Their Butlers, Dating

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  Selima sat up front with Sebastian in the main carriage while Alette and Ciel sat indoors as to avoid the oncoming winter's chill. The cleaning crew followed up in another carriage, chanting nonsense which frankly was getting on Sebastian's nerves. The butler's gloved hands were laced together. He chances a glance toward Selima, whose dark features were complimented by the airy background. The snow matched her tone of skin, and made her dark hair and red lips stand out. It made his mouth quirk up a bit in the corner. They come upon a broken, wooden sign with a beautiful onyx raven perched upon it, saying Welcome to Houndsworth!
"It seems we've arrived at the village, everyone." Announces Sebastian.

"All right!" The workers harmonize. However they get a feel Sebastian has neglected to mention something, as they look around and recognize the desolate setting is rather grim. Dog collars hang like nooses and bones of unknown origin litter the ground.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention something: the resort that the Queen is planning has yet to be constructed." Sebastian informs/.
"Oops." Selima giggles
"Yes, master..." they synchronize

"Ho ho..." adds Tanaka
* * *
"A holiday, young master, in this season?"

"Yes, indeed. Tell me, have you ever heard of a pastime known as bear-baiting?"

"The notion does sound entertaining, but I'm afraid I've not heard of it. Indulge me, sir?" Sebastian hovered over Ciel, while Selima poured both him and Alette tea.

"A bear is chained to a fence. It is then surrounded by vicious dogs which slowly bite and kill it."

"That sounds like something that only a human would dream of.
"Wouldn't that be interesting to try on a human? I'm sure you humans have done it before." Titters Selima, perfectly pouring the tea.
"That's dreadful!" commented Alette

"It was banned back in 1835 when the Cruelty to Animals Act was instated. However, there was still a loophole: the attack dogs they used were not banned. So a new game developed."

"They use dogs to attack dogs. Let's see... Would that be "dog-baiting"?" asks Sebastian. Alette sips her tea nervously. She had never been particularly fond of dogs but she did have a sense of morality.

"There's a village in which it's quite popular, known as Houndsworth. It has long been known for raising fierce hunting dogs, but they take it further."
"We've got to stop them Ciel! Please!" plead Alette.
"It breaks her Majesty's heart. So we'll secure the village as land for a royal estate, a simple pretext to end the atrocities."
"Good!" replied Alette enthusiastically

"A village full of dogs?"
"Yes, why?"

"Well, please forgive me, master, this seems a rather insignificant task for one of your station to take on." Alette seems taken aback by such a question, but he takes no notice.

"Sebastian, you should know by now that I have my reasons. This is indeed a task fit for a Phantomhive."

* * *
They watch as the crew prattles along, trying to help an old woman muttering about bad dogs.
"They are rather foolish, aren't they?" commented Selima.
"Yes, it is what I deal with every day, so I suppose I am used to it by now." Sebastian chuckles, giving her hand a small squeeze.
"That's why we're here. Apparently a lot of the villagers have been violently killed or gone missing. The villager has shrunk to a third of its size in the last ten years. A part of our task is to find out why, then put an end to the problem."
"Hopefully it will be easy and they won't put up a fight."
"Oi, it's startin' to look like a place we're stayin'!" cried Baldroy, seeing a lake in the distance. They come upon a small village, filled with a small amount of people. There were several dead, decaying trees decorating the road.
"Sit. Lie down. Who's the good boy! My good boy!" They overheard.
"Oh my! I'd let him pet me, yes I would!" mentions Mey-Rin

"He manipulates the creature with rewards and punishments. He commands the mutt's obedience, but the dog isn't blameless either. It fawns on its human, and welcomes the chain around its neck. I can't understand it."
"Someone got deep really quick. What troubles you?" requests Selima.
"If you're trying to get at something deeper, just say it." Drawls Ciel
"No, it's nothing of import, my lord. Simply that while I love cats, I'm not especially fond of dogs. To be completely frank, I hate them." Alette gasps at this revelation.
"How could someone hate dogs?!"
"Very easily, my lady." Selima stares at the cage of energized mongrels. She harbored neither love nor hate for the animal, she simply got along with them; she knew her master adored the though. Ciel, a bit offended by this notion, barks. They come upon a large estate, in front exits a lady in white to greet them with a smile.
"I presume this is the Earl of Phantomhive?"
"Welcome to Barrymore Castle. My master awaits your arrival." The crew stares in awe at the marvelous beauty of the woman; though it was a subtle one at that. Though her hair appeared ivory and raggedy, her eyes shone like stars on a black night and her skin was incredibly soft to the touch; she stole young Finnan's words right from his mouth. They enter the home to find it rather gloomy, the curtains are all shut, letting no light leak in form the outdoors. The decorations are not elaborate but blunt, two axes hang above the mantle and metal shields are lined underneath.
"This is pleasant." Lied Alette through her teeth. As they enter the mans office, they are encircled by severed heads of animals. It causes Alette to scowl.
"Who the hell is this Chihuahua?!" screamed the man, violently whipping the poor servant."I told you to bring me the Queen's guard dog when he arrived! Can't you... do... anything?!"
"Back off you jerk!" calls Alette, distracting the vicious man.
"You brought me this puppy too?!" Alette steps forward but Selima grasps her wrist.
"Let go, Selima."
"Selima is right. He has a weapon and isn't thinking clearly. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." Admits Ciel "Move, Sebastian."
"What are you doing, you filthy Doberman?! Somebody should train you better! Let me go right now!"yelled the man, as Sebastian clutched his wrist, just enough to make it hurt. Selima held onto Alette tightly.
"He's acting on my orders." Calmly explained Ciel.
"Who are you?!" demanded the male.
"From the sound of it, you have already received the letter I sent. My name is Ciel, the Earl of Phantomhive."
"Do you mean to tell me a toy poodle like you is the Queen's emissary?!"
"What do you have against small breeds?" asked Alette
"You don't like small breeds, Lord Henry? Now that's hardly fair."
"Our bodies may be small but I think you'll soon find out our bite can be just as agonizing." Adds Alette
Angela shakily pours the tea, Selima right by her side should anything spill. Bruises and gnashes were very clearly forming along her once flawless skin, and parts of her clothing were ripped from the lashes.
"There's nothing to discuss. Under no circumstances will I sell Barrymore Castle to anybody."
"Why is that?" Alette sips her tea quietly, trying to rid herself of the bitter taste the man had left.
"Because of the curse." The lord vaguely responds
"Oh, what curse?"
"This village and its dogs have existed for centuries. Anyone who interferes with us will be cursed, in a most horrible way. Even the Queen cannot lift the curse! Your mission is pointless! Anyone who acts against the wishes of the Barrymore family is destined to meet an unimaginably terrible end!" states the man passionately
"My, how interesting." Dragged out Ciel
"You've piqued my curiosity. I'd like to see this dreadful curse of yours, Lord Henry" Ciel answers, clearly skeptical, causing the man to scowl.
Soon it is late and the moon rises, casting a magnificent glow. The young masters slip into their night clothes, ready to retire for bed. Selima and Sebastian, begin to prepare for the next day. Selima irons the dress Alette intends to wear while Sebastian dresses Ciel. Neither intends to sleep that night. They never do however, since they do not need to. Ciel is about to climb into bed when there is a knock upon the wooden door.
"Come in". answers Sebastian
"I apologize for calling so late." Replies Angela. Alette peaks outside at the sound of her voice.
"What is that you need? My young master is about to retire for the evening." Informs Sebastian, mildly irritated at this late night caller, interrupting not just his schedule and master's sleep, but his plans as well.
"I have a request to make. Leave the castle, leave the village completely! You mustn't stay here."
"Why is that?
"I can't say..." Sebastian scowls at her disobliging attitude
"No! The demon hound! It's coming!" she shakes.
"The what?"
"Ah!" A shadow appears across the mauve curtain as if on cue.
"Sebastian!" He rushes toward the shadow, and rips the curtain open, only to find the moon, peeking through the clouds, spilling light everywhere.
"What was that thing?"
"Master, look there." Everyone peers over his shoulder, and sees the faintest green glow of what might have been a dog. It left glowing green foot prints wherever it went, lighting up the small village as people heard its howls.
"It's the demon hound!" cried a civilian
"The demon hound is here!" yelled another.
"Who is it? Who's the bad dog?!" shouted a last. Alette and Ciel dash outside to see what all the fuss is about, confident with the butlers at their side. Ciel, cautiously rubs a finger in the glowing substance, Alette not far behind.
"Master!" bellowed Mey-Rin "Angela!"
"What's goin' on here?! What's all the fuss about?!" inquired Baldroy
"The demon hound is here." Educated Angela
"Demon hound?" They all asked
"It brings great catastrophe to the village. Anyone who dares to defy my master will be punished by the demon hound. That's the law here; there is no way to stop it." Everyone, even Tanaka looks grave, as a crowd filled with torches, almost resembling a mob appears.
"Angela! Please wake Lord Barrymore at once. The demon hound has come again."
"Who was the punished one?" As Angela retrieved her master, the rest of them followed the illuminated footsteps to a dead body; blood oozed from individual puncture wholes, like bite marks. The man was not long dead. Despite having a history in the underworld and dealing with many cases solo, Alette never got used to seeing cadavers. She buries her face in Ciel's shoulder.
"How awful."

"So that's it then." Ciel bends down, observing that his clothes are ripped to shreds.
"Stand back, don't touch! I see it was James then. He was the bad dog." Lord Barrymore confirms.
"Yes. He broke the legal restriction on dog ownership. He had six dogs, one more than is allowed."
"A sixth dog. Then this was inevitable."
"You killed a man because he had one more pet than you liked?!" called Alette, clearly outraged.
"That's all you can say?! Really?!" agrees Bardroy.
"This village is under my rule and no other. The demon hound protects that rule. As the guardian of the Barrymore family, it punishes anyone and everyone who dares to challenge me!" declares Lord Barrymore. Alette pushes to the front, defiant of this man's pompous and clearly fake rule. Selima grabs her shoulder and gives her a complimentary smile
"My lady, please do try to hold your tongue, we don't want to start an trouble. Yet." The crowd begins to sing as the corpse is carried away by two villagers. The eerie song sends chills down Alette's spine.
"I was sure you outsiders were going to be its next prey...You were lucky to have escaped." He continues as the crowd walks away; they acted together, totally in sync with each other.
"Well mistress, your orders?" asked Selima.
"Hold off for now. Wait until we can proof what a fraud he really is. " the butlers escort their masters back to bed and return to their chores. Selima was just about finished when suddenly, a soft hand backons her into the darkness. She giggles, as he places a warm kiss on her forehead.
"Shouldn't you have better things to do than to seduce a lady at the stroke of midnight?"
"That sounds like something my young master would say. Are you saying you don't care to go on a date now?"
"That's not what I said." She blushes and has the urge to press his lips to hers, if only shut him up.
"Then come along." He removes his white glove, revealing black nails and a violet mixed with ebony pointed pentagram. She smiles; they had an instant connection, something about being of the same species made them comfortable with each other, even though it had only been a month they felt they had no secrets. She takes off her laced glove, unveiling pale skin and long fingers. Without thinking, she places their hands together; his was a bit larger than hers, to say the least. His hand engulfs her own, warming the cold fingertips. They walk outdoors, leaving their masters to rest. She hasn't a clue where he is taking her, but the mystery makes her all the more invested. The night is cold, but she doesn't feel it much. It was the benefit of being a demon temperature never affected you. The clouds have cleared up by this time, they wander on the slick, snow trodden grass, making their nice shoes all wet. Their toes are frozen, but they don't care. It doesn't have much effect on them. In the distance lies an old cemetery; fellows that have died years and years ago, back to the seventeen hundreds. Selimas heels crack through the ice, making slight crunching noises.. I In the middle of the graveyard lies an old deceased tree, its placing only seemed appropriate. Sebastian walks straight up to it and pulls out an old rickety basket from one of the crevices of the trees many branches. From that he pulls out a charcoal colored blanket mixed with a dash of jade and sets it down gracefully on a spot that has been shoveled of snow. He helps Selima down, then pulls out two chocolate cakes he had made special for the occasion.
"When did you have the time?" she asks.
"I always have the time for you, my love." He responds, feeling a foreign feeling in his chest. If he had a heart beat, it would be racing. He hands her a cake, takes a fork out of his pocket and slowly picks a piece apart for her.
"Do you take me for a child?"
"Of course not, but I am so used to doing it for the young master, forgive me. Besides humans regard this type of thing as romantic."
"How would you know? You've never been involved in any romantic endeavors and neither has your young master."
"What kind of a butler would I be if I couldn't properly seduce a beautiful lady?" he chuckles.
"One who isn't worth his salt." She replies, knowing his saying by now. He pierces a piece of the cake and places it in her mouth, now that she is more complacent. She giggles as he wipes chocolate off her glossed lips. He finishes feeding her, scraping the last crumbs of cake off with the utensil.
"Your turn." She titters, which makes her mentally scold herself. She hated how high her voice would get around him, she was not that type of woman after all.
"No, I can do it myself. I am an apt butler after all."
"I am as well. I let you do it to me."
"No double standards!" She tackles him to the ground in the snow, his raven hair and ivory snow being the perfect contrast. She looks at him, flustered by the fact of how close she was, and the fact was she was sitting on his waist, in a very sexual way.
"You're no lady." He smirks.
"I'm very much a proper lady and that means you'll have to wait now open your mouth." She picks apart the cake without trouble, then gently shoves it in his mouth. They stay quiet as she feeds him.
"Have you ever lain with another man?"
"Am I married?"
"Then you know my answer is of course not." He wraps his arms around her from behind.
"Then I have wonderful surprise for you." He whispers in her ear, sending shivers down her back.
"You talk a big game, but I know you haven't either."
"I'm simply one hell of a butler, I excel at everything I do."
"Well. I am too." She winks.  

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