Their Butlers, On Ice

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  Alette rang the bell of her study, the ding echoing, cracking through the silence like a whip. Selima immediately entered, it was scary how quickly she could move about the manor.
"Yes, my lady?" she responded to her call.
"Ciel's birthday is December 14th, am I correct?"
"You are correct."
"What would Ciel want?"
"His loved ones alive." Silence persists this statement, shocked by the blunt and obviousness of the answer.
"Something I can buy him Selima." She retorts.
"He is not a materialistic person, my lady. Finding something he'll enjoy will be quite difficult indeed."
"Quite difficult indeed. But he knows I like a challenge." She smiles devilishly. "Ready the carriage. Ciel is expecting us."
* * *
Selima slowed the horses as they approached the frost fest; icicles gleamed dangerously above them on the bridge and piles of snow toppled over onto the roadways, making them slippery.
"Impressive."Frost fair" certainly is an apt title for this." They heard Sebastian comment.
"They're close." Whispered Alette. "We'll travel on foot from here on out, Selima." She dictated. On command, Selima screeched the stallions to a halt and allowed for the lady to climb out while she parked appropriately. Finally she spots the petite boy wandering around beside a tall lengthy shadow of a man. "There they are!" Selimas stomach did a flip upon seeing Sebastian; something she was not used to. She was conditioned into always having and maintaining control in situations, now she didn't know what to do.
"Ciel!" she called, as the boy turned around and almost smiled upon seeing her.
"I trust you're up to date on what has happened?" he starts.
"Of course I am." She sniffs
"Then let's not dally. We'll look suspicious." They begin walking, the butlers gloved hands laced together, inseparable, when Ciel smirks.
"Is something amusing, my lord?"
"Those good are all of dubious quality. Funtom should set up a stall; any of our products would be better than what that man is selling. Like that, there" He uses his walking stick to point at an arc.
"Ah, hello there, noble lad! You have a good eye. That piece is one of a kind! It was manufactured by the Funtom Toy Company years ago back when it was still only just a small craft studio!" he lied.

"No, that is a blatant fake. The Funtom Arks are rare; only three were ever made. My predecessor employed the talent of an artist incredibly skilled in his craft. Since our estate burned down, even we no longer possess one. One most certainly wouldn't turn up here." Ciel informed, all in one breath. Alette stares at him in amazement.
"Noah's Ark... You know, it reminds me of this country." Observes Sebastian

"Why is that, dear?" asks Selima

"Think about it, it's a boat captained by a single person. One filled with only the select few who have been chosen to be saved. Rather arrogant, don't you think?"
"I agree. I'll never understand humans." She replied, lost in thought. Suddenly, they were interrupted by the presence of an red haired, pale faced man.
"A Scotland Yard inspector has time to attend the fair...London must be very peaceful. Today, anyway." Mocked Ciel

"It's not! I'm on duty right now!" Abberline retorted

"Oh. Well, then, I'll leave you to earn your wages in faithful service to the Queen and country. Good day, Inspector."
"Wait, come back! I have some questions I want to ask you! Ciel! Alette!" he cries, rushing after them. He extends a long hand and almost catches the trailing coat of Alette, until Selima catches his hand, catching him off guard.
"What do you need, sir?" she asks with a malicious smile, squeezing his hand a little tighter.
"Come, let us get out of the cold." Beckons Alette, gesturing to a small coffee shop. The five make their way into the café and are seated quickly; soon Ciel and Alette are munching on cookies and sipping tea.
"Now, what is an inspector from the Yard doing here? What's your business, Abberline?" inquires Ciel rapidly, keen as always.
"Murder. A man's corpse was found this morning trapped in the ice on the Thames. We learned he was a member of a certain criminal organization. I'm here because Scotland Yard wants to hunt down that man's killer, and we also want to recover a ring that he stole: a blue diamond, one supposedly worth around 2,000 quid." He takes a deep breath after his spiel, the sips his coffee. Selima had ordered coffee as well. Technically speaking demons did not need to eat, unless you count souls, but she really enjoyed coffee. Not alone, she always added a creamer or two.
"The diamond... the ultimate symbol of eternal radiance. A stone that bewitches all those who see its sparkle. What man wouldn't be inspired to pursue such an exquisite prize, even knowing all that awaits him is total destruction?" interrupts Lau.
"Impossible! How do you know about the Hope piece?!" exclaims Abberline, outraged at the breach of information.
"You're after the Hope piece?" Asks Ciel, intrigued.
"Oh? Interesting. Such a gemstone really does exist? Oh, my... Ahh..." Alette facepalms.
"Wha--? Hold on. But you were saying—"
"It's best to ignore him. He was blathering. Anyway, Lau, what in the world are you doing here?"
"I own this place, my lord. Nice, eh?" he offers, looking for praise. Selima sips her coffee, and Sebastian reaches across the table to wrap his fingers around hers, which were surprisingly warm due to the coffee.
"Yes, of course you do..." whines Ciel
"This "Hope piece" you were talking about sounds fascinating, my lord. Perhaps you could tell me more about it?"
"Yes, Ciel I'm quite interested." Adds Alette, who had also never heard of it before.
"Have you never heard of it?
"A blue gem known as the Hope Diamond, named after the man whose collection it was a part of, Henry Philip Hope."
"Don't know it."
"It's passed to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette... We know how they ended. The diamond is said to be a cursed stone that brings ruin to all who possess it. At one point it was stolen, and cut into smaller pieces to disguise it. Rumor has it that two such pieces still exist. Those shards of diamond would certainly be valuable. Tell me Abberline, is that what you're searching for?" elucidates Ciel. Alette stares at the blue stone on Ciel's finger.
"The diamond was being moved as evidence. Its carriage was attacked. It was stolen."
"Intriguing. Give me details. I would like to lend you a hand with this case. Of course I can't force you. But then, if you do decide to refuse me, I can see to it that Sir Arthur finds himself in a rather awkward position." Bargains Ciel

"You're sure this is the right place?" Asks Ciel, who had at this point been bundled up by Sebastian. But of course, Alette had it worse. While Ciel wore a big puffy coat, Alette wore the same one in a cobalt, along with a scarf, earmuffs and gloves, all that could be seen was her eyes, and she looked quite agitated.
"Selima I don't need all this!" is what they could decipher
"Sorry, my lady I can't understand you." She articulated, patting a fuming Alette's head.
"Inspector, you can't be serious... Not him." Pleaded Ciel, looking up at the large purple sign that read The Undertaker
"Yes, him. You lot can wait right here outside. You are lucky I let you accompany me at all." Indicated Abberline.
"What a hopeless fool..." muttered Ciel.
"One of the privileges of youth, my lord." Adds Sebastian
"So, what is this place?" asked Lau, confused about the whole case
"It's the Undertaker's parlor! You met him during the Jack the Ripper case, remember?" yells an irritated Ciel
"Oh, right!"
"Abberline won't last one minute in there."
"Sebastian, prepare to—" They decide to take a peek inside as a roar of laughter echoes outside
"I assure you, man, you're in the wrong profession. That was hysterical. You could be a world-renowned comedian." Assures the Undertaker
"What did you say to him?"
"I have no idea. I was just talking to him normally. He began laughing like a madman."
"How unexpected. You aren't without talent."
"It seems you're a man to be reckoned with. Most interesting."
"Most terrifying indeed." Adds Selima
"But, I didn't do anything!"
"Tell me more about the ring! I want to know it all. The man you pulled out of the river was the last to have it." Demands Ciel, to a laughing Undertaker
"Perhaps it was frozen in the ice near where the body was found. You are a citizen of our great country, Mr. Undertaker. Please, give us your help in this matter." Mandates Abberline
"As I said before, I'm profoundly impressed with you, Inspector. I'll tell you everything. Where is the ring, you ask? You see, right there!" he gestures to a finely crafted statue of snow.
"Ah, it appears that the sculptor must have happened upon the ring and then designed a beautiful ice sculpture to complement it. Our mystery has been solved." Concludes Lau
"Collect the ring right now!" orders Abberline
"What do you think you're doing, thieves?!" yells a mysterious man, with a bushy beard and a sour expression.
"That dear lady will be awarded to the contest's victor. You wouldn't want to defile her now, would you?" adds Viscount Druitt, sassily waving his finger. Alette and Ciel collectively shudder, remembering their ordeal with him.
"Viscount Druitt what are you doing here?!" exclaimed Alette.
"They're holding some contest? Why is he a judge?" inserted Ciel
"Yes. Wasn't he just arrested for human trafficking? What a naughty man." Adds Lau, playfully.
"He was! I was there!" yells Alette, who can barely be deciphered still, behind all her scarfs.

"He was released a few days ago." Confesses Abberline
"Must have paid well." Mutters Ciel scornfully, reminiscing on how he and Alette were almost sold because of him.
"Excuse me, but this statue is now under the charge of Scotland Yard." Commands Abberline
"Oh, no! I don't care if you are from Scotland Yard, sir! The frost fair is an event for our citizens. I will not let you disrupt it!" rejoinders the bushy bearded man
"Just look at her beauty. Such an exquisitely noble lady. We could never allow her to be violated by anybody." Nearly sings the Viscount, twirling a beautiful ivory rose that matched his outfit.
"Says you." Shudders Alette.
"You're one to talk."
"If you insist on possessing this lady, you should offer something of equal beauty." Sniffs Druitt, making Alette groan.
"A well-spoken pronouncement from a true lover of art and beauty! As he says, if you want this statue, win the contest!" praises the bushy beard, sour tempered man.
"There's merit to your argument. The ring belongs to whomever is the winner of the contest. Nice and simple." Contemplates Ciel.
"Are you sure Ciel?" asks Alette, who is somewhat skeptical
"Yes. It will be fun. And with both of us competing there's twice the chance of us winning. It will be a nice game for us."
"Yes, it will." She smirks.
"Don't worry, Inspector, We'll get the ring." Assures Ciel
"But it's stolen property! Not to mention the fact that it's our key evidence in serial kidnappings of young girl-- Ah!" slips Abberline
"I see, that's why the Yard is frantic to find it." Smirks Ciel with an air of gratification.
"The legend is true; every person who has owned the ring has met a horrible end! It's a cursed stone, and you still try to win it?" Alette stares wide eyed at Ciel bejeweled finger, aghast at the realization.
"Cursed, eh?"
"Then it sounds like the perfect ring for me."
"Come to think of it, isn't that family ring you wear set with a pretty blue stone as well, lord?" inquires the Undertaker.
"Perhaps you should be careful. Diamonds are quite hard. Because they're hard, they're also... brittle. If you go too far, you may be shattered as well."
"I'm not concerned. My body, along with my family ring, both have already been shattered and then reborn. I've been through too much to worry about that anymore." Alette stares at him, impressed. The boy she had come to know was so defiant yet strong from all his struggles.
"Win the contest, that's an order!"
"Indeed, young master."
"Selima, assist Sebastian. You two competing will only end in bloodshed and we can't have any of your shenanigans at a time like this." She warns. She yearned to show Sebastian and Ciel exactly what a Vamphina could do, but there was no use; an order had been set, and if she ordered Selima to win, there'd only be another draw.
"Welcome one and all to the Thames Frost Fair! Now it is time for the traditional ice sculpture contest! You have until 3 p.m. All right. You may begin sculpting!" announces a new man, with half mustache and copper colored hair with enthusiasm. Sebastian and Selima intertwine their fingers, smirking at their new task with confidence.
They begin, working at an ungodly speed. Everyone stares as their movements are only blurs. Selima offers advice to Sebastian, and even offers up the idea of Noah's Ark, with a touch sure to entice the viscount. All is well; Sebastian is sculpting the final touches, Selima molding the back end when suddenly Sebastian is met with a face full of snow. He spits out the water in his mouth from the snow ball, and looks up to see a giggling Selima holding about three perfectly spherical snow balls. He smiles.
"Shouldn't you be finishing up the sculpture?" he asks, half smiling at the cuteness of his girlfriend.
"Maybe I finished." She chirps, tauntingly.
"Maybe you should prepare yourself to lose." He threatens, whipping a handful of snow toward her. His aim would have been perfect, should she have stayed in place, and she was gone with the wind. He looks up to see her in mid jump, pelting him with snow balls; all of which he was able to dodge. Their movements blur as a crowd gathers. There is a constant bombardment of snow in each direction, making a small blizzard appear. Just as suddenly as it starts it stops, and they are in each other's arms. He holds her close and inhales her natural scent; Japanese cherry blossoms, and she buries her face in his chest to fight the cold, nuzzling the fabric of his raven colored coat. He presses his cold lips to her forehead and she sighs with pleasure, blushing slightly. Ciel and Alette return from catching a cup of hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies, and are astonished at what they find. Behind Sebastian, stands a formidable statue of a scorpion, its pinchers are open and stinger at the ready, it is in all, quite a sight. Behind Selima stands a vicious guard dog, maw open, teeth gleaming. Sebastian and Selima maintain their embrace, confident as always as the judging begins.
"And now folks, the judging shall commence! First up, we have Scotland Yard and Its Merry Men, with their sculpture, "Guardian of London"! Judges' scores! One, two, one, one, zero! For a total of five points! Next team, whose name is All Women's Dresses Should Be Tiny... And their entry! For obvious reasons, this ice sculpture has been disqualified."
"But why?" asks Lau innocently

"How could you possibly think that was proper to display?!" scolds Ciel.

"You know, when they hide bits like that I think it only makes it more erotic..." Alette shudders as the Viscount gives it a satisfied smirk while rating it a ten.
"You two can win this without a doubt, can't you?" requests Alette.
"Of course we will. We produce only the finest of work, An order was delivered , therefore, it shall commence." Answers Selima
"And next, from the team known as Queen's Puppy, we have "The Ark of Noah"!" proclaims the announcer. They pull down a ghost white sheet to reveal a magnificent boat, chiseled to perfection.
"What a sculpture! I've never seen it's like! That is art in its highest form!"

"An amazing piece! Let's see the total scores." Upon the front stood the Viscount Druitt, in the phoenix pose, sending the man into a beautiful tirade. This was an addition made by Selima, who thought there was no harm in flattering the man.
"Selima stop glorifying that man!" growls Alette
"One moment! My apologies, but you haven't seen all of the sculpture yet." Inserts Sebastian, snapping his fingers with the arm that was not holding Selima, signifying the demise of the rooftop. It falls, revealing a cluster of animals, another one of Selima's suggestions
"Wow! They look like living animals!" praises the onlookers

"Brilliant! He deliberately made the seam of the roof weak so it would melt and fall apart in time!" observes the busy bearded man.
"Ah! Ahh! Our ancestor, the brave man who stood fearlessly against the flood of God's wrath: Noah! He is depicted here with the pairs of animals he was ordered to rescue, awaiting rebirth from the sea." Rants the Viscount.
"Astounding work, you two! It's high art! I declare you both ice sculptors of the highest caliber." Commends another judge.
"No, sir. You're too kind. I am simply one hell of a butler." He smiles kindly.
"Hell, I'm simply one bloody good maiden." There's some muttering as the final scores are about to be announced.
"Hold it right there! Hate to break up the party, but this ring is ours. We're taking what belongs to us." States a previously unnoticed man, drawing a gun.

"Hold on. That means you're the..." concludes Abberline

"That's right. We're the team of thieves all of London's been talking about. Maybe you'll recognize these. You have ten seconds! Anyone who doesn't want to die should get the hell out of here. Ten!"" he counts down., revealing a bomb strapped to his torso.
"What do you wish me to do, young mistress?" asks Selima, ready for a new task.
"Stop them, and retrieve the ring."
"My orders remain the same, Sebastian."
"Indeed, young master."

"What are you doing?! Hurry up, we need to get out of here!" Abberline calls to Alette and Ciel, who had not panicked in the least and stood glued to their spots


"You can go if you want to. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Assures Ceil


"I can't leave you two here! I joined Scotland Yard to protect our citizens!"


"That includes noblemen like you, Ciel! I refuse to let you two stay!"


"What a fool."
"He doesn't understand such things." Adds Alette, as the inspector runs toward them, only to be shot at.
"Stay back, Inspector. You only have three seconds left. A sweet little boy ad girl like you, shouldn't you be running away?" Alette flushes red, she hated being underestimated because of her age. She'd show them what a Vamphina could do. She and Ciel exchange glances and smirk.
"Look behind you." They synchronize. Sebastian jumps out like a trout in the water and kicks the gun out of the man's hand. The other men try to shoot but soon Selima has appeared, in the air. She flicks her legs majestically, carving a V into the men's chests with her skates. They drop their guns as they place their hands over the budding crimson on their chests, their clothes were now in shreds.
"Damn you... little brat! I'm gonna blow you away!" he declares, lighting a fuse to the bomb. He tosses it in Alette and Ciel's direction but soon they are in Selimas arms, far away from the detonation. "Again?! I hate these two!" He begins frantically throwing bombs in her direction, all of which she dodges with a smile. The ice begins to shudder beneath them.
"My lady, hold on to Ciel." Selima commands, as they begin to swing round and round. She finally lets go, sealing their departure with a wink as the ice shatters beneath her. Sebastian scoops her up and soon they are afloat on the ark they both built.
"The Hope Diamond will sleep safely at the bottom of the Thames...Not a bad end."
"Certainly better than them getting their hands on it." Agrees Alette. Abberline stares in awe at the pair, who were calmer than ever. Meanwhile, Sebastian sweeps Selima off her feet, leaning in close, tracing the outline of her jaw with one long finger.
"You were almost in a dilemma there." He affirms.
"I would have gotten out of it myself." She assures him, smirking at their closeness.
"Be careful." He almost pleads, his scarlet eyes boring into her emerald ones. She wraps an arm around him and leans in, closing the distance between them. Their cold lips brush, sending warmth radiating through each other's bodies. She runs her hands through his inky hair, kissing him with a passion they both felt. He wraps his arms around her waist , leaning her back, enjoying the feel of her in his arms. They break apart to breath.
"I'll try." She promises  

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