack the Ripper case. Well that was easier than I had expected." Admits Ciel
"I imagine Scotland Yard will be here before much longer. We should take our leave. Well, miss, are you ready?" smiles Sebastian, Selima blushes. He was cute when he smiled, almost innocent. They pick up their young masters and jump into the night.

"Jack the Ripper Strikes Again"?

"So the viscount wasn't our man after all." Ciel shakes with anger
"Come Alette! We have work to do!"  

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