Her Butler,Cleaning

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  "This weather is so unstable." Notices Mey-Rin.
"This country gets nothing but stormy weather. Gloomy and overcast like this every da--." And that was when the wall caved in. Mey-Rin exploded into a coughing fit from inhaling the drywall, making her façade as a clumsy maid look even more believable.
"Pardon the intrusion." The smoke semi cleared to reveal two porcelain colored men, dressed in ivory. "Is Earl Phantomhive home" The man had a choppy haircut, and feline eyes. He sounded like a child wishing for Ciel to come out and play.
"Who the hell are you?" asked Bard, assuming a defensive position.
"What, are you two going to entertain me?" He draws his sword and charges, and the next part is a blur. Mey-Rin throws the stew she had been cooking, but the mysterious white man knocks it aside instinctively. It spills all over the freshly clean floor. Boy, was Selima going to have a fit about that, she had just cleaned it. The man towered over Bardroy who was now on the floor, and raised his sword. He's fast... It was flagrant that these were no ordinary intruders.... Then again they were no ordinary servants Mey-Rin cocked the guns she had stashed away and rapidly pulled the trigger. The man looked merely annoyed, as If this was just a big inconvenience. Shells hit the ground. "Ah...Duel wielding pistols that's so cool!" He grabbed a pot and ran at her, using it as a shield. And as he reached her, her guns shattered to pieces. "But at close range, I win." As he was about to strike again Bardroy appeared behind him, wielding a sharp kitchen knife but he almost had a sixth sense, and back flipped over him. "Too bad." He smiled. Before his sword could make contact with anything else, an unknown figure whipped a pot to absorb the impact. Bard got away, very nearly. Both men stare at the black butler.
"These custard cream puffs were made with fresh eggs from our household chickens. Please enjoy." Smiled Sebastian. The man bit a chunk of the pastry off his sword then considered it carefully.
"They're alright, I guess. Passable at least." He begrudgingly admits. The other man kindly helps Mey-Rin off the floor.
"Sebastian, who the hell are these guys?"
"My name is Charles Grey."
"And I'm Charles Phipps."
"Together we go by Double Charles." It was then Selima walked in. And all hell broke loose.
"Oh no..." whispered Bardroy.
"You should be afraid." Chuckled Sebastian. She charged Charles Phipps and was on him before he could even blink.
"Hit her Charles!"
"But she's a woman."
"I'm more than a woman I'm one bloody good maiden!" she growled, as his face connected with her fist. He swore he saw stars and went down hard. Then it was Charles Grey's turn. He pulled out his sword but with a loud snap and he was amazed to see it fall to the floor in two pieces.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Smirked Sebastian
"Squeal like a pig you little shit." She muttered, pressing the heel of her boot into his back.
"You come into MY kitchen and screw up MY floor." She roared. Sebastian interlaced their fingers to calm her."
"Her kitchen? Don't tell me we got the wrong house?"
"No, the Vamphinas live with the Earl Phantomhive as of recently. This is Miss Vamphinas butler, Selima Lovelace." Explained Sebastian.
"I'd say pleased to make your acquaintance, but honestly I'm not too pleased." Mumbled Charles Grey, as they both regained their balance.
"And who are you?" she snapped, hands on her hips. Sebastian placed small kisses on her hands and cheeks to try and calm her down. The men didn't notice any difference but Sebastian could feel the anger melt away inside of her.
"We're part of the Queens guards. Secondary butlers, if you will Nice to meet you."
"That's passable." She turns on her heel and saunters out.
"Let me take you to the Earl of Phantomhive." Smiled Sebastian, as the butlers got up and dusted themselves off.
"A banquet at the Phantomhive manor?"
"We'd like you to entertain Lord Georg von Siemens. He's a German personage, distantly related her Majesty. And he's expressed interest in British industry and private enterprise. We thought you'd be able to call the right of guests.
"I always host the balls. Alette, you do it." Droned Ciel, examining a chocolate covered strawberry served by Selima.
"What? But I don't have any of the right people or supplies or--."
"I expect you can pull it off. You won't be alone. But still, I doubt Mr. von Siemens would be comfortable being entertained by a stranger."
"Yes, wouldn't her Majesty rather entertain him herself?"
"Watch yourself, Vamphina. Are you sure you want to say that? The murders of those kidnappers sure do look suspicious. There was nothing in your orders about murder, was there?" Alette's hands twisted into fists as she scrunched her eyes closed, regretting almost everything about that night. That awful night. "Isn't this order a chance to redeem your image?" Ciel stares at her intently.
"Ok. I understand and accept. I will give him the complete Vamphina hospitality."
"By the way, I'll be participating as an overseer, so I hope you don't mind." Smirks Charles Grey."
"I have no objections." Sighed Alette, feeling utterly defeated.
"We'll then we'll be on our way." Says Earl Grey, standing up along with his partner. "No need to show us out." He turns around before exiting completely. "We look forward to seeing you in two weeks."
"Selima, I need you to prepare for the banquet. Collect information on the most elite nobles and professional, clean up the manor and— "
"Wait. Sebastian. Find out everything you can about Siemens, no matter how trivial."
"Why should we worry about Siemens? Isn't he an acquaintance of the queen?"
"Those two have no credibility. We only know as much as what they told us. After the Jack the Ripper case, I suspect everyone." Confessed Ciel, while watching as the two encountered Finny. "It looks as If Her Majesty intends to test us again."
"She questions our loyalty, and our competence."
"There's a hidden meaning in this letter." Noted Ciel, fingering the corner of the letter.
"And if we can't predict the meaning of this letter..."
"It'll ruin us."
* * *
It was after MUCH preparation and research did Alette hold a ball. The Vamphina manor had fallen into much disarray since they had taken their leave and roomed with Ciel Phantomhive. Selima cleaned it leisurely over the course of two weeks, while preparing a menu and guest list with Sebastian. It looked immaculate, with violet and ebony stripes on the walls and curtains, the Vamphina crest flagrant on the wall behind the two way polished wooden stairs, portraits of Alette's predecessors and their accomplishments decorated the walls. Phantomhive servants decked out the place, since she had not had any of her own since her father's demise. It was around eight when they descended the stairs.
"So what's the Countess like?" asked the ophthalmologist/ writer with reddish brown hair and sincere eyes; his features were extremely meek.
"Oh, she's a nice, ambitious little girl with bright blue eyes. But the real stunning one is her butler, though, she has a huge— "
"Mr. Lau, care to finish?" snarled Sebastian in Lau's ear.
"Well. Uhm...oh look at that, It's Miss Vamphina."
"Lau, did you just call me little? My ears are burning." Lau's stomach was churning. He had no business getting tangled up in what was Sebastian's. Alette was dressed in a blue dress covered in black lace, high in the front and low in the back. Her long hair was curled and in a high ponytail, she wore little makeup and jewelry. By her side stood Selima, in a simple red dress that highlighted her curvaceous figure. She wore more makeup and jewelry then Alette, her curls were all piled on one side.
"A child?" asked the writer, just loud enough for her to hear.
"That child is Lady Vamphina." Replied Lau, trying to redeem himself. "the one who invited you to this ball."
"My lady." Interrupted Selima, trying to veer off her raging master from the innocent man. "Why don't you address the crowd."
"Fine." She huffed walking away. She clinked her glass, which was filled with grape juice instead of wine, since Selima refused to serve the children alcohol. "Excuse me. I'd like to start by thanking you all for coming. I assure you while you are here you will receive the finest hospitality there is to offer. So if you need anything please don't be afraid to ask!" She smiles widely and whispers to Selima. "Where is our guest of honor?"
"He'll be arriving late, due to the poor weather, my lady."
"Well. Ciel, you've done this before. Now what?"
"We can't keep everyone waiting in the entrance hall..." he pondered aloud. It was then Mey-Rin rushed over, cheeks pink and hair tousled.
"Our guest has arrived." The man walked in stiffly, Charles Grey behind him, smirking. He seemed unhappy and had a thick grey beard.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm Georg von Siemens. I appreciate the invitation."
"Hey! Got everything ready for the party?"
"You've travelled quite a way, I'm glad to finally meet you." Greeted Alette. "I'm Alette Vamphina." She extends her hand. He reluctantly grabs her hand.
"We took the liberty of arranging a buffet style meal tonight." Prompts Ciel.
"Who are you?" frowned Georg.
"Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's Guard Dog." Ciel tried his best to keep his voice form wavering with anger; how dare someone talk to him that way!
" Mutts should be kept outside." Growled Georg.
"If you'll please follow me!" interrupted Selima, trying to dissipate the tension. The man follows Selima and Sebastian steps up.
"Now then, when I call your name, you may enter the dining room. He does not even have to squint to read Selima's loopy cursive. "Mr. Patrick Phelps."
"Y-yes." He stammers
"Mr. Carl Woodley."
"Pardon me."
"Mr. Grimsby Keane. Miss Irene Diaz. Mr. Lau. Miss Ran-Mao."
"See you later, then." Departed Lau.
* * *
"Would you care for a glass?" offered Selima.
"Thanks." It was then the man looked up and noticed her. She looked straight out of a romance novel, long curls and eyelashes, red lips. She had radiance, something about her that glowed (and no, it was not the gleam of the light on all her jewelry.) She was enchanting, it was no wonder the other butler was so taken with her.
"Nobles get the best of the best, even when it comes to servants. Can I sit here?" asked Alette.
"Sure, please—Countess?" He jumped up in surprise, but was careful not to spill any wine.
"Having fun?"
"Please, take a seat. It's much more comfortable, Professor. At least for me, it is." She groaned, rubbing her, muttering about those damn heels.
"Ah, I'm really in no position to be called Professor. Yet, anyways."
"I give credit where credit is due. So Professor it is. Unless it bothers you, in which in that case I'll stop."
"No, not at all." He smiled, rubbing his neck. "This may be rude, but why did you invite someone like me to today's party?"
"My friend, er...partner Ciel Phantomhive read one of your works. He was really quite a fan, so I decided to invite you as a surprise to please him. In fact, if you could autograph his copy, I think he'd really be pleased. His birthday Is next month."
"S-seriously?" he hopped up again, as if he was sitting on hot coals.
"Yes, if you could." He sits back down and takes a gulp of his wine.
"Even so, that novel was extremely unpopular. I'm surprised he reads such common magazines with his high social standing."
"Nobility has nothing to do with it. He'll read anything that interests him."
"I really want to write a historical novel, but..." He sighed as the bitter truth hit him. "It's been rejected by many publishers already. It just won't sell."
"I can perhaps, assist?" she offers
"What do you mean?"
"If Ciel reads it and says it's worth publishing, I happen to own a publishing company myself."
"But it won't sell."
"Perhaps not. Maybe we should make a name for you first. Several authors are good for nothings, but get recognized because they're in high standing positions."
"Exactly! That's exactly right! It's simply unforgiveable." Yelled Grimsby Keane, getting way too close to Alette for her liking. "Obstinate old fools love to throw their weight around in our industry. But if acting was just reading lines, any amateur could do it. Don't you agree?"
"Well, I suppose..." considered Alette. "I've seen a few of your plays. The set and costume design rally are amazing."
"ooh, you appreciate my work? Just once, I'd like to work with such a discerning producer! You own a theatre, what do you say?"
"Sure Maybe, one day..." And that was when the night started to get interesting, just as Lau had predicted.  

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