Her Butler, Taking the Stage part 2

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  The crowd roars and claps in unison as Sebastian makes his way down to the colorful stage. Selima claps a little absentmindedly, mind still on the serpents snaked around the man's body.
"So this is it, a chance to make contact!" clarifies Ciel.
"I thought you didn't like it when he acted on his own?" questioned Alette.
"I don't, but this time I'll allow it." Grumbled Ciel. "The only way to find a clue to these mysterious disappearances is through the circus."
"How does he plan to investigate while all eyes are on him?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but I wouldn't doubt him."
"Now if you'll just lay here--." Joker stares as Sebastian dauntlessly walks straight up to the ravenous feline.
"Ah what lovely round eyes you have!" He exclaimed, caressing the cat. "Soft ears..." Selima giggles as Alette and Ciel's jaws drop.
"Oh crap! Tigers are cats!" realized Ciel.
"I've never seen such vivid stripes!" praised Sebastian, stroking the tiger. "They're adorable."
"Selima, you're going to be replaced with a cat." Teased Alette
"Oh dear, your claws have gotten a bit too long. We'll have to groom them." Ciel's head succumbs to gravity as his head falls into his hands in disgrace. "And your paw pads are full and plump! Very attractive!" It was then things took a turn for the worst, as the crowd rumbled in general concern as the tiger pried open its maw and placed Sebastian's head inside.
"Betty! Let him go!" commanded Beast, whip at the ready. She goes in for a strike, but it is caught by Sebastian with ease.
"She hasn't done anything wrong." Defended Sebastian. "I was so overcome by her charm that I behaved rudely, that's all." Beast stares at him, clearly shocked. "Indiscriminate whipping isn't enough to train her properly." As tension grows between the two grows, Betty decides to break the tautness by biting Sebastian's head once more.
"Betty! Spit him out this instant! He's dirty!"
"Goodness, aren't you a tomboy, my dear?"
"I didn't tell you to go that far!" berated Ciel as they walked out of the tent. Selima just hummed, holding Sebastian's hand as Alette ran to catch up with Ciel.
"My apologies, my lord. I've lived many years but cats are such whimsical creatures, I still can't quite read their moods." He recognized, positively glowing with glee from the encounter.
"Did you see the Snake man?" tittered Selima, as enthusiastic about the performance as Sebastian was.
"Yes, dear." Smiled Sebastian. Selima was so innocent sounding when droning on about one of her few likes in this mundane world, almost docile. Alette knew better.
"What was the point of attracting all that unnecessary attention?" He is interrupted by a sneeze, which only irritates him even more. "You know I'm allergic to cats! Stay far back!" He barks. Sebastian obeys and waits a few feet along with Selima, when someone else attracts his attention.
"Oh there 'ee be! You there, in the tailcoat!" called Joker, wearing his violet jacket like a cape. He catches up to them, without losing so much as a breath. They waded through the crowd, there were mothers with children holding balloons, groups of adults laughing, it was the picture perfect image of what a circus should be. "I'm so sorry about what happened, sir." He apologized.
"No, I'm sorry." He refuted.
"Gave me a scare traipsing right up to the tiger like that! All right?" Ciel grabs Alette's arm and uses the commotion fabricated by the congregation to sneak in between the tents. They go unnoticed, except by their butlers. "We have a doctor on staff. Better have him take a look at 'ee, I reckon. Please come on back." Sebastian's lips curl into a smile.
"I don't mind if we do." Imposes Sebastian. As they walk back toward the glowing tent, costumes can be seen taking off, makeup was being washed off, animals were being out away.
"Right this way. Sorry it's so filthy." Selima prudently steps over droppings. "Ah Snake, is the doc in the medical tent?" Selima perks up at the name and is immediately by the man's side.
"Oh look the nice lady is back says Emily." Greets Snake. Selima puts a long digit along the length of the serpent entwined around Snake's body.
"So scaly." She squeals.
"Oh, maybe he's making rounds." Concludes Joker. Sebastian pries Selima away from Snake and they continue on their journey through the circus.
"Say, isn't that the boy that got bitten by the tiger?" whispered one of the bystanders.
"That's him. Stupid boy!" yelled the girl. Selima turns her attention to the small girl.
"All boys are stupid. Let that be a life lesson." She leaves the little girl, a bit embarrassed. Sebastian and Selima trail a bit behind Joker, still locked at the hip. Joker gives them a smile then peels open the curtain, revealing light and a full tent being maintenanced by a handicapped doctor.
"Good, there he is! Doc!" The man known as "doc" had shaggy ebony hair and a pair of spectacles. He turns around.
"Hello, Joker. Is your had acting up again?"
"Naw, today I've got someone else."
"It's you!" calls Dagger. "You're the one who just got bitten by Betty!"
"Betty? That's terrible. We've got to get you to the infirmary!" shouted the Doctor, face gleaming with concern and fatigue. Did you really get bitten by a tiger? I don't see any wound..." puzzled the Doctor, examining Sebastian. Selima stood close by.
"Just an affectionate nip." Chuckled Sebastian.
"Well I'm just glad you're all right."
"Too true! I was afeard the troupe leader'd kill me for letting a customer get hurt." Confesses Joker
"You aren't the leader?" inquires Sebastian.
"I'm more or less the hired replacement. The real one's scary."
"Don't blame me if you get yelled at for saying that." Jokes Dagger.
"Doc, would you take a look at my leg?" A new feminine voice interrupts the conversation before Selima could encroach upon the new source of information.
"Miss!" Yells Dagger with affection.
"You!" she scolds.
"I'm here for my leg too! Yet more proof of the red thread of destiny between-." He's cut off by the angry woman,
"You're that dapper freak! What are you doing here? You wrecked my show."
"You should have been able to control your animal. You could have hurt him! You're lucky you don't get sued." Shoots back Selima, earning her a glare.
"Beast! You can't talk like that to guests! This isn't his fault! It's yours for not being able to control Betty." Reprimands the Doctor. Selima crosses her arms in victory.
"But he walked up to her without--."
"No buts! You're a pro, aren't you?"
"Now doc, please don't shout in front of our guests." Reminds Joker.
"That's right! Please just forget this and check Miss's leg!" pleads Dagger. The Doctor sighs
"You'll be retraining Betty after this, Beast. Is that clear?"
"Yeah." She muttered, clearly bitter.
"Right, then. Show me your prosthesis."
"Prosthesis?" solicits Selima.
"We're a bit of an irregular bunch here, we're a gathering place for people with certain problems." Everyone watches as the doctor slips off Beast's panty hose. "I'm missing an arm myself, but Doc's got me a fine replacement." The doctor continues to work on the prosthesis diligently
"Good looking, isn't it?"
"The design you picked is the reason you always need adjusting, you know. Put yourself in my shoes!"
"Do you make the prostheses for the circus, sir?" asks Sebastian.
"More or less. And it's a big job! I do everything from carving the parts to the final fitting."
"Carving them? They're wooden then?
"Nope, ceramic." Sebastian leans in to inspect it, earning a gasp from everyone.
"But I use special materials so they're light and sturdy."
"I see. They're quite smooth to the touch."
"Aren't they? And I use spherical parts in the joints for nice fluid movement
"This is truly fine work."
"What's this seal?" He inquires, meanwhile Selima is heaving a heart attack in the background.
"What are you doing, you pervert?!" she slams her leg down but Sebastian is gone in moments.
"Oh I beg your pardon. You didn't strike me as modest enough to be embarrassed by such trifles." It is then she pulls out her whip, and goes in for a strike. She is intercepted by Selima, who grabs the whip and pulls her toward her. Sebastian dodges her strokes as the two girls tussle.
"Oi, Beast stop that!" admonishes the Doctor. "You two, stop them." Dagger erupts in fury.
"How dare you lay a hand on my lady's fair and tender skin! I haven't even touched it yet!" he screams, tossing knives in the direction. Selima lets go of the whip and grabs the knife, catching one in her mouth without so much as a scratch. Sebastian, does a backflip and lands on one of the support beams for the tent. Selima tosses the knives with care, pinning Dagger to the ground.
"I didn't actually touch her skin...but I do seem to have touched a nerve."
"Don't get cocky!" screeched Beast. But before Selima could deflect her next attack, Joker was in front of Beast. He then pulls flowers out of his ornate walking stick, smiling with absolute delight.
"All right that's enough." Declares Joker.
"What? No!" cries Dagger.
"Here, Beat don't be so scratchy,"
"Why didn't you stop them sooner?"
"But he--."
"Now now." Sebastian flips down from the beam next to Selima.
"It's such an 'ansome leg I can understand why he'd want to touch it." Coos Joker, rubbing Beast's thigh. "Take these flowers and cheer up!" he smiles. She takes them and storms out of the tent.
"That was mighty athletic, both of you. I'd hire 'ee both." He proclaims. Selima sees her opening.
"Seriously? Our current masters don't want us together..." she explained
"Master? Be thee a servant then? I took 'ee both for gentry, dressed up so fine."
"Us, gentry?"
"We're merely--"
"One hell of a couple."
"If that was true, what you said, we'd very much like to join you."
"Not having me on, are 'ee?"
"I never jest." Affirms Sebastian.
"Lord that's funny! All right me lady and lord, sure join us any time!"
"Hey joker, you can' just decide that!" disciplines Beast, still stung by the past encounter.
"but they have such talent! They could fight off the both of you!"
"Pardon me, but, there's two more people that come to mind from the palace we work at, that would be most fit."
"If they're anything like 'ee, that's fine. But I reckon we'll give 'ee an entry test."
"Very well, we'll return tomorrow with them."
"Thank you for all your help today!"
"Oh, sir!"
"No need to show us out." As they exit from hearing range, the speak in low voices.
"How many tents and carts were there before the medical tent?"
"Nine tents and ten carts." Answers Selima. "The further we go, the nicer the tents get."
"As long as we're here we might as well inspect them."
"I don't sense the children at all."
"I don't either."
"But I have been sensing something, could it be?" He is interrupted by a Snake pouncing out form the dark, stopping only inches from his face; he does not flinch. Selima gets giddy, and strokes the snake.
"This area is off limits."
"Okay." They turn around and walk the other way, complaint but what could they do? Once they are far enough, Selima goes in for a slap, which he easily dodges
"What the hell was that?" she snaps.
"What a fair thought to lie between a maidens' legs." Jests Sebastian.
"Don't quote Shakespeare to me! You said you never jest."
"Only with you, darling. You know your legs are the only ones I want to lay between."
"Don't get cocky." She huffs, he smiles, thinking on how everything she did was endearing. She smiles a bit and takes his hand.
" Did you mean it when you said all men are stupid?"
"Yes, especially you."

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