Her Butler, Training

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  The next day they descended the stairway to the jail cell to find the man with his throat ripped out. Sebastian glances Selima's way, curious as to if she is behind this murder as well.
"He's gone... Bloody hell..." yelled Bardroy
"Where is Lord Barrymore?" Asked Angela, as a new man burst into the room.
"The demon hound... The great hound is here." He gasped, Ciel and Alette stood in awe
"The hound?!" A howl echoes through the night,
"How can this be?!" wheezed Alette. Outside, the dogs howl and the people sing, repenting for their momentary lapse of judgement. Everyone dashes outside to see what all the commotion is about.
"What's happening?" asks Ciel and Alette. They then observe the corpse, chained to the wall; the crew all scream. Selima merely nods as Sebastian advances, observing the body and its wounds.
"Snap out of it! What you all doin'?!" cries Bardroy
"Oh great demon hound! Please, please, oh, please!"
"Well, this is unfortunate, master. To think all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure you're a bit... annoyed?" affronts Sebastian with a small smile on his face.
"Are you quite finished? This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse... I thought for certain the hound was an illusion created by Lord Barrymore so he could firmly rule the village. But with him dead... I need to rethink things."
"It's going to be a long night." Sighed Alette, knowing they had a lot of work ahead of them.
"He was covered in bite wounds... Maybe the villagers are right. Maybe it really was the demon hound."
"Don't be silly Ciel! You know those things don't exist?"
"They're just myths right?"
"Well yes but--."
"Well a few years ago we would have said the same thing about demons." Finished Ciel.
"True. But there has to be some other explanation! Someone else must be in on this!" she insisted.
"Yes, maybe. For now, there's only one thing we know: it wasn't human. The hound then."
Later that evening, Sebastian buttoned Ciel's shirt.
"Is something the matter?" he inquired
"It's about what you said earlier, how you phrased it. What you said was this wasn't human work? What if that bloody reaper has gotten himself involved in this?" questioned Ciel. Sebastian shudders at the thought of having to deal with him, again. He could just imagine trying to separate Selima and him as they fought to certain death over him. For his sake, he knew Selima would certainly win.
"It seems you're learning faster every day. I'm so very proud of you, sir. But there is no need to worry. I believe Mey-Rin's thought was not wholly incorrect. The hound was after Lord Henry. I don't believe anyone else is in danger of becoming its victim."
"That's not enough information for me to close the case."
"Ah, such loyalty to your Queen. Quite touching, really."
"That's not it. At least not all of it."
"You're usually so calm and steady, but this case seems to have you rattled."
"I'm interested about this issue you have with the dogs."

"As I said, you learn faster every day."
* * *

"For today's tea we have a cabinet pudding. It was made using local blackberries." Sebastian announced, as Selima served the food.
"You're certainly relaxed."
"Because we're in no hurry, sir."
"Sebastian, hurry!"
"What's the matter this time? Do calm down, please." Contended Sebastian
"We've looked all over, but we can't find Angela!" she screeched.
"Oh, is that all? Yeah, don't worry about it. She said there were some medicinal herbs growing by the fen. She went there to pick some up, that's all." Informed Bardroy.
"Right now? Why would she?"
"She went all alone when there might be a demon hound out there?"
"Ugh... She really is rather daft isn't she." Groaned Selima
"Oh, hell..."
"What was she thinking going out all by herself?"
"She said she was worried, you know, about you being kind of sick and all."
"For me? She went for me?"
"C'mon, Sebastian! Let's go help him!"
"Well, er..." he sighed
"Hurry! Are you a red-blooded man or aren't you!" Selima giggled at this pun "Fine, then. Let's go, Mey-Rin." Everyone rushes out on the search, leaving Alette, Ciel and their butlers behind.
"You know, I'm quite interested. What color is your blood? At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now. Go out there and put on a good show for me. Am I clear?" enunciates Ciel.
"Selima, go help him." She orders.
"Perfectly, my young lord."
* * *
"Would you look at that. Selima! So well-trained, he even knows how to shake hands." Sebastian shook the great beasts paw as it stares at him in confusion. The crew had gone through a great deal of trouble looking for that house maid, and in their endeavors they encountered the great demon hound. So naturally, once again, it was Selima and Sebastian to the rescue.
"Yes, he is a talented dog!" she cooed.
"But I'm afraid, well-trained or not, you'll have to go now!" he yells, as he flips the dog backward toward Selima. She spins jumps and kicks the dog back. He lands with a thump, kicking up a cloud of dust.
"Come, this is no time to be playing with a puppy." Scolds Ciel, Alette scowling behind him.

"Master!" the servants collectively gasp, seeing that the dog has recovered. He glares at the pair with scarlet eyes.
"Certainly. I shall finish it off at once. It smells irresistible, doesn't it, dog? This is what you want, right? Inukko, the treat no dog can refuse." Sebastian narrates, as Selima pulls out a long bone form her breast pocket.
"She really comes prepared..." muttered Alette.
"There is only one way to properly train a bad dog. You must teach the creature to obey your every command. Using rewards and punishments! Firstly, reward!" Selima tosses the treat to the animal to keep it at bay, as Sebastian launches himself forward, landing directly on the beast's snout. Everyone has a quizzical expression as the man begins to nibble on the dogs nose.
"Uhh..." stutters finny.
"Selima, what is he doing?"
"I'm no expert in dogs, my lady. Whatever it is though, I'm sure it will work." As if on cue the dog growls in pleasure, arching its back.
"And now, punishment!" bellows Selima, jumping impossibly high off the ground, then kicks the canine, sending it backward. It lay sprawled out on the ground. They continue this pattern, Sebastian tosses the dog a treat as Selima uppercuts it. Soon Sebastian is rubbing the hound's stomach as it kicks its leg in pleasure. Selima whirls the pooch around then sends him flying.
"Well, I suppose I did ask him to put on a good show." Mumbles Ciel.
"Don't you think the dogs about had it?" asks a worried Alette, feeling sympathetic for the dog.
"Don't be so upset, if it weren't for them we'd all be dog food by now."

"And finally... a hug!" concludes Sebastian, charging toward the beast. The two fly up, defying gravity, and eventually come down with an even greater force.
"Quit dawdling down in that hole! Get back here right now!" commands Ciel

"Yes, sir." Obliges Sebastian, just as soon as the words leave his mouth a mist emerges from the hole. Instinctively everyone escapes just in time, as water shoots out of the gap.
"Ouch! Why is it scalding hot?!" yells Alette, hiding behind Selima.
"It is a hot spring he's unearthed, my lady."
"Ho ho ho." Agrees Tanaka.
"Um, where's Sebastian?"
"This village is intended to be a resort for the Queen. It needs a central attraction. A luxury, a way for visitors to relax and forget their cares. That's what we have here: a natural hot spring." He replies, his thin shadow rising from the spring. But something still puzzled Alette; who was the manish figure he held in his arms? "If I couldn't find a hot spring or two for my master, well, then what kind of butler would I be?
The idea is simply unthinkable"
"One who isn't worth his salt." Answers Selima The butler scowls as the figure he held licked his cheek in affection. Selima, without a second thought, whacked the back of his head.
"Only I can do that!" she asserted, making Sebastian smirk.
"Pluto!" yelled Angela, as she arrived on the scene


"Good boy. My good boy." She praised as the dog licked her. "I'm sorry for the confusion. This is Pluto, I found him last month. I've always been a big dog lover. And he was so adorable; I absolutely had to take him in. He does have a bad habit of turning human when he gets excited..." she trailed off.
"So you sheltered and fed him for a month without telling anybody else?" inquired Sebastian.
"That's right. Lord Barrymore used the legend of the demon hound to control the villagers, but in truth he feared the hound more than anyone else. I didn't know what would happen to Pluto if he found out... I see now I was too indulgent. I never thought this sweet boy would hurt Lord Barrymore...I beg you, sir! Please take him with you! I know it's an imposition, but would you bring him to live at the Phantomhive manor?" she implored.
"You want us to keep that monster?!"

"He needs a firm hand. I think if those two were there to train him, he would become a good dog."
"Oh please Ciel! Can't you keep him! I'll take care if him if you want!" begged Alette
"No thank you. I'm a butler, not one hell of a dog trainer." Decides Sebastian, making Alette's heart falter.

"Why not?" gives in Ciel.

"Master...Is this an order?." Solicits Sebastian, glaring at his master and hoping it was not.
"It is. I think I'll find it amusing... in several ways." smirks Ciel, which only pissed Sebastian off even more. Their staring contest is cut off by the shaking of the ground as a congregation approaches, weeping.
"The curse of the great demon hound is lifted!" sobbed a villager

"Oh thank goodness, we're finally free!" bawled another

"What are they talking about?" asked Alette.

"My lady, there is a legend in this village When the sins of our ancestors against dogs have been fully atoned for, the land will weep tears of forgiveness." Informs Angela.
"The land's tears are a blessing!"

"Don't they realize the hot spring has been there under the ground all along?"

"Likely not. At any rate, our work here is done."

"I seem to recall you were forced to eat your words earlier. Would you like to say it again now that it's true?"
"The case is officially closed!"
* * *
"Excellent. This is just perfect." Sighs Ciel, relaxing in the spring.

"Allow me, sir, traditional hot spring service. You see, my lord, this is how the Japanese enjoy hot springs." Educated Sebastian
"That gloomy village has experienced quite a transformation. I imagine it would be enough to dispel the Queen's worries."
"Something tells me that my worries are only just beginning..." suddenly Alette walks in, looking for Ciel. Ciel jumps and scrambles to cover himself as Sebastian chuckles.
"CIEL! Cover yourself, jeez!" she gasped, flustered and embarrassed.
"Ohhh, you saw his nipples, my lady. How very terrifying." states a sarcastic Selima, who entered right behind Alette.
"Shut up! I didn't hire you for your sass!" snaps Alette.
"It's a package deal." Comes back Selima.
* * *
Angela coos over Pluto for one last time. Selima and Sebastian sit up front while Alette and Ciel climb into the back of the carriage.
"If you're finished, shall we go?"

"Certainly. Maybe someday I'll come to visit Pluto at the estate." Dreams Angela, her eyes glossy.

"I don't know if that would be a good idea."


"You were able to tame a demon hound. That's a task not many people could do. You seem to have a talent for wrapping lesser beings around your finger."

"Let's go, Sebastian."

"Goodbye! I hope we'll see you again!"

"One day, you shall."She smirks, Selima watches her warily as they head off. She did not like the vibe she got from that woman.   

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