Her Butler, Guidance

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I'm sure we haven't met." replied Alette, sweating profusely.

"Strange. You look familiar."

"Strange indeed."

Next day, Alette sat in the swan gazebo, fidgeting as the time passed by. It was painful, there was light conversation amongst them, but it dwindled as tension grew. Where is that idiot? She thought. And when he finally showed up about two hours late, she cringed as they let him have it. His message had been delivered verbally, and she could tell from the look Maurice's eyes that he had purposely given the incorrect time. After all, Ciel would never show up late. There would be no margin of error for him. After Ciel was dismissed they had carried on, asking questions of her past and present. It was like a job interview really. She found Violet soft spoken, he mostly kept to himself. His questions were acute, Alette was unable to sit still.

"Well, what do you think Violet?" asked Greenhill

"About what?" answered Violet.

"Ravenstein. Do you want to have him as a fag?" reminds Redmond

"Yes. It seems he will work nicely."

"You will start tomorrow during fag time." announced Bluer. "You may go." And she does. That was much easier than expected. She barely had to lift a finger.

That night, she declared her victory to Ciel and their Butlers. Ciel, however was not pleased as she expected.

"Why are you upset?" she inquired.

"I was swindled into missing my opportunity because of Cole!"

"Why do you think that?" probed Sebastian.

"Have you seen his hands?"

"His hands?" And then it clicked for Alette. But Ciel continued to explain for Sebastian. Even though Alette was sure he already knew.

"The schools fags all have rough hands from doing the upperclassmen chores. But that guy's hands are pearly white. In other words..."

"He's using dirty methods." Completed Sebastian.

"Just like you two." Added Selima, smirking.

"I don't need your sass, Selima." Growled Alette.

"Besides, there is no room for doubt. I'm absolutely certain. It's evident from his unhesitating and relaxed demeanor.

"Wait, but by that logic, couldn't we be outed as well? It's not as if we've been doing heavy lifting."

"All we have to do is lay low, and make it seem like we're doing the tasks. He is careless. We just have to ascertain that we are seen by someone doing our tasks, then there are witnesses. Besides, it shouldn't be too difficult to prove he was lying. But I would not want it to end so easily."

"You want retribution." She knew Ciel. He was callous and prudent and would want whoever screwed him over to be humiliated. He wanted them to suffer.

"Absolutely. Sebastian, find the rest who have been deceived by him."

"As you wish." A look passes between Ciel and Alette before she delivers her order.

"Selima, investigate Maurice Cole's activity pattern."

"At your command I shall oblige, my lady." The Butler's depart, leaving Ciel and Alette alone.

"This should be easy." Declares Ciel.

"Why do you say that?"

"Besides the fact we have two demons on our side, I have you as a P4 fag on the inside. You will hear everything first hand."

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