Her Butler, Liaison

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  Alette had finally slipped into the recesses of the slumber world. Her head had sagged and her eyes fluttered, her wavy hair fell forward. That was how the two demons found them, Freckles, or better said Doll, cuddled up to Ciel, Ciel knocked out and Alette with her head in her lap. Ciel's face was still flushed, but his breathing had steadied overnight. Sebastian runs a hand through his hair, almost has a father would, waking Ciel from his seemingly endless sleep.
"Good morning." He smiled. As they had this small exchange, Selima gently picked up her master, who then jumped, as if she were having a dream of falling.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you to your tent, my lady."
"I, er can't go back there." She confessed. Selima raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, but got the message, not in front of them. She thought back to the night before.
There was a cool breeze blowing, ruffling both their hair. She was so use to bottling everything up, but at the prospect of danger embracing the only one she had grown close to... she had broken. Her resolution had crumbled once again, and who could she confide in? Ciel? He was cold and unconscious. Selima? She was a demon, focused on her soul, not her feelings. She'd say what she wanted to hear. So she turned to a complete stranger. They listened well.
"It sounds like you really care for him." They commented.
"I guess I do." She sighed, facing away from the mysterious comforter.
"He sounds like a difficult one to care for. He may never return your feelings." She blushed, but at what?
"I don't care for him that way! At least I don't think..."
"Then you shouldn't have a problem with this." And as she pressed her lips to Alette's, there were sparks, for one of them, at least. The other was just very confused. "Alette notices two people; one, a female who was fixated on her makes her think of an enraged bear. She has almond-shaped violet eyes that are like two windows on the evening sky. Her silky, straight, sand-colored hair is worn in a style that reminds Alette of a pile of shredded paper. She has an elegant build and her skin is cream-colored. She is captured by this older girls, maybe a girl of seventeen, eighteen...her beauty almost made her envious." This was the girl she had been living with, Lucile Saunders. She had always been very kind and outgoing, the opposite of her shy brother. Her lips were soft, but this was not the type of comfort she sought. She was frozen in time, absorbing the affection of this woman she barely knew. The kiss was warm, but Alette couldn't feel her fingertips. She was painfully aware of everything around her. And then she pulled away, as softly as she could, she then ran away. Far. She ran all the way to Ciel in the nursing tent until her throat was raw as she gasped for breath. She sat down on the chair she was found in, and contemplated literally every aspect of her life. Had she done anything in her time here to make her think she was interested? Was she interested? Girls together was almost unheard of in the nineteenth century and deeply frowned upon by her elders. She sighed then drifted off into sleep. That forever be her first kiss and there was nothing she could do to change that. Was she gay?
"You can use mine. It seems I'll be here a while longer."
"I'd advise against that, my lady." Selima blushed, remembering her heated night in there with Sebastian.
"And not necessarily, my lord. Your fever has come down." Consoled Sebastian, changing the subject. Ciel inspects the empty spot next to him.
"She must have gone to breakfast."
"Don't worry about her. How are you feeling?" Asked a concerned Alette.
"Not well, but better than yesterday." He coughed, but not as bad as it was previously. Sebastian was there in seconds with a glass of ice cold water; the only temperature of water there was at the circus. Where he got ice cubes from was still a mystery to Alette. She then noticed he lacked gloves, and Selima's sleeves were rolled up, both revealing their covenant mark.
"Drink some water." Instructed Sebastian.
"Right. Where are your gloves? Your nails and the seal of our contract are on display."
"You too, Selima. What if someone were to walk in right now?" berated Alette.
"Well, tattoos aren't unheard of, and neither is nail painting, especially in a circus." Alette frowns and Selima smirks a bit as Sebastian answers.
"I got them a bit dirty, I'm afraid." Selima rolls down her sleeves and pulls a fresh pair of gloves for both of them out of her purse.
"More importantly." Started Ciel, sensing he did not want to probe into the matter. "I assume you both got the errand done?" he sips his water slowly.
"Of course. With ease." Assures Selima.
"No need to stay here any longer. Let's leave while everyone's at breakfast." Alette sighs with relief, realizing she would not have to deal with the issue at hand from last night. Sebastian uncovers Ciel, and picks him up. "Ah that reminds me." Alette pours herself a glass of water and sips delicately. "Not to worry—I'll be sure not to tell Lady Elizabeth you shared you bed not with just one but two young ladies." Alette chokes on her water and Selima giggles.
"We'll speak more once we're home." Replies Sebastian, picking up the remainder of Ciel's peasant clothes.
"Sebas--." As they take their leave, they run into William, standing with back stiff, attitude full of rancor.
"We've finished our business here, so we'll be taking our leave." Explains Sebastian.
"Feel free, I don't care where you go so long as your masters are with you and you are supervised."
* * *
"Ciel! Where have you been? You left for two days without a word."
"Welcome home, my lord and ladies." Greets Agni.
"That's none of your affair." Growls Ciel, still weary form being sick and having none of the patience to deal with this nuisance. He coughs again.
"What's wrong? You look pale."
"It's nothing serious. Just leave me be." Alette mouths the word 'asthma' to the Prince.
"It is serious! You've obviously caught a cold, you probably have a fev--."
"No, my temperature is normal."
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not!" yells a defiant Ciel. Alette simply follows the arguing Earl and Prince up the stairs as Selima went to prepare tea.
"Ciel!" He frowns as Sebastian shuts the door in his face. Alette, goes to her room and tries to catch up on some much needed rest. She Is interrupted moments from slumber by a knock on the door. She groans and Selima takes this as leave to enter. She serves her master her afternoon tea, then sits on the edge of Alette's bed.
"So you kissed a girl and you didn't even like it?"
"Shut up, Selima." She snapped.
"I'm simply saying. That no matter what you choose. I will be by your side. Always." She whispered. As if she was actually considering doing anything! Was she? "Think about it. I was planning on finding you a nice earl to marry you off to, but I can find a maiden just as well." She winks, then presses her plump lips to Alette's forehead, as a mother would. Alette turns over, then closes her eyes, and then Selima leaves.
On the other side of the townhouse, Sebastian and Ciel, who were attempting to leave the mansion, were met with a stalemate with Prince Soma and Agni.
"Not so fast Ciel! Don't assume you'll have an easy time escaping the house I protect!" reminded Soma, wagging his finger at the young boy. "I know you've caught a cold. As the viceroy of this estate and your dear friend, I cannot allow it!"
"Who made you my dear friend? Don't be daft!"
"Agni, don't let Ciel past you!" Agni unwraps his hand rapidly, making Ciel's eyes twitch.
"Listen you lot. I have work to do! I haven't got time to play games with you!" Ciel breaks into a small coughing fit, then raises his walking stick. "Step aside!"
"A sick person's job is to stay in bed and be looked after!" argued Soma
"I'm not like you. I can manage!" he sputtered, coughing.
"Lord Phantomhive! Please return to bed, my lord, these are symptoms of asthma, you can't possibly be well!"
"Don't presume to touch me! Sebastian get these two out of my way!"
"Very good, my lord."
"Sebastian, you ought to be ashamed, and you call yourself Lord Phantomhives khansama?"
"Pardon?" drawls Sebastian.
"As a fellow khansama, no, as your friend I must speak my mind!"
"Did I ask your opinion?" interrupts Selima. "I don't think I did."
"The health of our masters is our first concern!"
"No, maybe in your country. But that is not the butler aesthetic in England. Butlers are hired solely to serve and to follow orders. Family and friends are for concern of health, and if you are truly so blissfully ignorant, you should shut your mouth and not presume to talk to my man as if he is failing in his duties." Selima got closer with every bitter word spat. Then left in the midst of her anger, departed.
"What she meant to say was while your concern for my master is appreciated, we have different priorities." Smiled Sebastian, cleaning up the mess Selima had left.
"I suppose the only way you can truly learn is from your own mistakes. My prince, we must leave Sebastian to his duties."
"But Agni!"
"Come, let's go." Sebastian turns around, only to find Ciel passed out on the bed. He readies him for bed, then returns to Selima's chambers. She sits on her bed, reading a book on asthma cures. He sits down next to her, and massages her shoulders. She purrs like a kitten as he does so.
"Both our masters are sound asleep." He informs her, placing a hand on her knee.
"You're frisky now, aren't you?" she giggles. He places soft kisses on her exposed flesh. His hair hangs low, tickling her neck. She smiles, but then remembers..." I er...can't." He cocks his head to the left as his hand wanders up her skirt, only to be met with warmness, as he feels her tampon.
"Oh." Was all he revealed, but she could tell he was upset. "But you're a demoness. You have the power of the world at your hands. You couldn't find a way to skip this?" She presses her lips to his, wraps her arms around him. This seems to rejuvenate him as he stands up.
"I'm in a human's forms, my body acts as humans would." He leans in a little and nips at her lip.
"Does this really mean we can't do anything?" She chuckles a little.
"We're not getting kinky. Not yet, anyway." She winks.
"I have something for you."
"If it has to do with the content of your pants, I just told you--."
"No it's not that." He disappears, then returns with a large snake plushy. She squeals and it is a miracle none of the other residents of the townhouse are alerted. She takes it, it is a slick poisonous green with raven spots, and red glowing eyes. She jumps on him, he falls onto the bed, chuckling, arms around her slender figure. He presses his lips to her warm forehead, making her blush slightly, though not from fever like Ciel. She nuzzles his chest, feeling quite affectionate at the moment. They lay there in each other's arms, exchanging kisses and gazing into each other's eyes, making small talk. It was the perfect evening of uninterrupted affection. He kisses her, smiles then says
"Let's end this tomorrow."

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