Their Butlers, Sucking

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  Alette stared at the man tied before her. "Who is this?" she asked, the man had eyes that shined like two exploding suns, though he appeared kind of dead on the inside, and hair colored of ashes. What really got her though, was the scales on the sides of his neck.
"It's you!" squealed Selima in delight
"Snake?!" asked Ciel. "You were behind Mr. Phelps murder. Why would Snake want to murder Alette and I?"
"Isn't it obvious Ciel?" asked Alette, feeling immensely sick with herself. It had been a growing feeling ever since the night of the incident. She never knew she was capable of murder, but now she knew. There was no chance at redemption for her. And for some reason, with that hope snuffed out, she had been becoming increasingly miserable. "What we did..."
"The day after you four broke into the first tier tents, everyone disappeared! I know it was you, Siren! So I followed the scent of your costume to this manor, says Wilde." Recited Snake.
"So you think it's our fault?"
"It really kind of is our fault."
"I knew that Joker and the others were hiding something from me! But---despite my appearance, they called me their friend!" Alette tears up, a pressure weighing on her chest. She had been trying to hide it for some time now, but this had been really weighing on her conscious. "They called me their family! You stole that away from me! I'll never forgive that!" And Alette was gone. Over the edge, submerged, drowning. She did not run off, or so much as reply. Simply sulked off, so quietly, oh so quietly that even Selima barely noticed. Ciel on the other hand, maintained his composure fairly well. "Says Wilde."
"The circus you were a part of was kidnapping children from each area they toured. To investigate that, we infiltrated the circus."
"Kidnapping? You're lying! That's nonsense, says Oscar." Denied Snake.
"Nonsense, that may be true. What we did may have been wrong, but I assure you we did it for the greater good. We wanted to save those children that were suffering because of their actions. I want to save you too." Now he was very well aware that this act of generosity was very out of character for him, but he had to take Alette into account. She had once told him he was reckless, and to make more friends than enemies. He may have brushed it off at the time, but after careful consideration, h had concluded that this man was most likely a better ally than foe. Plus, it would delight his friend's demon butler to no end to have this man around. "Come to my manor, Snake."
"What are you saying, says Keats" He reaches down and unties Snake, loosening the almost impossible knots Sebastian had tied.
"Just as I said. I want to save you. Joker and the others may be gone because of us, but that doesn't mean you have to be alone. You can choose to hold to your hatred and let it eat you alive. Or you can resolve your conflicts with us directly, and live a happy life once more, with a new family." Snake outreached his hand and took Ciel's, accepting the offer.
* * *
After Sebastian's staged funeral, which Alette had been absent from, everyone was content. Almost everyone, but that is for the next chapter. There was still a bit of nip from the winter air, so Selima slipped into a long sleeved dress that clung to her figure. The evergreen of it brought out her eyes, her makeup was as always, perfection, not too much, not too little, the perfect amount for her shape and color. Her raven heels clicked against the tile of the Phantomhive manor. As much as everyone was thrilled to find out Sebastian was alive, he had to bid them farewell for the night. What was even more amusing to the pair of them was seeing how their helpless masters would get along without them for a few hours. She took Sebastian's arm as they stepped outside, the night was theirs. Stars sparkle in the sapphire sky, spotted with the occasional wispy cloud. Selima stares out the window, then lays her head in Sebastian's lap. He smiles down at her, and she is, for the first time in the last few days, perfectly content. He notices the hairpin curve of her lips and how her hair spills into his lap.
"Do you remember when we started dating?" she inquires, curious.
"Of course. I remember the first time I ever laid eyes on you."
"Do you?"
"Yes, you came to the door with your young mistress and requested to have an audience with my young master. I couldn't refuse such a beautiful lady. She giggles as he smirks, clearly flattered.
"I knew I wanted you the moment I saw you."
"I recall you told me so on the rooftops, during the Jack the Ripper case."
"Yes, I did."
"You do always get what you want, don't you?"
"Of course I do."
"You really would have torn up that reaper had ha touched me."
"Of course I would. No one touches what's mine." She runs the back of her hand over the outline of his face, caressing him lovingly. They arrive at West's coffee house, a large green building decorated elaborately. Ever since the Curry incident, it had lost some business and fell into the hands of a new owner. But nonetheless, Sebastian always fulfilled his promises. The inside was not at all crowded to say the least, and decorated in a mild manner. There were paintings adorning the striped gold and jade walls, and railings around the perimeter, separating the line from the seating area. They settle in, Selima sipping her coffee avariciously, earning her a few looks since it was obviously steaming hot. But pesky things such as temperature never quite bothered demons much, so she drank her coffee in peace. Sebastian arrives across from her, a bag full of sweets for the young master in his grasp.
"Do you happen to know what became of those kittens you gave me?"
"I uh, believe your young master had an allergic reaction to them, then ordered the servants to dispose of them." He looks a bit upset at this, so she grabs and interlocks their gloved hands.
"It's really not fair, you get to keep snakes out in the garden now, yet I can't even hide a kitten."
"Am I not enough for you?" she laughs, playfully scratching him; she was a cat demon after all.
"No darling, you're purrfect." She frowns, pain coming with the severity of that pun.
"Sebastian, if you make one more damn cat joke, I will end you."
* * *
"You really scared me back there." Selima sighed burying her face into his warm, hard chest.
"Of courses I did, love." He purred, rubbing circles into her back. She groans a little.
"You could have at least told me about it."
" I couldn't risk anyone overhearing." He explained. She Huffs and drops it, nuzzling him slightly.
"You know you're not allowed to die on me." She scolds. He chuckles slightly, pressing his cold lips to her warm forehead. It was funny really. She could almost pass for a human, except for her glowing fuchsia eyes. He feels a twitch of something in his chest, something like endearment. What was this feeling? "You know, if the young masters find us here, they're bound to be upset." She reminded him, breaking him out of his contemplation.
"Doesn't that make it all the more fun?"
"Not when I think my beau has been murdered."
"So now I'm your beau?" He chuckled.
"You've been my beau. For a year now." She reminds him. He envelops her in his long arms, pressing his body to her. "
"A year goes by so fast." He sighs. "And I don't get a prize for sticking around so long?"
"You don't deserve one for what you've put me through."
"I don't know what you could be referring to." She giggled and presses her full lips to his thin ones. He kisses back, slowly at first. Their lips just moving together naturally, they enjoy each other's presence. The wind blows as they sit on top of the roof. Her hair blows in his face, and they break apart, only so he can get the hair that had blown into his mouth out. His lips are as soft and smooth as butterfly wings, and warm, wet and filled with passion. He wanted to give her the world. She deserved it. A beautiful demoness has stumbled into his life and now he questioned everything he once knew. Demons couldn't love. Could they? If they couldn't what was this feeling, then? His nonexistent heart fluttering, his cold body flushing. He was a mess yet perfectly comfortable around this woman. It was unheard of. It was different.
He continues to rub small circles in her back. She had been really tense as of late. Probably because of the whole murder fiasco. He holds her tight, nuzzling her neck. He is perfectly content like this, but she then makes the first move. She places a hand on his thigh suggestively, then looks at him with raised eyebrows. He decides, despite his sudden slight stiffness, to pretend to play hard to get. "I don't know what you could possibly want." He drawls, looking the other way.
"Oh no, you're not doing this to me." She groans
"Hmm...doing what?" He smirked seductively, tilting her chin up.
"I think you'll find I can be very persuasive." She giggles. She pecks his lips, leaving him wanting more. He leans in, but she lowers her head to his chest region.
"Nuh uh. My lips have other places to be." She teased. She was irresistible. She plops down into his lap and leans in. He expects to feel her warm lips against his pale cheek but is instead met with a warm wet sensation. Had she licked him? That was new
She kisses his jawline, lips painted perfection created the Perfect sensation against his skin. He understood, ever since he met her. The only thing a demon lusted for more than souls was pleasure and she gave that to him. She gave more than that too. Affection and care. Something demons were not used to. But they were figuring it out together. She trailed her wet tongue down his jaw to her neck, where she started placing butterfly kisses all over, until she felt him tense as she kisses a spot close to his jaw. She gives this sensitive spot a lick. And watches him close his eyes and sigh. Her foreplay was amazing.
She starts to suck, lightly at first as he groans. As the intensity of the suction increases he lets out small groans that may have been considered moans. She pulls away, admiring her work. There is a large, purple, very noticeable love bite on his neck. He was not used to being so submissive. But they were of equal power so he couldn't dominate every time. He had grown quite hard as she pressed against him, the friction created as she rubbed against him was wonderful. He wanted her. Now. She lowered her attention to his chest, as she slowly unbuttoned his tailcoat. She pulled off his coat with ease, leaving him in just a thin white button up shirt. She played with the buttons as she lay atop him, making him groan with impatience. She smiles a little, she bites on the edge of his shirt and uses her tongue to push the button through the small opening. She repeats the process until his pale, well-toned chest is bare. She starts where she left off, kissing and dragging her tongue across his bare collarbone. She chances a nip and his back almost arches. The sudden slight pain was a surprise. She bites again, drawing a bit of blood. He doesn't mind though, she swirls her tongue around the wound she fabricated and laps up the blood.
"Oh darling, you're so kinky." He teased her
"Shhh." She pressed a finger to his lips. She moved lower, leaving sporadic love bites all over until she reached his nipples. This took the demon by surprise, this was unchartered territory for him, he hadn't even fondled her in the flesh yet. He wanted to save the best for last. She ran a thumb over his left nipple while swiping her tongue across the right. Both instantly get hard. She feels him for a few more moments, then rubs it slowly, her fingers making circles around them. He groaned and pressed his body into her. She felt herself get poked with something large and hard and smirks. She sits octopus style in his lap and grinds against him slowly. Finally, she starts to suck on his left nipple, the suction felt oddly wonderful as did the generous amount of friction and attention she gave to his most sensitive area. She squeezed his right nipple pinching it. She did not hold back and used a large amount of force. He could not suppress a large moan. Selima stops, then switches her position so she is upside down, crotch in Sebastians face and her face in his crotch. Sebastian laid back and enjoyed the sight of her wet lace panties. She slowly unbuckled his belt. He looked up at the stars. He was so stiff it was almost painful. He was in need of a release. She frees his throbbing cock of its constraints and slowly pumps her hand. He moans, tracing a hand up and down her smooth legs. She chances a lick of the tip, tasting the cum that had leaked out.
"I like seeing you like this. All vulnerable." She whispers. His black hair lay sprawled behind him, blending in with the roof. He decides she deserves reciprocation, he wanted to make her moan as well. She is sucking on the tip lightly, when he Yanks down her panties and she feels a sudden draft on her nether regions. "Sebastian, what are you do-- oh!" She moans, pumping her hand whilst she talks. He surprises her by taking a big slow lick of her clitoris. It is a most strange feeling, warm wet and pleasurable. It tastes salty yet sweet.
"You taste so sweet, darling" he compliments.
She swirls her tongue around his tip, and he mimics her movement, swirling his tongue around the top of her clit. Soon, they are both moaning messes, immersed in pleasure. She takes most of his incredibly large length into her mouth and sucks, bobbing her head back and forth. He takes her clit into his mouth and sucks, it becomes a competition as to who can suck harder. Soon though, he is on the brink of losing it. She bobs her head back and forth, she then returns to the tip, flicking her tongue across it. His hips buck a little.
"M-more!" He grunts, even though his mouth is full. She continues this, while massaging his balls. Selima then takes one testicle into her mouth and sucks, while massaging the other. He groans loudly, panting while taking long slow licks of her. She repeatedly flicks her tongue across them, giving the sensitive part of the man special attention. He groans and thrusts his hips upward. She takes his entire length into her mouth and deep throats him, despite her gagging.
" I'm gonna...!" He manages to choke out, until he finally releases his salty load into her mouth. She swallows gratefully, he pants. She strokes him, still in position. He then catches her off guard by thrusting his tongue into her. He goes at a inhuman speed, tasting her and thrusting in and out. He takes a moment to tug off his gloves quickly, then thrusts his tongue back in.
"Ooo!" She Moans. He returns his attention to the clit, flicking his tongue over it repeatedly, while inserting a few fingers into her. She moans, riding his face. Her juices get all over his face, neck, chin and nose. "Ahhh!" She nearly screams.
"Shhh, love. You don't want to wake our masters. They'll be upset if they found us having fun up here." He thrusts his fingers into her and swivels them around inside her, making come hither motions, all while licking her clitoris. She bites her lip, then arches her back and moans. She feels a knot forming in her lower stomach, then she almost yells
"Ohhh Sebassstiannn!" As she reaches her climax she looks up at the glowing starlight and swears she sees white. He sucks her dry as she sighs, riding her orgasm out. She climbs off him, and pulls up her panties. "You're a messy eater." She giggles at the sight of him. He dresses himself and then wraps an arm around her, pulling her close. He nuzzles her, inhaling the scent.
"Yes, my love?"
"When will you make love to me?"
"When the ashes start to rise, and the moon falls from the sky. And a thousand candles burn into the night. When the angels softly cry on the flames below the sky. When a thousand souls still pray for you and I. I will make it just perfect."

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