Her Butler, Freeloader

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  "So all the victims had just come home from India then?" asked Ciel, peering over the officer's shoulder."Yes, it appears so." Confirmed Alette, peering over the other shoulder."Ciel?! Alette?!""These damn brats..." muttered Sir Arthur."No one seems to have died yet.""Yet.""The child of craziness and laziness? He does have a way with words.""It's lovely." Sir Arthur frowned, his mustache quivering a bit from the cold. He was not okay with being upstaged by two little brats."I agree that our country would be rather improved if all these nouveaux riches fresh back from India disappeared. " he read aloud."That's rather crude. Still, look at that mark in the corner." Ciel redirected his attention to the small seal in the corner."Still, this mark...""He's mocking the queen and all Englishmen. He must be Indian!" assumed the ignorant man"So this is why we were called in? Most of the Indians who have come here illegally hole up in the criminal neighborhoods of the East end.""I bet the yard hasn't even figured out what the exact number of their groups are have they?" inquired Alette, knowing the answer already. The Yard was always miles behind the Vamphinas, and she knew it. This earned her a glare form Sir Arthur."I cannot allow the queen to suffer such indignity. Let us go." The four disperse, knowing they would not make it any further with the police stationed there. Ciel's newest walking stick, clicked against the stone under their feet. It was long and narrow, ebony and finely polished with a sprinkling of cobalt jewels. Inside held a sword, for Alette, who had gifted this to him, urged him to walk with care ever since the kidnapping incident."Damn Scorpion. Making the Yard look like fools!""Who is the Scorpion, Sir Arthur?" asked Abberline, curious as always."That damn brat, Vamphina. Always lurking in the dark... working alongside the Queens dog." Meanwhile, the group had reached a darker side of town. Beggars lurked in every nook and cranny, staring at the two children as if they were gold in a mine full of coal. "We could have just sent Sebastian ad Selima to take care of them." Pointed out Alette."Then we'd have the Yard searching for us. Where would the fun be in that? I love a good obstacle.""I suppose.""I believe the Indians use this area as their base." Interrupted Sebastian."Yes..." he trailed off."OUCH! That hurt!" Cried a stranger, Ciel furrowed his brow, confused since he hadn't even felt any contact with the strange man. "That hurt!" He repeated. "I think I've cracked a rib! I'm done for. I might die!" he exaggerated. Alette didn't even bat an eye."Don't listen to them, Ciel. They're just trying to pawn you for your money." She explained."Leave us everything you have." They commanded. Sebastian turned to Selima, smirking."We seem to have been caught by some very cliché thugs. What shall we do?" Selima smiles, bats her green eyes, flips her curls over her shoulder, steps up and slaps the man right across the face. The echo can be hard and it leaves a red hot mark."You've been hit!""By a woman?" The beggars crawled out of their homes and encircled tem, brandishing weapons. Selima crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, undaunted against her formidable foes."Wait! I'm looking for someone." Interrupted a pretty man, with long flowing violet hair and chocolate earnest eyes. His golden earrings swayed from side to side as he sashayed over, clearly wealthy. "Have you seen an Indian who looks like this?" He asked innocently, holding a child's drawing dearly, as if it was all he had."Who the hell are you? Stay out of this!" yelled the man wielding a knife."Are you dueling?" he asked, ignoring the man's warning."He has a khansama with him!" acknowledged one of the attackers."Are you an English nobleman?" he inquired, still advancing."What if I am?" snapped Ciel, completely done with the day. All he wanted was to go home and have some sweets."Then I will side with my countrymen. Agni!""Yes?" answered the man's khansama (butler)."Defeat them." The butler whispers something I a foreign language, then states"I shall brandish the right hand the heavens bestowed me with for my master." the man, Agni, swiftly unraveled his right hand which had been wrapped up, and ran at the pair of butlers. Selima, flipped Alette behind her, while Sebastian blocked the attack, nearly slamming Ciel into the floor. The man was primarily after Sebastian it seemed he dodged another kick while running backwards, Ciel still behind him. The beggars had since backed off, watching the fight in awe. With Alette clinging to her back, Selima, jumped in front of Sebastian to catch the man's attention."My lady, please do not make me hurt a woman as delicate as you." Selima's eyes flashed a dangerous shade of jade. The man managed to grab her but she remembered what to do in this case. She swung her arms in a large circle, making him beak contact, and then while he was stunned, after all he was only human, unlike the pair of butlers, she smashed her head right into his face."She can fight?" The man backed off, clearly stunned."We were just walking down the street!" cried Ciel. "Are Indians savages who attack any Englishmen that wanders by?""What? Did you fellows attack Shorty over here for no reason?" Ciel grunted, and Alette giggled; she was an inch or two taller. The reaction given was a tell all about what had happened. "That's no good. My countrymen are in the wrong this time. Agni, side with the kids.""Kids? I'm almost a lady grown!" protested Alette."Alette, you're only fourteen.""Well I'll be fifteen on the 20th of next month!" In the time it took this argument to take place, Agni had already taken care of the beggars, who now made a pile on the floor."I've finished, Prince Soma.""Good." He carefully picks up the fallen Ciel's hat, dusts it off and hands it over. "Well then, I'm looking for someone so I'll be on my way. Ta-ta." Before they depart, Agni bends down, takes Selima's hand and presses his lips to it. "My lady." The duo then leaves, leaving Alette and Ciel confused and Sebastian mildly irritated. It was a sudden onset of dysphoria, which caught him off guard. H didn't feel, he didn't have such mundane human emotions... but here he was feeling outraged for some unknown reason."Well. Someone's smitten with you, Selima." Commented Alette."Nonsense, my lady." Later that night, Ciel was in his study, peering down at some fresh documents."That was a waste of energy. One of those Indians must be the criminal. Let's wait for Sir Arthur to contact us." Sebastian advised."Young Master!" exclaimed all the servants, noticing his arrival. "Welcome home, Yes!""I'll never get any peace..." He muttered. "If I'm called to London for every silly thing.""My lord, you really are here!" yelled Lau, as he entered with ese." A small vein throbbed in Ciel's forehead, causing Alette to pat him on the back gently."You're dropping in unannounced?! How often had I told you to at least send a note before you visit?""Ah, I vaguely remember that.""Selima, go help in the kitchen. They have guests.""Mistress, we are the guests.""My orders remain." Sebastian tries to beat her to the kitchen, but she had a head start, and orders to fulfill as well. Still, something bothered Sebastian."How did you know how to defend yourself?" he asked, clearly her skills were beyond that of a normal demon butler. Her moves were very specific, and went beyond the goal of protecting her mistress."It is not a woman's world. We are taught to defend ourselves, rather than to teach boys not to hurt us." She explained, as the water started to hiss. She went to tend to it when suddenly, she was picked up and sat down on the counter."No one will hurt you. Not while I'm around." Their hands interlock, and she presses her plump lips to his nose quickly, so not to leave a mark"I can fend for myself." She hops down and tends to the tea, pouring it from the kettle into the cups. He wraps his arms around her, pressing his body into her back. He presses his face into the nape of her neck, making her giggle as he places slow kisses onto her collar."Not. In. My. Kitchen." Hissed a pissed Ciel, standing in the doorway. "We have more guests." J=he informed them, the obnoxious princes voice can be heard laughing in the background, clearly to Ciel's dismay. "Did you know he's a prince?" squeaked Alette."I vaguely remember it being mentioned." Replied Selima."Sebastian, don't let them out of your sight." Commanded Ciel."Very good, my lord." Obeyed Sebastian.* * *"Selima and I shall be your tutors whilst we are in London, My Lord." Proclaimed Sebastian. Ciel was still disgruntled by the way he had been woken up this morning, by Agni opening the curtains and Soma bouncing on him like a child would. Sebastian pushes up his spectacles with his baton."Why must she do it" he groaned, remembering how she had taught him to dance.""Because she'll give you the discipline you need in certain areas." Right now, Alette sat parallel to Ciel, playing a duet with him today."Bach's Chaconne?" He questioned. "I can't play something this difficult." He decided."You'll try and you will learn." Demanded Selima. Ciel frowned; he had no idea how Alette put up with someone this difficult every day for five years. They began to play, slowly but surely complimenting each other. Alette had played the flute since she was small, but even she couldn't quite master this difficult selection."Yes, that's good." Complimented Sebastian. "Um.""What is that?" They both turn to see Agni and Soma, praying to some foreign god/ goddess."They seem to be praying, but it's quite a surreal idol., isn't it?" asked Lau."To me, it merely looks like a statue of a woman...carrying a severed head, and wearing a necklace of severed heads, and dancing madly on top of a man's stomach.""Certainly you must not be that ignorant.""She is Kali, the goddess of our Hindu faith." Informed Agni."A goddess of India?""Kali is the wife of Shiva and the goddess of power. Long ago, a demon rashly challenged her to a fight. Naturally, she was victorious. However, afterward, her destructive urges were not quelled, and she abandoned herself to destruction and carnage. But then, to protect the Earth, her husband Shiva threw himself at her feet. Treading on her husband with her unclean feet brought Kali back to her senses, and peace returned to the world. Kali is the great goddess who defeated the demon after a desperate battle. As proof, she carries the demon's head.""There you have it.""Hmm... I wasn't aware of someone so strong." Claims Sebastian."Nor was I." added Selima."I'll have to take care if I travel to India.""Now then, since we're done with praying, let's go out!" exclaimed Prince Soma, grasping Ciel like a sack of potatoes."I told you, I'm busy!" he roars.* * *"Honestly when are you going to finish?" drawled the Prince, laying on his stomach on the floor. "I say, what are you doing?""Be quiet! You're distracting me!" groaned Ciel, in the middle of a fencing lesson. "All right fine! If you want my attention so badly, I'll oblige!" The boy shouted, clearly irritated. Even Alette and Selima who were next door, learning self-defense, could hear him."Honestly what is that boy getting himself in to?" asked Alette, just barely Selima's next attack. They peeked in and all of a sudden, it was Sebastian and Agni who were fighting, evenly matched."So it's a draw." They decided."Your khansama's not bad, Ciel. What about yours, girie?""She's as good as Sebastian." Alette assured him"Prove it.""I will.""Please, my Prince. Do not make me fight someone as beautiful as her." He pleaded. Again, Sebastian felt... A surge of some unnamed, previously undiscovered emotion before him. Usually he knew he could handle any situation thrown at him and he had up until this point. But faced with a handsome man, eyeing up his girlfriend he had no idea what to do, or what he could possibly befeeling. After all, demons were for eating souls and occasional lust but never for toying with such humdrum human things."Sebastian." He now realized his young master was before him, clearly concerned. "Who is that man? He's not another....""No, he's a deadly human." He replied."I see. But with that much power..." Ciel trailed off."Yes. He could easily hang men upside down" finished Sebastian."All right tonight I'll whip up my very best!" choose Bardroy, grabbing all the utensils from him."We'll cook." Declared Selima, knowing all too well what might happen."You behave yourself." Scolded Sebastian, watching Selima's hips sway while she chopped vegetables."Sebastian." He silently cursed the man for disrupting his fantasies. I was wondering if I could be of any service." Asked Agni."You just relax and enjoy yourself." Sebastian waved him off, not wanting his romantic time in the kitchen to be interrupted."Two can work much faster than one." He states. "Please, ask me of anything." He pleaded. Sebastian sighed and smiled."Then in that case, could you make a cottage pie, and some gooseberry sauce for tonight's main dish?" He asked politely, figuring that ought to keep him away from him and Selima."Of course.""Hey why are you letting him cook but not the chef?!" protested Bardroy. "Are you even listening to me?""So much to do...so much to do..." he sighed, giving Selima one last loving glance before departing. When he returned Selima was laughing, the servants were working in harmony and Agni was a little to close to Selima making conversation."I'm..." He thought of his word selection carefully. Enraged? Jealous? "Amazed you got them to help.""Everyone id born with their own talents. They have a path and a duty revealed by the gods. We children of the divine mother only need to follow her will and do our appointed tasks." Selima shuddered; all this talk of gods and divinity was giving her a feeling of disgust. After all, she was made of sin."You are a man of fine character. ""Not at all. I was a hopeless fool before I met the Prince. Owe him more than I can ever repay. I hurt people, blasphemed against the gods, committed crime upon crime." Now that was what she liked to hear. "And the day finally came for me to be punished. I had no particular attachment to this world. I didn't even believe in the gods, I had forsaken everything and yet, a god appeared before me! That day, I plainly saw the divine in him, in all its sublime radiance""Agni, your pot is boiling over." Sebastian informed him, carelessly walking past."The prince is my sovereign and my god. He gave me new life; I want to protect him with my life. And make as many as his wishes as I can come true.""The gods are a bunch of horse shit." Whispered Selima"The actual gods are a bunch of god for nothings if you ask me..." muttered Sebastian"Pardon?""Oh nothing." They replied in unison."How long do you people intend on staying here?" inquired an intense Ciel, as the table before him and Alette, who sat on opposite sides of the table, were set by their butlers."We'll leave when our business is finished.""Come to think of it, you said you were searching for someone, weren't you?""An interesting question" he claimed, whipping out the piece of paper he had had earlier. "I'm looking for a woman. Her name is Mina. She was a servant at my palace.""Sebastian, does that give you enough to find her?" asked a bored Ciel"Even I can't do much with this. I'll try my best.""And> What is she doing in England?" questioned Ciel."Mina was my attendant, More or less my nursemaid. She'd been with me ever since I could remember. My mother and father never even looked my way. I was always alone in the palace. But Mina always stayed at my side. But a British nobleman with his eye on her kidnapped her and took her away to England while I was away!""In other words you came here to get this woman back?""Yes! I'll get her back and bring her home no matter what! He declared."That's a lot of fuss over one servant."No it's not!" he screamed, defiant. "Can you even comprehend my despair at being separated from her? Can you imagine how much I— ""No, I can't. The kind of trifling despair something like that could inspire. I can't understand it and I don't care to." Ciel pulls himself away from the despairing Prince and turns before opening the door. "Some things no amount of struggling will get back. And some despair can't ever be escaped. Maybe you can't understand that though.""Great now you've gone and upset him.""He's only a child, my lady, it is to be expected.""But. But still... I don't want this...I don't want to be alone in that palace!"* * *"Even you must know how to play Old Maid." Drawled Ciel, opening the deck of cards. "I'm finished for the day. I'll play with you until bedtime."Ciel...""It's not to make you happy. I'm just keeping you company because I'm bored.""Sorry, I have plans." rejected Soma. "Unlike you, I'm a busy man. Agni! We're going out!""Yes, Your Highness." Obliged Agni. Alette sighed, entering the room as they exited, looking at the gaping Ciel."I'll play with you." She coincided."If you don't go to bed early you'll never get taller, shorty!" he called over his shoulder. Alette dealt the cards, and figured if she were to get anywhere with this kid, she'd have to comfort him."Forget him. I bet I can beat you.""Oh there you are. Say my lord...""What?" he barked"No clues today either, ehh? Let's go looking again tomorrow. So they're back. I have to say those two are very suspicious.""Well yes, but I don't see how they' d benefit from those crimes. They don't seem to bear much of a grudge over colonial rule." Observed Ciel, as Alette took a card form Lau. "And if they are doing it.""They'd want to avoid you, not live with you." Finished Alette. "But it's not an unheard of tactic.""So you want me to think that they think, that I won't suspect them, if I they make their self visible.""It's common among a certain type of criminal to want to involve themselves in the crime." She informed."I suppose it's still too soon to say."Meanwhile, Selima and Sebastian sat above on the roof, letting the snow cover them like a blanket, hands interlocked once more. Sebastian had draped his coat over her cold body."I knew he'd make a move." He whispered, watching Agni depart.   

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