Her Butler, Protecting

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Waves licked up the sides of the ship, with varying power and speed. The ship groaned as it began to sink, the oceans hunger was like that of a rabid dog. Leaks spurted out in random places on the boat. People's heads bobbed up and down, limbs growing tired of peddling. Some gave up, and sunk so far they could no longer see the moon speckled water. Lungs ached for oxygen, every cell in their body screamed for it. It wasn't dramatic, splashing and screaming. Death was a subtle sweet embrace. It was almost peaceful.

"The pitch black sea reflecting the twinkling stars, dyed red like my favorite roses!" Admired Grell, using her chainsaw to slash and behead numerous undead at once."This situation is perfect for me to play the heroine. Seems like tonight will be the best!"

"Impossible!" Whispered Sebastian staring out into the stained abyss.

"Hey Butler! Edward called

"To prevent flooding... water tight the doors." He had just gotten engaged. He was not about to allow any harm to befall his fiancée, or his young master. "This should prevent flooding for now. But for all the crew to have been taken out...seems like tonight will be the worst." The first thing that hits him was the scent of rotting flesh, perfumed with blood. In moments he kicked the undead woman backward, her skull cracks like someone cracking a crab's shell and sucking the meat out. Her brains spilled out against the hardwood floor. Everyone hears the crash. Even Ronald turns around, distracted from his work.

"Hm?" Ponders Ronald

"Hey don't look the other way! Why don't you try feeling it? It's like my whole body is being caressed!"

"Uhm... Sutcliff-senpai..."

"A sky full of stars! A luxury cruise ship! This is the perfect stage for a big actress to spread her wings!" gushes Grell.

"Are you trying to torment your new subordinate?"

"That's rude! And well... you know I'd rather do it with a more handsome guy than some brat like you!"

"By handsome you mean...." He knows she is thinking of Sebastian. It then hits him, she does not know of his recent engagement. Should he be the one to rain on her parade?

"I'd better keep my mouth shut if I don't want him to slack off on the job..." decides Ronald.

"What?" Asks Grell.

"No, nothing."

"Anyways, I Just can't get excited with you as my partner! I give up, i give up!" she sighs.


"Anyways, we really shouldn't be doing something like this." Ronald returns to the duty hand."Tom Lumis. Born October 8th, 1868. Died April 20th, 1889 as a result of heart failure. We still have 1034 more of these!"


"What was that shock just now?" Dirty aquamarine water bursts forth with a flourish as the ships seams crumple inward.



"URGGGGG!" The children scream was water swirls around them. Ryan began to panic as well.

"That alarm means the watertight doors are closing." realized one employee

"Hurry up or we'll be locked in!"

"Lizzie!" Called Ciel. Alette, who was in Selimas arms, looked back to see an iron clad door slamming down, between Lizzie and Ciel. She knew those puffy, frilly dresses would be the death of her.

"It's too late, kid!" croaked the man. And then they were on the other side, this new divide separating the from the workers.

"Selima what the he-"

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