Her Butler, Offering

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  "Ciel it looks like you're the only one who can get close to the leader?" sighed Alette.
"What do you mean?" asked Selima, clearly disheveled from her recent make out session. This made Grell scream inside.
"Didn't she tell you? Only boys can get close to the leader."
"Have I taught you nothing? A woman can do anything a man can do."
"I don't see how I can magically grow a --."
"I mean." She cut her off. "It's all about appearance." She pulls out a hair tie, and puts Alette's hair up into a pile on her head. "Sebastian, go fetch me some makeup, a hat and a jacket."
"Certainly." He obliges, returning momentarily with the requested items. Selima places the cap on top, covering Alette's long hair, then wraps the jacket around the girl to cover her developing curves. Finally, she wipes off the light eye makeup she was wearing, and brushes a light coloring onto her face, making her jaw more prominent.
"This may hurt." She warns, but before Alette can protest, she punches her in the throat.
"Ow!" complains Alette, her voice a few octaves deeper.
"There. Ciel, make sure she doesn't do anything too feminine while you're in the leader's presence." 'she instructed.
"I'm ready!" sang Grell, appearing before them, appearing before them in short shorts and a white and blue crop top. She looked like a sailor went wrong. "I could easily get into the heavenly choir!" Alette gagged, earning her a glare. "Who's this little wanker?" she growled, making Selima smirk. Her endeavor had been successful. Sebastian intertwined their fingers, chilled from the night air
"Wahl! You're making me impure!" cried a little boy. Everyone looked up to the new source of light, intrigued as to what it could be. "Oh its time for our leaders cleansing ceremony!"
"Alette, Ciel, that's your cue. And don't let anyone find out she's a girl." Advised Selima, shooing them off. Selima and Sebastian sat toward the back, not being the most comfortable with churches. Grell tried to cuddle Sebastian but was immediately pushed off by Selima, making it clear Sebastian's arm had no room for anyone other than her. She barely paid the ritual any attention, for she knew Sebastian was and of course the young mistress would be playing close attention. She wrapped her arms around Sebastian and dully listened, inhaling his dark, flower like scent. Grell simply pouted next to her. Candles lit the interior, casting long, eerie shadows all over the chapel. People were wearing shrouds of pure onyx, and seemed to be in mourning. She sighed in comfort; it was almost like a funeral. A nun began to slowly play the piano, setting the mood to be even more grim. The leader approaches the candlelit podium, with hood covering his eyes, Ciel and Alette stare intently at the scene unfolding before them, as the man began to speak.
"Here, tonight, the sinful unclean shall be made pure." He proclaimed, his voice boomed, carrying all the way to the back clearly, without any assistance. Selima shook a little with anger. These people deserved to burn. As the man and woman were uncloaked, Sebastian covered her eyes.
"Hey! I'm a grown woman." She objected.
"Yes, but a lady should not have to witness such things." He elaborated.
"If I can't see, you can't either." She chirped quietly, covering his eyes as she struggled, he placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Would you two knock your nonsense off?!" hissed Ciel under his breath. Sebastian gave his master a whole hearted smile as a small vein pounded in Ciel's temple. Books were brought forth, thick leather bound ones, that smelt of mold and years.
"Are those Cinematic Records?" probed Sebastian.
"Too far away to tell." She answered, clearly disgruntled.
"I shall read the Doomsday books of these impure, lost children." Boomed the leader. "Jill Peasant, the second daughter of a farmer, she conceived a child at fifteen. Thomas Atkins. No especially evil deeds, but he has spent his life meaninglessly. That is a grave sin."
"Can you really punish someone for not having meaning?" queried Selima
"Apparently." Responded Sebastian. Ciel watched as their bodies began to shake violently as a dark aura encircled the, almost consuming them A light gleamed through the stained glass, giving the place a more heavenly vibe that made Selima shudder again; Sebastian stared, his jaw firmly set. The entire life story of these two poor souls was spewed onto the window, splayed out for everyone to see.
"This is..." started Ciel
"Snuff out the unworthy! Snuff out the unnecessary! Snuff out the unfruitful! Snuff out the unclean!" he yelled viciously. It was then through all the commotion, that the glass shattered, and fell down unto the writhing bodies of the clan's members. The light extinguished and everyone went silent. "Now nothing unclean exists on this dais. They are our brother and sister, made pure as snow!" Everyone began cheering as the man and the woman's bodies were covered once more. Ciel watched coldly alongside Alette, both forlorn.
"Somethings off. Those books weren't' Cinematic Records." Clarified Grell after they had left the scene.
"So if he doesn't have the power to see the past, what was all that just now?" asked Alette. They were interrupted by a nun's piercing scream.
"The heavens have frowned upon you!" she screamed. Selima's eyes glowed a dangerous shade of olive. She was about to sharpen her nails into talons of her true form and take this woman out, when Sebastian gave her a small squeeze on her shoulder. She knew his message instantly, Not yet.
* * *
"S-s-stop!" screeched Alette, almost too high pitched for a boy. Ciel tried fighting the women off as they tried to peel off Alette's jacket. They had got him shirtless as well. He was not at all comfortable like this in front of Alette but he heeded Selima's order "Don't let them find out she's a girl." Well they'd sure be in hot water if they undressed her and found lady's undergarments.

"Nonsense, you two have been chosen for the heavenly choir." Plus, if they weren't' careful they'd wipe off he powder Selima had wiped on Alette's face. "So we must cleanse you from head to toe. Such unblemished skin!" squealed the woman as she felt Ceils upper arm
"Don't touch me either!" stuttered Ciel. Where was Sebastian when he needed him?
"Don't worry, we've already been cleansed!" reassured one of the women.
"That's not the problem!" whined Alette, clearly embarrassed.
"Pardon me, but we'll take care of the rest." Intervened Sebastian.
"We can't allow that, you're still unclean." they countered.
"Am I impure?" questioned Sebastian, with the sad puppy dog look no one could resist. Selima rolled her eyes at him.
"Maybe you're not..." they trailed off, staring at him.
* * *
"We've brought them."
"Leave us." The leader ordered, everyone left, leaving Alette and Ciel alone with the mysterious man.
"You both look divine. Come this way" he praised.
"We're honored to have been chidden." Articulated Alette, clearly. The man reaches out and touches her, Ciel frowns. His actions were most suspicious. But he took no action for he knew Alette could handle herself. They had to endure a lot for their jobs, this was just part of it.
"I'll read you two a book."
"Sir, what is a Doomsday Book?" asked Ciel ever so politely.
"I'll read it to you...until you fall asleep. Tonight is a treat." Alette notices Ciel tense up as he remembers his last birthday with his parents alive, the man ruffles his hair like his father used to, and suddenly Ciel feels violated. She steps back and pulls Alette with him. "Cleanse yourself of the sins you have committed here and now." Boomed the man, Ciel looks up, leaving his neck wide open. The symbol in the stained glass had started to glow. What was going here? Just then, the man be=gins to asphyxiate him. He cut his very life source off, unable to breathe, he struggled blindly, why wasn't Alette doing anything?" just as abruptly as it had started, it stopped and the man was on the floor, gasping for breath himself. Alette had kicked him in the stomach, rendering him powerless.
"Selima, this is an order! Kill him!" commanded Alette, grabbing Ciel by the back of the shirt and dragging him. As she went ahead, she bumped into Sebastian.
"I'll take him from here, my lady. I couldn't let you do the work; then what kind of butler would I be?" Just then the glass shattered again, revealing Selima, eyes aglow.
"Yes, my lady." It took only a few seconds for her to withdraw a kitchen knife from her sleeve and only a few more seconds for her to slash it, giving him a red smile. Another figure arises but Selima is just as quick, and tears it to bits revealing that there was nothing there after all. Soft ivory feathers, the kind you might see if you cut open a pillow case, drifted downward.
"I thought it was you, Angela."
"Hey what's an angel doing in this realm?" inquires Grell. She swoops down, grabs the half unconscious Ciel and the struggling Alette, and flies off. Alette punches, kicks, bites, but to avail. Her self-defense training was useless against this entity. Mockingly, she pulls out a book, flaunting it for Sebastian, Selima and Grell to see. "Look that's a real Cinematic Record!" From the book extended lines of film, pure white and twisting, grasping ensnaring Sebastian.
"Grell, your death scythe!" he yelled.
"Give me some time! I'm working on it!" she cried, using her scissors to cut one string at a time. Then in jumped Selima.
"I kind of like seeing you all tied up like this." She giggled "So helpless." He smirks.
"Maybe one day I'll let you tie me up."
"Maybe I will." She grins then takes out the two knives she always hides in her long sleeves. She begins to cut at an ungodly speed, snipping and sawing the film to pieces until Sebastian is free, and the film disintegrates.
"I shall show you the light and dark of your past." Informs Angela.
"Here we go."   

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